annekas là gì - Nghĩa của từ annekas

annekas có nghĩa là

Very Blond and beautiful. Hilarious with her words, and loves to be random. People love to be around her, she is the life of the party. Always up for anything.


blond,beautiful,hilarious,love, Anneka

annekas có nghĩa là

A very out going down to earth girl. She's absolutely stunning and may or may not realize it. She's very earthly and natural often times to be referred to as a hippy. She has a heart of gold but is not afraid to tell you the way it is. Any guy would be lucky to have an Anneka


Guy 1: Hey did you see Anneka today?
Guy 2: Ya man, she looked beautiful as ever!

annekas có nghĩa là

Blonde and beautiful. She is always up for anything, and will never give up. When she wants anything, she will not stop until she gets it. This girl seems quiet and shy from the outside, but once you get to know her you will realize that she is more than a pretty face. She is charming, has a great sense of humour, and is a pretty badass chick, but these qualities of hers are often underrated. She knows she isn't the best at everything, but she tries hard anyways. Also, she dresses very well. Not in expensive clothes, but knows how to put an outfit together and she always looks good, but there are lots of things that no one knows about her. When you are with Anneka, you can always expect the unexpected.


Ayah: "Whoa, that girl's outfit is so cute. Who is she and where does she buy all her clothes".
Diane: "Oh thats Anneka. She is always looks so awesome. I'm so jealous!!" Adam: "Bro, what is the name of that cute, new girl?"
Steve: "Her name is Anneka. I don't know much about her, she's the quietest girl I've ever met".
Omar: "I talked to her in class today, she isn't that quiet once you get to know her".

annekas có nghĩa là

1. A Dutch nickname for "Anne": in The Diary of Anne Frank, her father sometimes called her "Anneka." Germanic version: Annika. 2. A strong woman 3. A rising mezzo-soprano in the opera scene Characteristics: The bearer of this name is often strong-willed, a little bossy, and sometimes smug. But she is also vibrant, social, intelligent, and easily amused - evidenced by her very loud, sometimes embarrassing laughter.


1. Anneka made me visit her wild and crazy friends.
2. I'm sorry, could you repeat that? Anneka was laughing.
3. Have you seen any of Anneka's performances?

annekas có nghĩa là

Anneka is a very talented girl, always willing to do whatever. She can balance a lot of activities. She is sweet and kind but doesn't take any crap. Sometimes sensitive in good and bad ways.


Hope: You a bitch anneka
Anneka: I dont care (She doesnt)

annekas có nghĩa là

Anneka is short sasquach-like creature. She cares far too much about the ones she loves and no matter how many times they let her down, she can't seem to let go. She is a loyal friend and very trust worthy. She has an odd obsession with cats and is thought to sexually abuse them on occasion.


Person 1 : I haven't seen my cat in a while
Person 2 : Maybe Anneka is molesting it

annekas có nghĩa là

There once was a girl with orange hair,
She had blue eyes, a piercing stare,
Her long, long legs up to her waist,
She was the girl all the boys wanted to chase,
Those child bearing hips and matching box gap,
Her picture on facebook, all the boys would fap, However, this poor little creature will never find love,
Because shes a creeper, spying from above,
And she also likes to poo on top of people's heads,
Or sometimes she sneaks in to drop one in their beds,
Don't be surprised if you find your cats missing,
She's probably taken it for a good kissing, (meow) WARNING: Approach Anneka at your own risk.


Hombre 1: "Hey Lance, you know that chick Anneka?"
Hombre 2: "Oh yeah! The one with orange hair? I was fapping over her FB the other day"
Hombre 1: "Yeah I got home last night and she has taken a dump in my bed and sexually abused my cat"
Hombre: 2: "Oh my god."

annekas có nghĩa là

A bit of a weird creature. Anneka always knows how to annoy others and knows how to wind people up. She typically has psychic visions, and is weirdly spiritual at times. She also tends to attach to toxic boys, which can often get her hurt. However... her jokes never fail to make you laugh, even if at times weird. And she always has her friends back when needed the most. Not to mention her amazing dance moves!


Yikes... she's such an Anneka.

annekas có nghĩa là

Anneka means an amazing person who is very pretty and funny and smart, but sometimes a bitch, but it doesn't matter cause we love her anyway because she is fabulous <3<3.< p>


"Corrrr look at that Anneka girl she's hot af like look at that bunda"

annekas có nghĩa là

Anneka is the definition of the blonde beauty. She may not realise it but she is definitely super pretty...Not only that but she has a heart of Gold! She is caring, sweet and very talented. Anneka is also really good at keeping secrets and she will always have your back. She is not afraid to call you out on something but just so you know (she's right). Anneka falls into a crush headfirst eyes close but luckily for her, she has friends who can catch her if she falls. She wears her heart on her sleeve and can sometimes get hurt. Anneka is the best friend you could ever ask for, you can talk trash about people, sing badly, spill the tea and she will always be right beside you doing the same.


Noah: Wow who is that blonde beauty over there?
Edith: Hmmm thats mah bestie
Noah: Shes really talented
Edith: Hell yeah she is so back off!
Anneka: I think im in love with Noah
Edith; No your not3<3.<>