Listening student running club

By MK Editor, May 23, 2021

Running is one of the simplest and most basic ways the human body is built to move—which is probably why it’s on almost every physical education teacher’s agenda, regardless of their students’ ages or grade levels. But just because running is fundamental doesn’t mean it has to be boring. Instead of heading out to the track to run laps, why not spice up the routine? Here are twelve fun running games for kids of all ages to try out during your next pe class or play at home with the family!

This classic running game is great for interval training as well as building physical endurance and listening skills. Line your students up at the starting line. Once the teacher calls out “green light,” everyone starts running as fast as they can toward the finish line. When the teacher calls out “red light,” all the runners must freeze in place. The students can start running when the teacher calls out “green light” again. If the teacher calls out “yellow light,” the students must slow their pace until it’s time to freeze or run fast again.

There is one Tagger and two Doctors in this silly twist on tag. The rest of the students are potential patients who run to avoid being tagged. When runners are tagged, they must hold a “Band-Aid” [a hand] over the spot where they were tagged and continue running. If they’re tagged a second time, they have to hold their other hand over that spot as well and keep going. If they’re tagged a third time, they’re out of “Band-Aids” and become Patients. This means they have to freeze in place, until the Doctors come “operate.” Both Doctors must tag a frozen player at the same time in order to “operate” and “heal,” or un-freeze, the Patient, so the player can start running again. This game gets goofy when the Tagger tags runners on silly or hard-to-reach spots like their heads, knees or backs!

This game might seem childish, but it can be lots of silly fun for all ages and in almost any space, whether you’re holding class in a gym, on a basketball court or in a field. Designate one student as the shark, and have them stand in the center of the play area. All the other students are the fish and should line up side-by-side at one end of the area. All the fish call out in unison, “Shark, shark, may we cross your ocean?” When the shark responds, “Go, minnows, go,” every student runs for the far side of the play area, trying to avoid being “eaten” [tagged] by the shark. If a runner is tagged, he or she then becomes a second shark and works with the first to tag other fish. The round or game is over when there’s only one minnow left.

There are times when running laps around a quarter- or eighth-mile track is necessary—but it never has to be boring. To make running laps more fun and interesting for your students, introduce Wacky Laps, in which they run every lap in a different [and wacky!] way. Students can run the first lap to music, the second lap backward, and the third lap as slowly as possible. They can run a lap weaving among cones, another while holding hands with a partner, and another jumping over mini-hurdles [such as bean bags or any other small item that won’t trip them up]. Letting the students brainstorm their own Wacky Laps is another great way to keep them engaged.

Relay races are another great way to blend running practice with interval training and teamwork. For this whole-group relay, divide students into four groups and have each group line up in the four corners of your gym or play area. Designate the first runner—the first student in one of the lines, who will run diagonally across the play area to the group at the far corner, high-five the first runner there, and go to the end of that line. Meanwhile, the second runner [who received the high-five] has taken off to the third corner’s group to high-five that group’s first runner and head to the back of that line. That third runner will run diagonally across the area to high-five the fourth group’s first runner—and so on. The running pattern follows a continuous hourglass shape. To switch things up, have two students run at a time, and always diagonally across the play area, to create an X-shaped running pattern.

Complete the form below to download our Running Games Guide complete with premium running games cards.


Marathon Kids is on a mission to get kids moving. The nonprofit organization offers free physical education programming through Marathon Kids Connect, a cloud-based PE and run club management platform that includes a mobile app for digital activity-tracking.

  • 1 weekend trips
  • 2 competitions
  • 3 125
  • 4 club secretary
  • 5 twice a/per month
  • 6 spring
  • 7 weekly
  • 8 equipment
  • 9 magazine
  • 10 exhibition
  • 11 G
  • 12 F
  • 13 C
  • 14 B
  • 15 A
  • 16 B
  • 17 A
  • 18 C
  • 19 E
  • 20 D
  • 21 March 25th
  • 22 older workers
  • 23 [a] senior lecturer
  • 24 timetable
  • 25 27 B,D,G
  • 28 B
  • 29 C
  • 30 A
  • 31 C
  • 32 B
  • 33 C
  • 34 A
  • 35 A
  • 36 profit margin
  • 37 retail
  • 38 vouchers
  • 39 clients
  • 40 full-page/full page

