Find the cube root of the result when you subtract x ^ 3 from 4097x ^ 3

Cube root is the operation of finding what number, when multiplied by itself three times, gives the output as 36. Cube roots are seen across mathematics, as well as other disciplines like Physics and Chemistry, too. It’s important to know how they work and how you can simplify them to get your answer. Find out what the cube root of 36 is by looking at a detailed step-by-step solution.


subtract 4097x^3-x^3 = x^3(4097-1) = 4096x^3.     -- -(1)

now to find cube root     ...... from (1)
1)taking cube root of 4096,we get 16.
2)taking cube root of x^3 ,we get x.
therefore cuberoot of   4096x^3  is 16x.