lake high là gì - Nghĩa của từ lake high

lake high có nghĩa là

The Avon Lake High School is located in the Northeastern part of Ohio. Hugging the shores of Lake Erie, The Avon Lake High School Students (Mostly White) are apart of a excellent education environment. But what people don't know is that inside its maroon and gold walls lays a cesspool of all sorts of different people. They include the rich whores, who get the money from their daddies so they can buy Victoria Secret's Pink Yoga pants for different days of the week. The dumb "ghetto" hoes, who will usually be found in the Integrated Math III. These girls can be found "blunt blowing" and taking booty shots on their camera phones in the high school bathroom while trying to cut gym. Next are the asshole weedheads, usually sophmores, who find their pitiful knock off rap recordings godsent, where the young adolescents try to be the next Odd Future. Their extra curricular activities could include making fun of poor freshman girls out of their car windows and "fucking the bitches and getting the money" (jacking off in their rooms and asking their rich parents for $10). Next we have the successful white, oblivious students who usually fill in the gaps. These are the most cliche students you will ever meet. This school is unique in the way it swarms towards black guys as if they were the rare extreme dodo bird. They also find if you aren't good at sports, you might as well be funny because that is the only way you will be able to survive the wild melting pot which is The ALHS.


African American Student: "Hey I was thinking about going to Avon Lake High School for highschool."
ALHS student: "Theyre gonna eat you alive."

lake high có nghĩa là

An A+ arts school, located in Fort Myers, Florida, Cypress predominately contains Center kids, druggies, ghettos, and the kids who represent their ~sadness and pain with their black clothing and anime drawings. The minority includes rednecks, Beach kids, and the elite AP group.

Certain teachers at Cypress give off the impression that they never really stopped smoking weed and others like to have political debates with their classes. Cypress is infamous for it's "You know you go to CLHS if..." MySpace bullitens and it's thrice-monthly drug searches-which almost always round-up a few oblivious children.

Common characteristics for seniors enrolled at CLHS include getting obliterated almost every weekend and as a result, completing all of the previous Friday's assigned homework on Monday morning during the first few periods of the day, taking more road trips across the state of Florida than is probably necessary, slowly losing more and more sleep as the year goes on (especially pertaining to AP students), taking a fourth year of French just because Mrs. McCarthy is awesome, and becoming best friends with your guidance counselor.

Memorable days for CLHS include the Senior Parade of the class of '07, where pupils were found vomiting in classroom rubbish bins, jumping on teacher-owned vehicles, and running from the drug-search-cops with paper bags over their heads. Also, the '08 mock-election of Mrs. McGalliard's AP class that concluded in a successful ass-whooping of Barack Obama.

A high school career spent at Cypress Lake High School is never forgotten.


"What high school did you go to?"
"Cypress Lake High School"
"That's right."

lake high có nghĩa là

1. Rich white kid school; Lame high school in a small town right outside of Kalamazoo and Portage MI. It has a horrible name too. "GULL".


Person one: "hey, have heard of Gull Lake High School?" Person two: "yeah, that school is like 99.2 percent white!"

lake high có nghĩa là

A modern cesspool of poorly educated, unadapted, evolutionary throwbacks confined into a small (badly constructed) building, curiously undiscovered by civilized society for generations. The inhabitants are often (but not always) maintained by "teachers," who, for the most part, are even less informed than the throwbacks themselves, and can typically be found reading Stephanie Meyer novels and gorging on buckets of KGC; they are compensated by the State under the guise of being "educators," though they are frequently uneducated, and maintain poor personality skills, professional decorum, and personal hygiene. All inhabitants ("educators" included) are ignorant to the woes of the world. They have, in fact, been living under a rock for most of their lives, and will only accept facts which are presented to them via rap music, Stephanie Meyer, Emo bands, Will Ferrel, and/or Barrack Obama (himself). Over time, inhabitants have been known to grow hostile and short-tempered. Frequent fights begot custom - it is considered customary for an inhabitant to challenge another in much the same fashion as a wild mountain goat might: head down, shoulders rounded, feet churning. Challenger and challenged often collide violently, leaving both disoriented and empty-headed (though it is not yet known whether this species is even born with a brain to begin with). Such customs have resulted in a subsequently noted "football program," as outsiders who witness the fights stagger to find an explanation, often turning to the world of modern sports. Inhabitants of a Lakes High School continue to breed and to pass on their culture - when asked about their goals for the future, Lakes High Schoolers gave a series of grunts and quizzical expressions.
It is suspected that they lack most basic communication skills.


Tourist 1: Hey! Is that a pile of reanimated Neanderthal corpses right there beside that 7-11? Tourist 2: No, that's just Lakes High School.

lake high có nghĩa là

A huge high school located in the affluent Houston suburb of Katy,TX. Consists of students whose families are definitely in the upper echelons of society (i.e top 1%) Unlike most "rich kid" high schools, there is an incredibly diverse and open student body, coming from very well educated backgrounds. Campus is pretty awful, but the people make up for it...


You go to Seven Lakes High School? Damn, your school wins everything....

lake high có nghĩa là

a bummy ass school up in the trees that consist of nicotine addicts that think it’s cool to pass around their nic stick in the bathroom, white girls that bring their nasty ass red bull drinks everyday and white washed black people. “hey did you hear about that fight that broke out at lunch? i got it on snap i’ll send it to you but don’t post it on your story i’m not tryna get suspended.”


“bonney lake high school home of the panthers and a semi decent female security guard that runs funny.”

lake high có nghĩa là

this school is filled with a bunch of fake ass hoes and cringe kids. half of our school is furrys. and girls think it’s a trend to get pregnant. from girls fucking teachers to people thinking there animals. oh and not mention , we have 4 assistant principals and an iss teacher who makes girls lift up their shirts.


we are the canyon lake high school crackheads :)

lake high có nghĩa là

A conglomeration of prissy white kids (and 15 blacks), who argue about who's dad has the most money because some day they hope to mooch of their parents estate. Also home of the Smooth Father.


Those kids at East lake High School better stop vaping in the bathrooms. -Mr. Tuscani

lake high có nghĩa là

A school in North jersey, known for the safest school in New Jersey as well. Many of these students here are either white, Albanian, or few other races. The school is full of stoners, and kids who love to drink and have a good time. Often you will find a few of these kids in there vice principal’s office getting searched and drug tested. These kids often spend there weekends out at a house party or a popular party spot referred to “Pipeline”. While some of the teachers are hitting on each other and going out together on weekend nights to bars.


Hey let’s go smoke or Juul in the bathroom at Pompton Lakes high school before class.

lake high có nghĩa là

A high school that is lucky enough to be attended by Dean.


Literally everyone: “Canyon lake high school is so lucky. That Dean kid is unbearably, damn sexy.”