#Thành viênĐiểmThời gian
Rajesh Makanwal 9.015:22
Sajeev Kugathasan
4 Mueed Masood 9.018:24
5 Dat Ha 9.019:22
6 Hoang-Nguyen Nguyen 9.019:43
7 Swe Zaw Oo 9.021:09
8 Malabika Das 9.021:54
9 Munira Mirza 9.022:39
10 FREDA Oludare 9.022:45

Tips for improving your ielts score

Yes no not given questions are similar to true false not given questions. The tips for yes no not given questions are same as you need to keep...

SECTION 1: Questions 1-10

  • 1 Answer: weekend trips

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • the words which lead you to the answer are underlined.

    • the word/number you must write for the answer is marked.

    • words which you might wrongly think could be the answer are in italics.

    • Keywords in Q1 are Climbing, Extra activities

    • The keywords suggest the answer should be an activity. As the question asks for ‘’extra activities’’, the answer is likely to come with some conjunctions such as and, also, besides, additionally, furthermore.

    • After listing all club at the university, the student representative suggests the man consider extra activities as well. Hence, he looks at the leaflet and finds out that in addition to the university’s own wall for climbing, climbing club also offers extra weekend trips for its members. Thus, weekend trip is the answer for Q1

  • 2 Answer: competitions

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • Keywords in Q2 are Chess, Extra activities

    • The keywords suggest the answer should be an activity. As the question asks for ‘’extra activities’’, the answer is likely come with some conjunctions such as and, also, besides, additionally, furthermore.

    • Moving onto chess club, the man observes that sometimes the club also runs competitions. As we can see, ‘’also’’ signposts to something extra or added. Thus, competitions is the answer for Q2

  • 3 Answer: 125

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • Keywords in Q3 are Current number of members, film

    • The keywords suggest the answer should be a number

    • When the man questions about the number of members in each club, the woman points out the different numbers between three clubs. The crowdest one is supposed to be film club. Note that the question requires ‘’current number’’ which means the number at the moment. As the number has risen from 85 to 125, it was 85 in the past but has recently changed into 125. Meanwhile, 150 is the expected number in the future, not now. Thus, 125 is the answer for Q3

  • 4 Answer: club secretary

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • Keywords in Q4 are Contact, climbing club

    • The keywords suggest the answer should be a person

    • We listen more carefully when the man asks ‘’who do I see if I want to join these clubs?’’ which indicates that he is asking about the contact of these club. In particular for climbing, he is told to contact the club secretary. Thus, club secretary  is the answer for Q4

  • 5 Answer: twice a/per month

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • Keywords in Q5 are Climbing club, meets

    • The keywords suggest the answer might be a person or an adverb indicating time or a place

    • According to the leaflet, members of climbing club ‘’get together twice a month’’. Note that to ‘’get together’’ means to see and meet each other. It means the club meets twice a month. ‘’Twice a month’’ also matches with our prediction as an adverb of time/frequency.

    Thus, twice a/per month is the answer for Q5

  • 6 Answer: spring

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • Keywords in Q6 are Excursion to France in the

    • The keywords suggest that whatever the answer is, it should go with preposition ‘’in’’ and article ‘’the’’.

    • The woman introduces some activities in climbing club which she has already joined, including the usual excursion [trip/journey] to France. This year that trip will take place in spring. ‘’Spring’’ matches perfectly with our guess. Thus, spring s the answer for Q6

  • 7 Answer: weekly

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • Keywords in Q7 are Subscriptions paid

    • The keywords suggest the answer might be an amount of money, a method of paying, frequency of paying…

    • The man suggests that the excursion should be expensive so one attempt to reduce the fee is through subscribing in which subscribers pay weekly instead of monthly large payment. Thus, weekly is the answer for Q7

  • 8 Answer: equipment

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • Keywords in Q8 are benefits, discount

    • The keywords suggest the answer should be a noun

    • Thanks to the cooperation between climbing club and local shop, club members are privileged to get money off equipment when they show their card at the shop. Note that ‘’get money off’’ is similar to ‘’discount’’. Thus, it means club members can buy equipment at discount price.

