Giải tiếng anh unit 5 lớp 6

1. Look at the picture and choose the correct answer. 

The lion has got a thick trunk/mane. It's got a long tail/neck, too! 

=> Answer: mane, tail

2. Match the adjectives (1-4) to their opposites (a-d). 

1. fast                                          a. tiring

2. exciting                                    b. slow

3. relaxing                                    c. expensive

4. cheap                                       d. boring 

=> Answer:

1 - b               2 - d              3 - a            4 - c

3. Look at the pictures and choose the correct answer.

Giải tiếng anh unit 5 lớp 6

1. Lucy goes to school by bus/ car.

2. We went to London on the ship/ train.

3. He goes to work on foot/ a bicycle.

4. She went to the airport in a tram/ taxi.

=> Answer:

1. bus

2. train

3. bicycle

4. taxi

4. Write the Past Simple of the verbs.

1. think __________            6. enjoy __________

2. study __________           7. decide __________

3. eat __________               8. want __________

4. buy __________              9. take __________

5. book __________            10. have __________

=> Answer:

1. thought             6. enjoyed 

2. studied            7. decided

3. ate                    8. wanted

4. bought              9. took

5. booked            10. had

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the affirmative or negative form of the Past Simple.

1. Darren ______ (book) his holiday online (v)

2. He ______ (visit) any museum during his trip (x)

3. He ______ (eat) local dishes at a restaurant (v)

4. He ______ (have) a very good time (x)

=> Answer:

1. booked

2. didn't visit

3. ate

4. didn't have

6. Use the words in brackets to write questions.

1. The flight left at 11:30 a.m ( What time?)

2. I got to work by bus (How?)

3. I went on holiday to Portugal last summer. (Where?)

4. He packed his suitcase to travel abroad. (Why?)

=> Answer:

1. What time did the flight leave?

2. How did you get to work?

3. Where did you go on holiday last summer?

4. Why dide pack his suitcase?

7. Look at what Sarah did/didn't do on her holiday. Write questions, then answer them. 

1. go sightseeing? (✓) 

2. stay at a hotel? (X) 

3. eat local dishes? (✓) 

4. go cinema? (X) 

=> Answer:

1. Did Sarah go sightseeing? - Yes, she did.

2. Did Sarah stay at a hotel? - No, she didn't.

3. Did Sarah eat local dishes? - Yes, she did.

4. Did Sarah go to cinema? - No, she didn't

8. Complete the dialogue. Use:

• What was the hotel like?                           • What did you do?

• It sounds like you had a great time.           • How was your holiday?

Lucy: Hi, Jake. Welcome back! 1) ______________

Jake: It was amazing. We went to Spain. 

Lucy: Wow 2) ______________

Jake: It was fantastic! It was close to the beach and our room was huge!

Lucy: 3) ______________

Jake: In the morning, we went sightseeing. Then, in the afternoon, we went snorkeling. 

Lucy: 4) ________________

=> Answer: 

1. How was your holiday?

2. What was the hotel like?  

3. What did you do?

4. It sounds like you had a great time.

9. Read the text and decide if the sentence are R (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn't say)

Giải tiếng anh unit 5 lớp 6

1. Shakespeare performed as an actor in theatres all over the world.

2. Children learn about Shakespeare's plays at school.

3. Shakespeare's wife was 18 when they got married.

4. Stratford-upon-Avon is a tourist attraction. 

=> Answer:

1. F

2. T

3. DS

4. T

10. Listen to Ben talking to Molly about his holiday. Then decide if the statement (1-4) are R (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn't say)

1. Ben usually goes on holiday to Italy.

2. Most of the time, the weather was cloudy.

3. Ben spent lots of money on souvenirs.

4. Ben's favorite food was ice cream.

=> Answer: Đang cập nhật.

10. Write a letter to your English-speaking pen-friend about a recent trip of yours (about 50-60 words). Write about where you went, who you were with and what you saw/did.

=> Answer:

Dear Bob, 

I am writing to tell you about my holiday with my family in Da Nang.

I really had great holiday with my family. On the firts day, we had a trip to Ba Na Hills. I had the most interesting experience when I was on the telepheric. The beaches in Da Nang are so beautiful, specially they are very pure. I saw the dawn on Da Nang beach and i took many photos. I also had a good chance oto try many foods there. I hope you can enjoy some experience the same what i did in Da Nang.

Write to me and tell me what you do in your holiday.

looking forward to hearing from you.


Making and accepting appointments

1. Listen and read the short conversation below, paying attention to the highlighted parts.

Bài nghe:

Steven: Duong, let’s go for a picnic this Sunday.

Duong: That’s fine. What time can we meet?

Steven: How about 9 c’clock?

Duong: Sure. I’ll meet you at that time.

Hướng dẫn dịch:

Steven: Dương, chủ nhật này đi dã ngoại đi.

Dương: Được đấy. Chúng ta gặp nhau lúc mấy giờ?

Steven: 9 giờ thì sao?

Dương: Chắc chắn rồi. Chúng ta sẽ gặp vào lúc đó nhé.

3. Read the travel guide entry. (Đọc hướng dẫn du lịch)

Giải tiếng anh unit 5 lớp 6

Hướng dẫn dịch:

Himalaya là một dãy nói. Nó rất đặc biệt. Nó có ngọn núi cao nhất thế giới – đỉnh Everest.

Khi thăm dãy Himalaya, nên nhớ những quy định sau:

- Bạn cần hỏi han trước khi thăm thú khu vực này.

- Bạn không được đi một mình. Luôn đi theo nhóm.

- Bạn không được xả rác

- Bạn chỉ mang những thứ cần thiết.

- Bạn phải mang quần áo phù hợp. Đừng mặc quần đùi hay áo phông.

4. Now make a list of the things you must bring to the Himalayas. Then add things you mustn’t bring. (Bây giờ hãy viết một danh sách những thứ em cần phải mang lên Himalaya. Sau đó thêm những thứ em không phải mang).



Compass, cane, sleeping bag, sun hat, sun glasses, suncream, painkiller

Bicycle, scissor, t-short, short, dress

5. Role-play being a tour guide and a tourist. Tell your partner what to prepare for their trip to the Himalayas, and give reasons. (Đóng vai là hướng dẫn viên và khách du lịch. Nói cho bạn về những thứ cần chuẩn bị cho chuyến di của họ đến Himalaya. Cố gắng đưa ra lý do.)

Ví dụ:

A: I’d like to go to the Himalayas next month.

B: Ok. I think you must bring a waterproof coat. It’s cold and rainy there!

A. Yes. Anything else?

B: You must bring some painkillers. You can be ill because it’s very cold.

A: Ok. Anything else?

B: You mustn’t bring fashionable clothes. It’s not necessary.

A: Thank you

Hướng dẫn dịch:

A: Tôi muốn đến núi Mimalaya vào tháng tới

B: Được thôi. Tôi nghĩ bạn phải mang theo áo khoác chống thấm nước. Nó lạnh và có mưa ở đó!

A: Ừ. Còn gì nữa không?

B: Bạn phải mang theo thuôc giảm đau. Bạn có thể bị ốm vì ở đó rất lạnh.

A: OK, còn gì nữa không?

B: Bạn không phải mang quần áo thời trang. Nó không cần thiết.