Teaching listening comprehension Pdf




Edited by

Assoc. Prof. Ekrem SOLAK

© Doç. Dr. Ekrem SOLAK

Her hakkı saklıdır. Bu kitabın tamamı veya bir kısmı 5846 sayılı yasanın hükümlerine

göre yazarın önceden iznini almaksızın elektronik, mekanik, fotokopi veya herhangi bir

sistemle basılamaz, çoğaltılamaz ve bilgisayar ortamında tutulamaz.

Nisan 2016

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978 – 605 – 9029 – 52 – 0





CHAPTER 1: Teaching Reading Skills

Enisa Mede, Bahcehsehir University

 YeşimKeşliDollar,BahcehsehirUniversity...............................................................1

CHAPTER 2: Teaching Listening Skills

 EkremSolak,AmasyaUniversity

 GamzeErdem,AmasyaUniversity..........................................................................29

CHAPTER 3: Teaching Speaking Skills

 EyüpYaşarKürüm,HacettepeUniversity ...............................................................45

CHAPTER 4: Teaching Writing Skills

 BetülBalGezegin,AmasyaUniversity ....................................................................65

CHAPTER 5: Teaching Pronunciation

 İsmailFıratAltay,HacettepeUniversity...................................................................91

CHAPTER 6: Teaching Vocabulary

 MehmetAltay,KocaeliUniversity

 KenanDikilitaş,HasanKalyoncuUniversity ..........................................................107

CHAPTER 7: Teaching Grammar

 DerenBaşakYeşilel,OndokuzMayısUniversity

 MütŞenel,OndokuzMayısUniversity .................................................................137

CHAPTER 8: Teaching Translation and Interpreting Skills

 SedatMulayim,RMITUniversity,Melbourne,Australia

 OktayEser,AmasyaUniversity,Amasya,Turkey

 MirandaLai,RMITUniversity,Melbourne,Australia .............................................171



Teaching Language Skills Course is one of the core courses offered in English Language

Teaching [ELT] programs. As we all know, nothing is the same as it was a decade ago,

thus, we need to update our theoretical and practical knowledge in the teaching of these

skills. Therefore, in this book, we aim to highlight the current trends in teaching language

skills from some distinguished faculties’ view points. In each chapter, we review the skills

within the framework of their historical development and pedagogical implications followed

by a sample plan.

In Chapter 1, Dr. Enisa Mede and Dr. Yesim Kesli Dollar draw attention to teaching reading

skill and they help students have an insight into the history of reading, providing them with

the skills and strategies needed to be able to integrate reading in language classrooms.

At the end of the chapter, they introduce some sample lesson plans for reading in order to

help students understand the steps of reading instruction in foreign language education.

In Chapter 2, Dr. Ekrem Solak and Gamze Erdem focus on teaching listening skill which

is called as a Cinderalla Skill overlooked by its elder sister speaking. They maintain that

listening is not a passive skill but an active process of constructing meaning from a stream

of sounds. At the end of the chapter, current issues in the teaching of listening skill are

highlighted to indicate the future direction of this skill. In addition, a sample lesson plan is

added to link the theory and practice in the teaching of this interactive skill.

In Chapter 3, Dr. Yaşar Kürüm places an emphasis on teaching speaking skill and he

states that speaking is more than to form grammatically correct sentences; it rather covers

broad areas of mechanics, functions, pragmatics and social interaction. He also highlights

that in contemporary methodologies, the emphasis in speaking is uency rather than

accuracy. Awareness raising activities, controlled activities and autonomous activities

are elaborated by the author. In addition, some speaking strategies are introduced to

encourage the unmotivated students to produce speaking in language classroom.

In Chapter 4, Dr. Betül Bal Gezegin addresses teaching writing as a skill for future second

language [L2] writing teachers. She asserts that teachers who teach English as a second/

foreign language need to understand the components of writing, what it means as a skill,

and what it requires to teach it in language classrooms. She provides readers with historical

and theoretical background to teaching writing in English. Then she touches upon main

approaches to teaching writing [product, process and genre based approaches] with their

key ideas and foundational practices. She ends the chapter with a genre-based sample

lesson plan as a suggestion and practical instructional model for teaching writing.

