List using array in C

List using array in C
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Array Programs
Find Length of Array
How to Print an Array
Sum of Array Elements
Reverse an Array in C
Copy an Array in C
Merge Two Arrays in C
Merge Two Sorted Arrays
Count Repeated Elements
Find Duplicate Elements
Linear Search in C
Binary Search in C
Insert Element in Array
Delete Element in Array
Display odd-even in Array
Sum & Count of Odd-Even
Count +ve, -ve, & 0
Sum of +ve, -ve Numbers
Avg & Numbers > Avg
Smallest & Largest Element
1st 2nd Max-Min
Sort Array in C
Search element in Array
Search index of Nth times occurred element
Matrix Programs

There are many Sorting algorithms, which sort a list of an array elements.

#include int main() { int n, i, j; printf("Enter array range(no of array element): "); scanf("%d",&n); int arr[n]; printf("Enter the array element: "); // take input(Array elements) for(i=0;iarr[j]) { int temp=arr[i]; arr[i]=arr[j]; arr[j]=temp; } } } // display sorted array printf("Sorted array elements are:\n"); for(i=0;iOutput:-

Enter array range(no of array element): 5
Enter the array element: 90
Sorted array elements are:

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Max & Min Numbers
Search Array Element

Similar C program using Arrays

  • C program to find thesum of elementsin anarray
  • Displayeven and oddnumbers in anarray
  • Sum and count of even and odd numbersin an array
  • Countthepositive,negative, andzerosin an array
  • Sum of positive and negative numbersin an array
  • Average and numbers greater than averagein array
  • Smallest & largest array elementwith their position
  • Firstmaxandmin, Second max and min number in array
  • C program tosorta list of anarray element& display
  • C program tosearch an Array elementand display index
  • Search position of Nth times occurred elementin array
  • C program toinsert an elementin a given array
  • C program todelete an elementin a given array

Examples on multidimensional Array in C

  • How topassamultidimensional arrayto afunction
  • Largest and smallest in a 2D arraywith position
  • Store temperature of two Cities for a week & display
  • Matrix Operations Addition, Multiplication, Transpose
Array Programs
Find Lengthof Array in C
How toPrintanArrayin C
Sum of arrayelements in C
ReverseanArrayin C
C program toCopyanArray
MergeTwoArraysin C
MergeTwoSorted Arraysin C
Count Repeated Elements in Array
Find Duplicate Elementsin Array
Linear Searchin C
Binary Searchin C
Insertanelementin an array
Deleteanelementin an array
Displayodd-evenin an array
Sum & count of odd-even
Count+ve,-ve, &0in an array
Sum of +ve, -ve numbersin an array
Avg & numbers greater than avgin array
Smallest & largest elementwith Position
Firstmax-min, Second max-min number
Sorta list of anarray element& display
Search element and display index
Search index of Nth times occurred element
Matrix Programs
List using array in C
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# Basic C Programs
# Flow Control Programs
# C Function Programs
# C Array Programs
# C String Programs
# C Pointer Programs
# Others
