Check item in List C#

This post will discuss how to determine whether a list is empty in C#. The solution should return true if the list contains any elements; otherwise, false.

1. Using Enumerable.Any[] method [System.Linq]

To determine whether a list contains any elements, we can use the Enumerable.Any[] method. The following example demonstrates this use of Any.

using System.Collections.Generic;

    public static bool IsEmpty[List list]

    public static void Main[]

        List list = new List[];

        bool isEmpty = IsEmpty[list];

            Console.WriteLine["List is Empty"];

            Console.WriteLine["List contains elements"];

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2. Using Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[] method [System.Linq]

The Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[] method returns the first element of a sequence. If no elements are found, FirstOrDefault returns a default value. We can use this to check for an empty list as follows:

using System.Collections.Generic;

    public static bool IsEmpty[List list]

        return list.FirstOrDefault[] != null;

    public static void Main[]

        List list = new List[];

        bool isEmpty = IsEmpty[list];

            Console.WriteLine["List is Empty"];

            Console.WriteLine["List contains elements"];

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3. Using Enumerable.Count[] method [System.Linq]

Another approach is to use the Enumerable.Count[] method, which returns the total number of elements in a sequence.

using System.Collections.Generic;

    public static bool IsEmpty[List list]

    public static void Main[]

        List list = new List[];

        bool isEmpty = IsEmpty[list];

            Console.WriteLine["List is Empty"];

            Console.WriteLine["List contains elements"];

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That’s all about determining whether a list is empty in C#.

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