Chrome icon desktop

Everyone has a favorite web page that they navigate to as soon as they open their web browser. Whether it's CNN,Gmail, or your most beloved tech site [ours], we all have that one page we consider more important than the rest. This is why you'll want to know how to create a shortcut to a website on your desktop, so you can find out what's happening in the world right away, not two minutes behind.

Thankfully, Google Chromemakes it easy todrop clickable links onto your desktop,letting you jump to a web page in one click. Here's how to create desktop shortcuts for your favorite web pages using Chrome.

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How to create a desktop shortcutwith Google Chrome

1. Navigate to your favorite page and click the iconin the upper-right corner of the screen.

2. Select More tools.

3. Select Create shortcut.

4. Edit the shortcut name.

5. Click Create.If you check Open as Window,the next time you open the link, it will open without an editable search bar.

Now you've got a desktop shortcut that takes you directly to Chrome!

Now that you've mastered this little trick, check out our guides for how to change your password in Windows 10and how to password protect a folder in Windows 10. Burned out on Windows? Check out our guide to thebest Chromebooksand how touse Chrome's Dark Mode.

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  • How to view Google Docs without a web connection
  • How to sync Google Chrome across all of your devices

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