List using array in C

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Array Programs
Find Length of Array
How to Print an Array
Sum of Array Elements
Reverse an Array in C
Copy an Array in C
Merge Two Arrays in C
Merge Two Sorted Arrays
Count Repeated Elements
Find Duplicate Elements
Linear Search in C
Binary Search in C
Insert Element in Array
Delete Element in Array
Display odd-even in Array
Sum & Count of Odd-Even
Count +ve, -ve, & 0
Sum of +ve, -ve Numbers
Avg & Numbers > Avg
Smallest & Largest Element
1st 2nd Max-Min
Sort Array in C
Search element in Array
Search index of Nth times occurred element
Matrix Programs

There are many Sorting algorithms, which sort a list of an array elements.

#include int main[] { int n, i, j; printf["Enter array range[no of array element]: "]; scanf["%d",&n]; int arr[n]; printf["Enter the array element: "]; // take input[Array elements] for[i=0;i

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