Out of circulation là gì


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Từ: circulation


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chưa có chủ đề

  • danh từ

    sự lưu thông

    the circulation of the blood

    sự lưu thông của máu

  • sự lưu hành (tiền tệ

    to put into circulation

    cho lưu hành

    to withdraw from circulation

    không cho lưu hành, thu hồi

  • tổng số phát hành (báo, tạp chí...)

  • tiền, đồng tiền

  • (toán học) lưu số

“I think for trans men who are dating every time they hook up they have another coming out,” Sandler said.

  • And he was gone, and out of sight on the swift galloping Benito, before Father Gaspara bethought himself.

  • Most of the men leaped up, caught hold of spears or knives, and rushed out.

  • Liszt looked at it, and to her fright and dismay cried out in a fit of impatience, "No, I won't hear it!"

  • The most High hath created medicines out of the earth, and a wise man will not abhor them.

  • Squinty could look out, but the slats were as close together as those in a chicken coop, and the little pig could not get out.

    The center of the storm was slightly elongated but moderate wind shear continued to impact the circulation.

    On the business end, he quickly built the newspaper into the state's most influential, with a national circulation of 120,000.

    VERB + CIRCULATION have I've got poor circulation. | improve, stimulate to have a massage to stimulate your circulation

    PHRASES the circulation of the blood

    2 passing of sth between different people

    ADJ. general | restricted Restricted circulation of the report will reduce the risk of leaks outside the ministry.

    VERB + CIRCULATION go into The new banknotes will go into general circulation next year. | put sth into | take sth out of, withdraw sth from Copies of the magazine were withdrawn from circulation.

    PREP. in/out of ~ the amount of money in circulation (figurative) I was out of circulation for months after the baby was born.

    Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "out of circulation", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ out of circulation, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ out of circulation trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

    1. The coins were taken out of circulation.

    2. The book was taken out of circulation.

    3. His book has been taken out of circulation.

    4. Sandy's out of circulation until after her exams.

    5. If the currency is returned to the Federal reserve, reserve accountsare credited and Federal Reserve notes are taken out of circulation.

    6. Crime we know about and talk about and deplore, but sin as a subject for discussion has gone out of circulation.

    7. America can therefore in the development of new energy technology, trade in excess profit, in order to earn $out of circulation.

    8. You want to be angry because it makes you predisposed to fight, or depressed, because it keeps you out of circulation a little bit.

    the process in which something such as information, money, or goods passes from one person to another:

    Police have warned that there are a lot of fake £50 notes in circulation.

    Add her name to the circulation list for this report (= the people who will be given it to read).

    figurative I hear she's out of circulation/back in circulation (= taking part/not taking part in social activities) after her accident.

    C2 [ C usually singular ]

    the number of people that a newspaper or magazine is regularly sold to:

    The paper has a circulation of 150,000.

    C2 [ U ]

    the movement of blood around the body:

    Exercise helps to improve circulation.

    Thêm các ví dụ
    • The newspaper's circulation has dropped dramatically.
    • I heard that there are several stolen paintings in circulation.
    • Police are aware of the circulation of forged bank notes.

    SMART Vocabulary: các từ liên quan và các cụm từ

    The circulatory system & blood

    • ABO
    • accessory pathway
    • antegrade
    • anterograde
    • anti-platelet
    • blood donor
    • blood vessel
    • capillary
    • erectile
    • immunoglobulin
    • intravascular
    • intravenously
    • jugular
    • jugular vein
    • Rh factor
    • vasodilation
    • VEGF
    • veined
    • vena
    • venosus
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    Bạn cũng có thể tìm các từ liên quan, các cụm từ và từ đồng nghĩa trong các chủ đề này:

    Newspapers & magazines


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    (Định nghĩa của circulation từ Từ điển & Từ đồng nghĩa Cambridge dành cho Người học Nâng cao © Cambridge University Press)

    circulation | Từ điển Anh Mỹ


    noun [ C/U ]


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    the movement of blood inside the body

    Circulation is also the movement of air or water in a space or system:

    [ U ] The fans in the air circulation system make a lot of noise.

