When one card is selected at random from a pack of 52 playing cards the possible selections are

14. It is the possible selections when one card is selected at random from a pack of 52 playing cards. A、52 B. 104 C.520 D. 2704 15. Wbon twe dice are selled the mas mum tetal ce the twe faces af the dice will


When one card is selected at random from a pack of 52 playing cards the possible selections are


Grade 9 · 2021-07-04

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14. It is the possible selections when one card is selected at random from a pack of 14. It is the possible selections when one card is - Gauthmath playing cards.
B. 104
C. 520
D. 2704 15. Wbon twe dice are selled the mas mum tetal ce the twe faces af the dice will

When one card is selected at random from a pack of 52 playing cards the possible selections are




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The correct option is B 1013otal number of cards = 52 Total number of face cards = 12 ∴P(face card)=Number of favourable outcomes Total number of outcomes=1252=313Thus,P(non−facecard)=1−P(facecard)=1−313=1013 Hence, the correct answer is option b.

#P(Q " or Club") = 16/52#



Probability = #"number of wanted outcomes"/"total number of possible outcomes"#

There is quite a range of cards which will meet the requirements:

There are 4 Queens and 13 clubs. #4+13 = 17#

However, this means that the Queen of Clubs has been counted twice. There are:

#4+13 -1 = 16# desirable outcomes and #52# possible outcomes.

#P(Q " or Club") = P(Q) +P(C)-P("Queen of clubs")#


#P(Q " or Club") = 16/52#


What is the probability that a card chosen at random from a standard deck of 52 cards will be either a face card or a heart?

There are 26 black cards and 12 face cards in total. However, of those 26 black cards, there are 6 face cards. That means there are 26+12-6 = 32 cards in total that are either a black card or a face card, but not both. That means the answer to the question is 32/52 = 8/13.

What is the probability of getting a queen if you choose a card at random from a standard pack of 52 playing cards?

We pick a card, write down what it is, then put it back in the deck and draw again. To find the P(QQQ), we find the probability of drawing the first queen which is 4/52.

What is the probability that a card drawn at random from a 52 card deck may be either a king or a queen?

Complete step-by-step answer: Hence the probability of getting a king or a queen out of 52 cards is 2/13.

What is the probability of randomly choosing a picture card from a deck of 52 playing cards?

Solution : There are 12 picture cards in a standard deck ,so id one card is drawn , the probability that it is
a picture card is `(12)/(52)` .