Example of holistic approach in anthropology

Anthropology is the study of humankind. One of the strengths of anthropology as a discipline is its “holistic” or integrative approach; it links the life sciences, social sciences and the humanities and has strong ties with a multitude of disciplines ranging from biology to the fine arts.

What is an example of holistic anthropology?

Another good example of holism would be the study of marriages in past societies. As a tradition and cultural practice, a cultural anthropologist might approach the issue from the perspective of their field, conducting the analysis as though it is a single isolated practice.

Why does anthropology take a holistic and evolutionary approach?

While, the holistic approach permits anthropologists to develop a complex understanding of entire societies, anthropology also adds another dimension of analysis through cross-cultural comparison.

How is anthropology holistic and comparative?

The holistic perspective in anthropology views culture as an integrated whole, no part of which can be completely understood without considering the whole. The comparative perspective uses data about the behaviors and beliefs in many societies to document both cultural universals and cultural diversity.

What does it mean to say anthropology is holistic?

• A hallmark of Anthropology is its holistic perspective-understanding humankind in terms of the dynamic interrelationships of all aspects of human existence. Different aspects of culture and society exhibit patterned interrelationships [e.g., political economy, social configurations, religion and ideology].

What is a holistic approach to anthropology?

In anthropology holism tries to integrate all that is known about human beings and their activities. From a holistic perspective, attempts to divide reality into mind and matter isolate and pin down certain aspects of a process that, by very nature, resists isolation and dissection.

What is holistic perspective example?

The definition of holistic is relating to the idea that things should be studied as a whole and not just as a sum of their parts. An example of holistic is health care that focuses on the health of the entire body and mind and not just parts of the body. Of or relating to holism.

What is meant by holistic approach?

A holistic approach means to provide support that looks at the whole person, not just their mental health needs. The support should also consider their physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. A holistic approach focusses on a person’s wellness and not just their illness or condition.

Why is anthropology a holistic discipline essay?

Why Anthropology Is a Holistic Discipline It does not focus on natural sciences alone but also takes into account the theories affiliated with humanities and social sciences. This merger of different subjects in anthropological works is what allows it to create a more holistic approach to the examination of humans.

What is the main focus of anthropology discipline?

The focus of Anthropology is on understanding both our shared humanity and diversity, and engaging with diverse ways of being in the world. Anthropology is divided into three subfields: sociocultural, biological, and archaeology.

Why is anthropology called a holistic field?

Anthropology is the study of humanity, though a major focus area is culture. This broad field benefits from a perspective in which many different factors are taken into account to generate a picture of the culture as a whole [holistic perspective].

What are the 4 major fields or branches of anthropology?

Anthropology is the study of human behavior, beliefs, and adaptations. In the U.S. this study is traditionally divided into four sub-fields. The Anthropology department at U.W. offers courses in all four sub-fields: Archaeology and Biological, Cultural, and Linguistic Anthropology.

How is anthropology useful?

anthropology provides the possibility to study every aspect of human existence. it is the window into the unknown. anthropology provides the answer to our questions about ourselves, our past, present and future. anthropology helps to connect everyone from around the globe.

What anthropologist means?

An anthropologist is a person engaged in the practice of anthropology. Anthropology is the study of aspects of humans within past and present societies. Social anthropology, cultural anthropology and philosophical anthropology study the norms and values of societies.

How do I become an anthropologist?

How to Become an Anthropologist in India

  1. Step 1: Take either the Science or Arts Stream in Class XII.
  2. Step 2: Pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology.
  3. Step 3: Pursue a Master’s Degree in Anthropology.

Who was the most famous anthropologist?

Today we tell about one of the most influential social scientists of the last century — the cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead. STEVE EMBER: People around the world mourned the death of Margaret Mead in nineteen seventy-eight.

Holism is the perspective on the human condition that assumes that mind, body, individuals, society, and the environment interpenetrate, and even define one another. In anthropology holism tries to integrate all that is known about human beings and their activities. From a holistic perspective, attempts to divide reality into mind and matter isolate and pin down certain aspects of a process that, by very nature, resists isolation and dissection. Holism holds great appeal for those who seek a theory of human nature that is rich enough to do justice to its complex subject matter.