In Chapter 5, Dr. İsmail Fırat Altay elaborates on teaching pronunciation as an integral

part of language learning and teaching process. He draws attention to the fact that Turkish

learners of English may have difculties in pronunciation as a result of the main differences

between the two languages. To overcome the difculties, teachers of English language

need to make use of some specic ways of pronunciation teaching. He proposes the audio


articulation model and dwells the basic ways of pronunciation teaching on the mentioned

model. Finally, he presents two pronunciation teaching lesson plans to learners to see

pronunciation teaching in a concrete way.

In Chapter 6, Dr. Mehmet Altay and Dr. Kenan Dikilitaş discuss the teaching vocabulary

skill for student teachers. They stress that vocabulary teaching has always been among

the most popular issues of linguistic pedagogy though the needs, strategies, and purposes

of language learners may have shown variation in time. In this chapter, our readers are

introduced to some prominent incidents which shape the conception of vocabulary learning

and teaching. A couple of questions related to the quantitative and qualitative features of

vocabulary competence are discussed. The nal part of the chapter includes a sample

lesson plan for vocabulary teaching using the data and certain instruments mentioned

within the chapter.

In Chapter 7, Dr. Deren Başak Yeşilel and Dr. Müt Şenel center upon teaching grammar

and point out that grammar has always been taken an important part of EFL classes for

years. Grammar has been accepted as the backbone of a language and if it has not been

taught directly, learners cannot produce grammatically correct statements and they will

not be accurate learners of the language. However, in our present day, they stress that

the importance of communicative skills on language learning has been understood; direct

grammar teaching lost its necessity. Therefore, they suggest in the chapter that grammar

teaching should be done integratively. Additionally, two sample lesson plans have been

added to enlighten the readers about grammar teaching in EFL classes.

In Chapter 8, Sedat Mulayim, Oktay Eser and Miranda Lai elaborate on teaching translation

and interpreting skills for pre-service teachers. In this chapter, they aim to help students

have an insight into the history of translation and interpreting, and provide them with the

skills and knowledge needed to be able to translate and interpret functionally. At the end

of the chapter, they offer some sample lesson plans for translation and interpreting in order

to help students to understand translation competence effectively.

All in all, I would like to take the opportunity to offer my sincere thanks to each contributing

author who reected their experience and knowledge in this work and they devoted

their time, effort and patience without any constraint. I hope, this book will serve to train

distinguished English Teachers.

Ekrem Solak



Teaching Listening Skills




1. Learning Objectives

2. Introduction

3. Historical Perspective

4. What is Listening Skill?

5. What Makes a Good Listening Text?

6. Authentic Versus Non-authentic Listening Materials

7. Listening Sources Macro and Micro Listening Skills

8. Approaches to Listening: Bottom-Up and Top-Down

9. Stages in Teaching Listening Skills

10. Current Trends in Teaching Listening Skill

11. Sample Lesson Plans

12. References

13. Biography for Authors



On successful completion of this chapter, students will be able to:

Understand the key components of listening skill

Have an insight into the historical development of listening skill

Have a basic command on the stages of listening skill

Analyse source texts for a listening activity

Aware of the approaches to listening skill

Foresee the current trends in listening skill

Link the theory and practice in the teaching of listening skill



Edited by Ekrem SOLAK


Nunan [1997] calls the listening skill as the ‘Cinderella Skill’ which is overlooked by

its elder sister speaking in language learning. Listening received little attention in

language teaching and learning, because teaching methods emphasized productive

skills and listening was characterized as passive activity [Richards&Renandya,

2010]. However, researchers have revealed that listening is not a passive skill but

an active process of constructing meaning from a stream of sounds. Listening can

be considered the fundamental skill to speaking, because without understanding the

input at the right level, any learning cannot begin.

Some various denitions of listening are presented below to highlight its different


Listening is the process of receiving, constructing meaning from and responding to

spoken and/or non-verbal messages [Brownell, 2002].

Listening is an active, purposeful process of making sense of what we hear

[Helgesen, 2003].

Listening comprehension is a highly complex problem-solving activity that can be

broken down into a set of distinct sub-skills [Byrnes, 1984].

Listening is an active and interactional process in which a listener receives speech

sounds and tries to attach meaning to the spoken words. The listener tries to

understand the intended message of the oral text to respond effectively to oral


Listening and hearing are considered different process. While hearing is considered

as physical, passive and natural process, listening is physical & mental, active and

learnt process and is dened as a skill.

