chicken run là gì - Nghĩa của từ chicken run

chicken run có nghĩa là

doing something last minute, usually the result of disorganization or procrastination


K: Did you finish your assignment?
B: nah, Im gonna pull a chicken run Monday morning

chicken run có nghĩa là

To perform the chicken-run:
1. Get friend drunk/stoned.
2. Tie their hands in front of them.
3. Peel down their pants at the back just enough so their crack is showing.
4. Insert a small strip of toilet paper into the victim...i mean, friend's brown baby boy button.
5. Set fire to aforementioned TP and, since their hands are tied up so they cant reach back to put it out, they run around for a while like a chicken.
6. Watch and chuckle. Filming the ordeal is good blackmail.


"ok, when hotpopulardrunkchick passes out, we'll chickenrun her"

chicken run có nghĩa là

Diarrhea incurred from eating large quantities of spicy chicken.


The man was stricken by a case of the chicken runs after eating 40 hot wings at the bar.

chicken run có nghĩa là

The best piece of art I’ve ever witnessed in my stupid ass life, like seriously one time I was at my 3rds cousin’s birthday party with some oriental background actresses along with one funeral clown and this frat dude (party boy from college) who was butt vapping some WD-40 at the time pulls out his Mac book pro and starts blasting the chicken run original soundtrack 2001 and immediately the space time continuum breaks and the one true god (ginger from speaks to me in a disappointing mother like tone and says “say it don’t spray it” then the bruh sound effect comes booming from the distance like operation rolling thunder and I wake up in the middle of my annual lobotomy visit. My point is this stuff is more metal that bismith


Doug:“Dude did you hear about how my grandma got boned to death in the hospital, feelsbadman” Ramadan Steve : don’t even wack attack about that broshavik, I’ll just play the chicken run original soundtrack 2001 to 1st coming her back from the dead, it’s probably the best piece of art I’ve ever witnessed, it’s radical my bruh” *plays chicken run original soundtrack* Doug: h*ck yeah dude you just saved my grandma from being boned by the grim reaper to death just like ginger from boned the space time continuum, that sure is swell” Ramadan Steve: “yeah whatever “Mohamed””

chicken run có nghĩa là

Refers to the honour bestowed upon an individual within a group work environment. The chosen one must run to the nearest McDonalds establishment and acquire at least 1 chicken nugget sharebox with an assortment of sauces to bring back so a feast of nuggets can be enjoyed by everyone, lifting their spirits and making the shift more tolerable.


Luke "Karin, are you going to be in the premises of a McDonalds establishment today?" Karin "Does a Bear shit in the woods?" Luke "Fancy going the Chicken Nugget Run?" Karin "What sauces does everyone want?"

chicken run có nghĩa là

A term sometimes used in software development, most likely in the video game industry, to describe a person's code or asset submit to the project's source control (ie: Perforce) just before leaving the office for an extended period, ie:(before lunch or the end of day), without the person staying to see his code / asset submission breaks the build / code compilation. May also be used in a changelist description by the person submitting the code / asset change to warn others he is conscious about the abomination he/she did. Also see:
Ninja Chicken
Blind Chicken


Joe did a chicken run again and broke the build. As a changelist description:
Batman25 - updated main character for tonight's demo deliverable - CHICKEN RUN

chicken run có nghĩa là

An informal expression for the illegal operation of trafficking Hispanic immigrants across the border to the USA or vice versa. These operations were run by traffickers nicknamed polleros; drivers of trucks modified to hide twenty or more immigrants in its carriage. The trucks are often disguised as delivery vans or oil tankers.


The truck was found to be a chicken run, driving out of Juarez and into the south of Texas. The border patrol has been playing hide-and-seek with these polleros for 2 years.

chicken run có nghĩa là

When you and your friends are at the mall and are hungry, but don't feel like buying anything. Thus, you walk by the restaurants at the food court that hand out free chicken (usually bourbon chicken). Often repeated as hunger necessitates.


"Dude, I'm hungry but I don't have any money!."
"It's okay, let's make a chicken run!"

chicken run có nghĩa là

A genetic abnormality affecting a large number of women in modernized nations. Mainly features a large and overweight midsection/upper thighs while the remainder of the physique is still fit in nature. Not a lot can be done to rectify this and it is a shame when an otherwise hot girl has been afflicted. Refer to the movie chicken run for visual examples.


"Check out that girl, she'd be hot if she didn't have chicken run syndrome"

chicken run có nghĩa là

When you put sweet and spicy barbecue sauce all over a girl. Then you throw her out the window, and she deflects off a green light causing it to turn red...where she lands on a grill, and gets fire roasted to sweet, savory perfection. Tastes almost like chicken.


Hey girl, run chicken run.