An easier understanding of holism is to say that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Individual human organisms are not just x percent genes and y percent culture added together. Rather, human beings are what they are because of mutual shaping of genes and culture and experiences living in the world produces something new, something that cannot be reduced to the materials used to construct it. It is important to note that humans who grow and live together are inevitably shaped by shared cultural experiences and develop into a much different person than they would have if developing in isolation.

Sally Engle Merry, an anthropologist, got a call from a radio show asking her to talk about a recent incident that happened in Pakistan that resulted in a gang rape of a young woman authorized by a local tribal council. She explained to them that it was an inexcusable act and that the rape was probably connected to local political struggles and class differences. This relates to holism because the gang rape was authorized by higher authorities because it is a cultural norm for socially higher class men to feel more empowered over women. This emphasizes the connection between human actions and their environment and society.


  1. “African People & Culture – Ashanti”.
  2. “Japanese Hip Hop and the Globalization of Popular Culture” Ian Condry
  3. Southern California Quarterly “Cinco de Mayo’s First Seventy-Five Years in Alta California: From Spontaneous Behavior to Sedimented Memory, 1862 to 1937” Spring 2007 [see American observation of Cinco de Mayo started in California] accessed Oct 30, 2007
  4. “Health and Human Rights”, World Health Organization //www.who.int/hhr/HHRETH_activities.pdf [pdf] Accessed June 2009
  5. “Discussion Group 10 Week 2- Marisa Mikelsons”
  6. Condry, Ian, 2001 “Japanese Hip-Hop and the Globalization of Popular Culture.” In Urban Life: Readings in the Anthropology of the City. George Gmelch and Walter Zenner, eds. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.
  7. Democracy in Dakar, Nomadic Wax, 2008
  8. courses.wwu.edu/webapps/porta...82_1&frame=top
  9. Barton Wright Cruz Bay Publishing, Inc. //www.collectorsguide.com/fa/fa040.shtml
  10. Schultz, Emily A., and Robert H. Lavenda. Cultural Anthropology : A Perspective on the Human Condition. New York: Oxford UP, Incorporated, 2009.pg.79.
  11. Philosophy Home, 2009. //www.cultural-relativism.com/
  12. Zmago Šmitek and Božidar Jezernik, “The anthropological tradition in Slovenia.” In: Han F. Vermeulen and Arturo Alvarez Roldán, eds. Fieldwork and Footnotes: Studies in the History of European Anthropology. 1995.
  13. American Anthropological Association Statement on “Race”[May 17, 1998] //www.aaanet.org/stmts/racepp.htm
  14. Peter L. Berger, Invitation to Sociology: A Humanistic Perspective, Anchor, 1963, ISBN 0385065299
  15. C. Wright Mills, The Sociological Imagination, Oxford University Press, 1961, ISBN 0195133730
  16. Louisa Lim, Painful Memories for China’s Footbinding Survivors www.npr.org/templates/story/s...toryId=8966942
  17. James A. Crites Chinese Foot Binding, //www.angelfire.com/ca/beekeeper/foot.html
  18. www.allaboutphilosophy.org/cu...relativism.htm
  19. Justin Marozzi, The son of the Father of History, 2007, www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/b...f-History.html
  20. Introduction to The Journey of Friar John of Pian de Carpine to the Court of Kuyuk Khan, 1245-1247, as translated by William Woodville Rockhill, 1900,depts.washington.edu/silkroad...s/carpini.html
  21. Schultz, Emily A., and Robert H. Lavenda. Cultural Anthropology A Perspective on the Human Condition. 7th ed. New York: Oxford UP.
  22. “RACE – The Power of an Illusion . What Is Race |.” PBS. 08 Mar. 2009 .
  23. Miller, Barabra. Cultural Anthropology. 4th ed. Boston: Pearson Education Inc., 2007.
  24. Lorber, Judith. “Night to His Day”: The Social Construction of Gender.” From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A text and Reader. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008. 617-30.
  25. Bourgois, Philippe. “Workaday World, Crack Economy.” The Nation [1995]: 706-11.

External Links

  • What is Anthropology? – Information from the American Anthropological Association
  • SLA– Society for Linguistic Anthropology
  1. ^ Schultz, Emily A., and Robert H. Lavenda. Cultural Anthropology : A Perspective on the Human Condition. New York: Oxford UP, Incorporated, 2009.pg.79.
  2. ^ Schultz, Emily A., and Robert H. Lavenda. Cultural Anthropology : A Perspective on the Human Condition. New York: Oxford UP, Incorporated, 2009. pgs. 332-333

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