    A magazine or newspaper’s circulation is the number of people who read it:

    [ C ] The Chronicle has a daily circulation of 505,000.

    If something is in circulation, it is available:

    [ U ] Are the new dollar coins in circulation yet?

    If something is out of circulation, it is not available:

    [ U ] The company takes its movies out of circulation, then shows them again.

    [ U ] fig.infml She’s been out of circulation since her accident.

    (Định nghĩa của circulation từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

    circulation | Tiếng Anh Thương Mại




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    the use of a particular type of money or payment system in the economy:

    withdraw from/take out of circulation Many European currencies were withdrawn from circulation after the euro was adopted.

    come into/go into/be put into circulation The new $100 bills will go into circulation early next year.

    Within just five years, the number of credit cards in circulation had tripled.

    [ usually singular ]   COMMUNICATIONS

    the typical number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are sold every day, week, or month:

    a circulation of sth It has a daily circulation of 400,000, making it the second-largest newspaper in the country.

    [ U ]

    the act of sending goods or information from one person to another or from one place to another:

    the circulation of sth Despite the circulation of the memo, the company's stock price in recent days has been soaring.

    Xem thêm

    velocity of circulation

    (Định nghĩa của circulation từ Từ điển Cambridge Tiếng Anh Doanh nghiệp © Cambridge University Press)

    Các ví dụ của circulation


    When the placentation is dichorionic, separate fetal placental circulations are maintained whether the placentae are fused or separate.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

    Moreover, the set of all solutions to the hcd -system may be obtained from a single basic solution and the elementary circulations of the network.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

    However, we know that their circulations were significantly lower, probably no more than 5,000.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

    The diagnostic feature of a common trunk is that it supplies directly the coronary, systemic and pulmonary circulations.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

    Ultrasonic assessment of pulmonary hemodynamics in maturing, chronically instrumented lambs with normal and abnormal pulmonary circulations.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

    The studies in the uterine and systemic circulations are highly indicative of substantial remodelling occurring in pregnancy.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

    Thermally driven flows with strong rotation effects are of fundamental importance in planetary circulations and also in stellar systems.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

    Furthermore, the various rings differed in their displacements normal to the traverse line, in their circulations, and in their small-scale internal details.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

    The age at presentation is strongly related with the degree of cyanosis, which depends on the amount of mixing between the systemic and pulmonary circulations.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

    His abdominal ultrasound showed patent portal and hepatic venous circulations, as well as a patent inferior caval vein.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

    In almost all cases studied, placentas demonstrate superficial artery-to-artery and vein-to-vein communications between the acardiac and pump twin's circulations.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

    Dizygotic twins therefore preserve separate fetal placental circulations despite apparent placental fusion.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

    We simply need to collect all particular solutions in one vector and add multiples of the various elementary circulations, one for each cycle.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

    Open squares, 1.4% isoflurane was delivered to both cranial and torso (spinal) circulations.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

    Although the neglect of ocean dynamics and deep thermohaline circulations probably affects some regional details of our results, the basic aspects are very likely to be robust.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus

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    Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

    Các cụm từ với circulation


    Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với circulation.

    Bấm vào một cụm từ để xem thêm các ví dụ của cụm từ đó.

    air circulation

    This timber formed a platform on the bottom of the incinerator and lifted the waste for better air circulation.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus  

    atmospheric circulation

    On the efficiency of the engine driving the atmospheric circulation.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus  

    average circulation

    The correction factor to the irrotational temperature distribution is the average circulation.

    Từ Cambridge English Corpus  

    Những ví dụ này từ Cambridge English Corpus và từ các nguồn trên web. Tất cả những ý kiến trong các ví dụ không thể hiện ý kiến của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của người cấp phép.