Park arts centre listening ielts answers

Part 1: Questions 1-6
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Park arts centre listening ielts answers

(1)                        (2)
(3)                       (4)
(5)                       (6)

Questions 7-10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Kangaroo lodge
Address: on (7) Lane General information about hostel accommodation • Sheets are provided

• Can hire a (8)

(9) is included
• A shared (10) is available

Part 2: Questions 11-16
Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Anglia Sculpture Park 11. The land where the Sculpture Park is located was previously

A completely covered by forest.

B the site of a private house.
C occupied by a factory.

12. What is unusual about the Anglia Sculpture Park?
A Artists have made sculptures especially for it.
B Some of its sculptures were donated by the artists.
C It only shows contemporary sculptures.

13. What is the theme of Joe Tremain’s ‘burnt’ sculptures?
A the contrast between nature and urban life
B the effect of man on the environment
C the violence of nature

14. The path by the Lower Lake
A is rather wet in some places.
B has recently been repaired.
C is difficult to walk on.

15. What does the speaker say about the Visitor Centre?
A It is being enlarged at present.
B It has received an international award.
C It was designed by a Canadian architect.

16. Today, visitors can buy snacks and sandwiches
A at the kiosk.
B in the Terrace Room.
C at the Lower Lake Cafe.

Questions 17-20 Label the map below. Write the correct letter A-F next to questions 17-20.

Park arts centre listening ielts answers

17. Joe Tremain sculptures
18. Giorgio catalucci bird sculptures
19. Garden gallery
20. Long house

Part 3: Questions 21-26
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

Marketing report 21. Why did Leo choose instant coffee as the topic for his marketing report?

A He found plenty of material on the topic.

B He had some practical experience in the area.
C He had an idea of a brand he wanted to target.

22. Leo discovered that in Australia, recent technological developments
A are producing less healthy types of instant coffee.
B are reducing the demand for instant coffee.
C are improving the quality of instant coffee.

23. What do the speakers agree about Leo’s table of coffee products?
A It needs more explanation in the text.
B It is factually inaccurate in some places.
C It would be best to put this in the appendix.

24. What do they decide about the description of Shaffers coffee as a market follower?
A Leo needs to define his terms.
B Leo needs to provide more evidence.
C Leo needs to put it in a different section.

25. What does Anna say about originality in someone’s first marketing report?
A Clear analysis of data can be considered original.
B Graphs and diagrams should be original, not copied.
C Reports should contain some original data collected by the student.

26. What difference between his school assignments and this report has surprised Leo?
A not knowing the criteria for getting a good mark
B being required to produce work without assistance
C having to do a great deal of research

Questions 27-30
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Notes on specific sections of marketing report
Executive summary
• Give a brief overview including the (27)

• Link each problem to a (28) which explains it

Implementation • Practical solutions to problems

• Include details such as participants, (29) and sequence

• Section is often poorly done because of lack of (30)

• Don’t use new material here

Part 4: Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

History of fireworks in Europe
13th-16th centuries • Fireworks were introduced from China • Their use was mainly to do with: o War

o (31) (in plays and festivals)

17th century
• Various features of (32) were shown in fireworks displays • Scientists were interested in using ideas from fireworks displays:

o To make human (33) possible

o To show the formation of (34)

• London: o Scientists were distrustful at first

o Later they investigated (35) uses of fireworks

• St Petersburg:
o Fireworks were seen as a work of (36) for people

• Paris:
o Displays emphasized the power of the (37)
o Scientists aimed to provide (38)

18th century • Italian fireworks specialists became influential

• Servandoni’s fireworks display followed the same pattern as an (39)

• The appeal of fireworks extended to the middle classes

• Some displays demonstrated new scientific discoveries such as (40)

Cambridge IELTS 1 Listening Test 3 with answers, downloadable pdf and audio transcript.

Total no. of Questions: 40

Approx. Time: 30 mins


Question 1-4

Circle the appropriate letter.

How does the woman travel every day?
A. by car B. by busC. on foot ☑️

D. by train

Q1. What are the parking regulations on campus?

A. undergraduate parking allowed

B. postgraduate parking allowed

C. staff parking only allowed

D. no student parking allowed

Q2. The administration office is in block…

A. B

B. D

C. E

D. G

Q3. If you do not have a parking sticker, the following action will be taken:

A. wheel clamp your car

B. fine only

C. tow away your car and fine

D. tow away your car only

Q4. Which picture shows the correct location of the Administration office?

Park arts centre listening ielts answers



Questions 5-10

Complete the application form.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


Name:(5) …………………….
Address:Flat 13 (6) …………………….
Suburb:(7) …………………….
Faculty:(8) …………………….
Registration no.:(9) …………………….
Make of car:(10) …………………….

Questions 11-12

Q11. Cashier’s office opens at…

A. 12.15

B. 2.00

C. 2.15

D. 4.30

Q12. Where must the sticker be displayed?

Ans. ……………………………………


Questions 13-23

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Date the museum was opened(13) …………………….
The museum consists of a building and (14) …………………….
Handicapped toilet door showsExample: a wheelchair
The Education Centre is signposted by(15) …………………….
If you lose your friends, meet at the(16) …………………….
Warning about The Vampire(17) …………………….
How often are the tours of The Vampire?(18) …………………….
Person featured in today’s video(19) …………………….
The Leisure Gallery shows how Australian culture is influenced by(20) …………………….
The Picture Gallery contains pictures by(21) …………………….
Cost of family membership of the museum(22) …………………….
“Passengers and the Sea” includes a collection of(23) …………………….


Questions 24-27

Circle the appropriate letter.

Q24. Mark is going to talk briefly about…

A. marketing new products.

B. pricing strategies.

C. managing large companies.

D. setting sales targets.

Q25. According to Susan, air fares are lowest when they…

A. include weekend travel.

B. are booked well in advance.

C. are non-refundable.

D. are for business travel only.

Q26. Mark thinks revenue management is..

A. interesting.

B. complicated.

C. time-consuming.

D. reasonable.

Q27. The airline companies want to…

A. increase profits.

B. benefit the passenger.

C. sell cheap seats.

D. improve the service.



Questions 28-32

Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Two reasons for the new approach to pricing are:
(28) ……………………. and (29) ……………………. .

In future, people will be able to book airline tickets (30) ……………………. .

Also being marketed in this way are (31) ……………………. and (32) ……………………. .


Questions 33-37

Complete the table given below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Park arts centre listening ielts answers

Questions 38-40

Label the diagram below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

First shelves-customers usually (38) ……………………. these.


Products placed here sell well particularly if they are placed (39) ……………………. .
These areas are known as (40) ……………………. .

Cambridge IELTS 1 Listening Test 3 Answers

Check your Listening Test 3 answers of Cambridge IELTS 1 booklet below:

1. B2. D3. C4. A5. Richard Lee6. 30 Enmore Road7. Newport8. Architecture9. LJX 058K10. Ford11. C12. window/windscreen13. November 199114. (historic) ships15. green arrows16. information desk17. stairs to climb/lots of stairs18. every hour19. Captain Cook20. the sea21. Australian artists/painters22. $7023. souvenirs24. B25. C26. D27. A28. law has changed/law changes29. computer programs30. from home (computer)31. hotels/hotel beds/rooms32. hire cars33. displays/products34. (hidden) TV cameras35. recorder/recording36. Spaceman37. position/shelf/spot/place38. walk past/ignore39. at eye level

40. hotspots

Cambridge IELTS 1 Listening Test 3 PDF & Transcript

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