Although listeners can understand messages presented at a rate of 380 words per

minute, an average person speaks at a rate of about 150 words per minute. The

following table shows the percentage of the use of language skills with formal years

of training in daily life.

Table 1


Mode of Communication Formal Years of Training Percentage of Time Used

Writing 12 years 9%

Reading 6-8 years 16%

Speaking 1-2 years 30%

Listening 0-few years 45%


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According to Table 1, Listening skill is the most used skill at a rate of 45% and it

does not require any formal years of training. Next, people spend 30% of daily life

communication by speaking and one to two years is necessary for formal training

of speaking. While reading corresponds to 16% of our daily life language activities,

nally writing occupies only 9% and 12 years formal education is required for its

practice [Celce-Murcia, 2001].


More than a century ago, as a dominant method of language teaching, grammar

translation gave no importance to listening skill, because the aim was to read and

translate scientic texts from target language [mostly Latin] to native language.

Then, there was a paradigm shift from written language to oral skills with the emerge

of the Direct Method.

In the second half of the 20th century, Audio Lingual Method emphasized the

importance of listening skill and gave priority to oral prociency. There were

abundant use of language laboratories, tapes and cassettes to achieve native-

like pronunciation. During 70s, alternative methods were proposed by various

researchers, listening skill was given prominence as the common characteristics of

these methods. According to Krashen’s Input Hypothesis [1985], learners could learn

best by exposure to comprehensible input which was slightly beyond their current

level competence. Krashen [1985] pointed out that second language learning was

similar to rst language acquisition, thus listening was the rst step on the way to

language prociency. Similarly, in his Total Physical Response, Asher [1977] stated

that oral language was primary to written language and listening comprehension

should precede speech production. He also emphasized that learners were

supposed to listen and obey the orders given by the instructor through actions. In

Communicative Language Teaching, language teaching was based on a view of

language as communication and listening was the most prevailing part of daily life

communication. In communicative context, four language skills were taught in an

integrated way, supporting one after another. Listening was primarily used as a

prompter or a rst step before productive skills. In content-based instruction, listening

and speaking were practiced in an integrated way such as viewing and discussion

of a lm and performing an interview. As from task-based language teaching, tasks

provide both the oral and written input and output processing for language acquisition.

In the light of this shift, now listening plays an important role in language classroom.

The current developments in both visual and audio technology enrich the varieties

of listening materials and help to draw particularly young learners’ attention and

motivate them better to reach the learning objectives.



Edited by Ekrem SOLAK


Listening comprehension is an extremely important part of a language learning

phenomenon. Second language acquisition [SLA] studies have illustrated that

comprehensible output and input are crucial for the acquisition of a language

[Swain, 1995]. Therefore, we need to question the properties of a good listening

text for language learning classes. There are various factors affecting a listening

text’s quality but, in common, we can divide the quality of a text into two categories:

“content” and “delivery”.

As from “content”, the listening text should, rstly, be interesting for audiences. It is

important to know your target students’ proles because what interests one group

of learners may seem dull for another group. In a listening class, pre-task activities

actually serve the aim of arousing interest in students before the main activity. Apart

from this, cultural accessibility is a crucial factor too. Learning about a new culture

is benecial for improving inter-cultural competence [Wilson, 2008] but if the aim is

to understand a listening text, then any possible culturally based meanings in the

text should be understandable for the target group. Density of the listening text also

inuences the listening text quality. If the text includes repetition of key terms, words

and phrases, it will be less demanding for listeners. In addition, the more complex

grammatical structures the text includes, the more demanding it will be for listeners.

In addition to content, how you present the material is equally important. In terms

of“delivery”, important factors include length, quality of the material, accent and the

method of delivery. The listening text should be delivered in a non-distractive manner

that is suitable for the target group of learners [Wilson, 2008].