    Thus, equipment is the answer for Q8. Note that the answer is not ‘’clothes’’ as the club card is not applied for this item.

  • 9 Answer: magazine

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • Keywords in Q9 are annual

    • The keywords suggest the answer should be a noun

    • The second benefit promoted by the student representative is that club members will get a magazine once a year. Note that ‘’once a year’’ is similar to annual. Thus, magazine is the answer for Q9

  • 10 Answer: exhibition

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • Keywords in Q10 are Free entrance to climbing, Cadiff

    • The keywords suggest the answer should be a noun

    • It is said that there will be an exhibition in Cadiff and the member of climbing clubs will be given a complimentary ticket for it. Note that ‘’complimentary’’ here means ‘’free’’. ‘’Free ticket’’ is the same as ‘’free entrance’’. Thus, exhibition is the answer for Q10

Change Audio Sources

SECTION 1You will hear a new student, Tom. talking to a student representative called Kachel about university clubs.Rachcl: Hi, welcome to Freshers Week. I’m Rachcl. Can I help you?Tom: Oh, hi – yes. Erm – I was hoping to find out about some clubs I could join.Rachcl: Well, all the club stands are here in this hall. What were you interested in ?Tom: Um – not sure. I wanted to do something where I could meet people.Rachcl: Well, take this leaflets with details of all the clubs and see what you think. It’ll probably depends on what day you’re free. Like on Mondays there’s the film club, then on Tuesdays you’ve got the climbing club – that’s really good. I’m in that – then on Wednesdays you’ve got chcss. if you want something a bit more intellectual ! But you should look through carefully because all the clubs run extra activities as well as their normal meetings.

Tom: Oh, yes I see. [as if reading] So it looks like the film club has discussions after the films – I’d quite like to go to those. Then climbing – goodness , it says here that the University has its own climbing wall – that’s impressive – and they go on weekend trips . Cool. And it says the chess club normally just docs games with whoever turn:! up but it also runs competitions sometimes. But I bet you’ve got to be pretty good to do that.

Rachcl: Yes, I think so!Tom: And how many people are in the clubs? Are they all really full?

Rachcl: Well, obviously they’re all different so, for example, the film club has just increased its membership from 85 to 125 but I think they’re hoping to extend it to 150. The climbing club’s quite small – 40 people and the chess club is fairly healthy at 55.

Tom: Right. OK. so who do I see if I want to join these clubs?

Rachcl:Well, if you go round the stands and speak to the people there. For the film club that’s the events organizer – um, for climbing you’ll need the club secretary and the chcss club is organised by one of the Maths tutors . OK?

Tom: Yup. I think I’ll start with the climbing club – it sounds good.Rachcl: Oh well, as I said. I’m in that so I might be able to help you a bit.

Tom: OK. It says in the leaflet that they get together twice a month. Is that right?

Rachcl: Yes. Oh. you must join. It’s really good fun. We go away quite a bit to North Wales and every year we have a special excursion , usually to France, which is where we’re going this year in the spring. The weather’s too unpredictable in the autumn.

Tom: Wow! That sounds good – but it must cost a lot.

Rachcl: Yeah, but we try and save up for it through subscriptions so rather than having a huge sum to pay ill the month wc go we collect those weekly so it spreads it out.

Tom: Good idea. I think I’ll definitely join.

Rachcl: There are quite good benefits you get from joining. I mean, you need that don’t you? And the University clubs normally try and do deals with local businesses , so it’s really worth joining. Like in the climbing club they’ve got a special arrangement with one of the shops in town so if you show your card you can get money off equipment . Don’t think the discount extends to clothes though. That’s really worth it then. I’ll go over and talk to them now.

Tom: OK Hope you do join. Oh. and another thing I meant to say. If you do become a member, yon automatically receive a magazine once a year. It’s quite useful and interesting because it goes out to all the national climbing clubs. And the other thing is, if you come to every session , then you can get a complimentary ticket to the big exhibition that’s held in Cardiff even.’ year. So – hope to see you Yeah, thanks … [fade]…

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