Topics For informative presentation

Use this list of good informative speech topics to fire your imagination. Ideas range from important scientific questions like the use of DNA evidence to light and informing subjects such as the X-menTM or BarbieTM.

Remember - these are ideas for informative speeches, so you want to INFORM your audience, not persuade them to take action or try to convince them that something is "good" or "bad." You are only letting them know the facts.

For example, if you wanted to write a speech on the Turks and Caicos Islands, you would want to inform your audience of where these Islands are, the history of the Islands, etc. You wouldn't try to convince them that they are the best Caribbean Islands for a beach vacation.

Now choose a topic interesting to you, and then find all you can about it so you can deliver your best presentation ever!

Set 1 - Our first 11 good informative speech topics

  • human cadavers - history of, uses of [Great informative book on this subject - Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers]
  • DNA evidence
  • women in the military
  • botox [now being found to be useful in pain control]
  • herbs as medicine
  • the history of greyhound dogs

[Full disclosure: Best Speech Topics is a compensated affiliate of Amazon.]

Set 2 - Ten more interesting informative speech topics from comics to dolls

  • history of comic books
  • [general or choose a specific one, ie. Superman, X-Men, etc]
  • first woman astronaut
  • history of transplants
  • medicinal marijuana
  • Dolly the sheep [very first clone of a mammal]
  • alternative fuels
  • nanotechnology
  • history of smoking in movies
  • genetically modified crops
  • history of Barbie

Set 3 - Ten informative topics: medical, criminal, historical

Set 4 - Ten informational topics including eye related and health

Set 5 - Ten significant informative speech topics

  • how the cold war ended
  • how crowd funding is changing lives
  • animal communication
  • how evidence is handled at a crime scene
  • how the Romanov family influenced Russian society
  • illiteracy
  • global warming - [check out our global warming speech]
  • stress and its effects
  • civil disobedience
  • how metal detectors work
  • how traditional marriages have changed since the 60's

Set 6 - Ten more topics, especially for students interested in research or money

Sowing Seeds Indoors - Example of a Good Informative Speech Topic

  • how a hurricane/tornado/earthquake develops
  • helicopters in combat
  • marriage rituals around the world
  • history of crop circles
  • how humor heals - see the Best Speech Topics sample
  • how to grow organic potted plants
  • how to sow seeds indoors
  • how to furnish an apartment inexpensively
  • how to avoid losing money on investments
  • how to get started investing in the stock market

I'm sure you can come up with hundreds of more good informative speech topics. Just look around you when you're out and about. Anytime you find something that makes you ask a question; you have an idea for a subject on which you can write for your next informational speech!

  • Read this example informative speech on hybrid animals to see how this type of speech should be put together and use it as a framework for creating your own.

  • Learn how to writing an informative speech, giving information without expressing a point of view. Three different ways to organize your presentation.

  • What are informative speech topics and what is the purpose of an informative speech? Find out here.

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Table of Contents

  1. Good Informative Speech Topics Ideas To Make Your Performance Rocking
  2. How to Choose a Good Informative Speech Topic
  3. Good Informative Speech Topics
  4. Informative Speech Topics for College Students
  5. Interesting Informative Speech Topics
  6. Easy Informative Speech Topics
  7. Fun Informative Speech Topics
  8. Entertaining Informative Speech Topics
  9. Informative Speech Topics for High School
  10. Informative Speech Topics for University
  11. Controversial Informative Speech Topics
  12. Informative Speech Topics on Education
  13. Informative Speech Topics on Business, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Management
  14. Informative Speech Topics on Career and Work
  15. Informative Speech Topics on Politics, Economy, and Law
  16. Informative Speech Topics on Current and Social Issues and International Affairs
  17. Informative Speech Topics on Science, Technology, and Innovations
  18. Informative Speech Topics on Arts, Music, Films, Social Media, and Popular Culture
  19. Informative Speech Topics on Religion, Culture, and Cross-cultural Issues
  20. Informative Speech Topics on Supernatural Things
  21. Informative Speech Topics on Human Rights, Gender, and Moral Values
  22. Informative Speech Topics on Medicine, Healthcare, Environmental Issues, and Animals
  23. Informative Speech Topics on History, Arts, Humanities, and Classic Literature
  24. Informative Speech Topics on Sports
  25. Informative Speech Topics on Travel and Cross-cultural Issues
  26. Informative Speech Topics on Psychology, Communication, and Relationship
  27. Informative Speech Topics on Lifestyle, Food, and Hobbies
  28. How to Write an Informative Speech
  29. What Should an Informative Speech Contain
  30. Tips for Writing Captivating Informative Speech
  31. Need Help?

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