In the selection of the right listening material for language classrooms, the distinction

between authentic and pedagogic materials should be highlighted. They both have

advantages and disadvantages depending on your target group and the aim of the

activity. Authentic materials can be texts which are prepared by native speakers

and are not originally intended as language learning materials [Bacon, 1992; Joiner,

1991; Joiner et al., 1989; Scarcella& Oxford, 1992]. Authentic materials can often

include more unfamiliar use of language, and mostly, it can be difcult for learners

to cope with. If the teacher wants to use authentic material, he/she should write a

lesson plan based on the material and nd appropriate supporting materials. Richards

[2006] also states three advantages of integrating authentic materials in a classroom

environment: [i] the culture of the target language is introduced, [ii] the use of real

language is shown, and [iii] a more creative way of teaching is achieved. In sum, it


Edited by Ekrem SOLAK


can be expressed that the choice of authentic or pedagogic material is mostly related

to the aim, target group and the context in the teaching process.


Comparing listening in one’s native language, listening in a foreign language is a

more challenging task: “How well L2 listeners cope with these limitations will depend

on their ability to make use of all the available resources to interpret what they

hear” [Vandergrift, 2007, p. 193]. Therefore, in a listening phenomenon, the use of

appropriate listening sources has a crucial effect in comprehension.

Various listening sources can be used in a language classroom. These are teacher

talk, student talk, guest speakers, textbook recordings, TV, video, DVD, radio, songs

and the internet [Wilson,2008]. Teacher talk is valuable input for learners of a foreign

language. The teacher can regulate the pace of speaking according to the students’

level and interest, repeat important parts and change the input as desired. Teacher

talk can also be evaluated in terms of its quality. It should be clear, coherent and

interesting for listeners. Teacher talk should be interactive in a way that students can

ask questions and get an answer, which facilitates and supports student talk. Another

way of exposing students to an authentic conversation is inviting guest speakers to

the classroom, which provides learners a chance to interact in a more authentic way.

Technological improvements have increased the types of listening resources in

recent years. Both teachers and students can access listening materials easily via

the internet. The computer and interactive technologies allow teachers to select

materials of all kinds, support them as learners’ needs dictate, and use the visual

options of screen presentation or the interactive capabilities of computer controls to

help students develop good listening techniques [Garrett, 1991, p. 95].


In most language classrooms, the listening process is skipped at the expense of

listening outcome [Rezaei & Fatimah Hashim, 2013]. Macro and micro listening

skills can help to achieve listening awareness. Vandergrift &Tafaghodtari [2010]

state that metalinguistic awareness and explicit teaching are crucial parts of listening

comprehension tasks.

Brown [2007] offers a simplied list of micro-skills and macro-skills for conversational

listening, The macro-skills isolate those skills that relate to the discourse level of

organization, while those that remain at sentence level continue to be called micro-




Edited by Ekrem SOLAK

Brown’s [2007] listening comprehension micro-skills for conversational discourse

are as follows.

1. Retain chunks of language of different lengths in short-term memory.

2. Discriminate among the distinctive sounds of English.

3. Recognize English stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed

positions. rhythmic structure, intonational contours, and their role in signaling


4. Recognize reduced forms of words.

5. Distinguish word boundaries, recognize a core of words, and interpret word

order patterns and their signicance.

6. Process speech containing pauses, errors, corrections, and other

performance variables.

7. Process speech at different rates of delivery.

8. Recognize grammatical word classes [nouns, verbs, etc.], systems [e.g.,

tense, agreement, pluralization], patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.

9. Detect sentence constituents and distinguish between major and minor


10. Recognize that a particular meaning may be expressed in different

grammatical forms” [p. 308].

Brown’s [2007] macro-skills for conversational discourse are:

1. “Recognize cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

2. Recognize the communicative functions of utterances, according to

situations, participants, goals.

3. Infer situations, participants, goals using real-world knowledge [pragmatic


4. From events, ideas, etc., describe, predict outcomes, infer links and

connections between events, deduce causes and effects, and detect

such relations such as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given

information, generalization, and exemplication.

5. Distinguish between literal and implied meanings.

6. Use facial, kinetic, body language, and other nonverbal cues to decipher


7. Develop and use a battery of listening strategies, such as detecting key

words, guessing the meaning of words from context, appealing for help, and

signaling comprehension or lack thereof” [p. 308].


Edited by Ekrem SOLAK



There are various types of listening sub-skills to help listeners make sense of the

listening text. Most commonly used listening sub-skills in language classrooms are:

Listeningfor-gist:listening to get a general idea

Listeningforspecicinformation:listening just to get a specic piece of information

Listeningindetail: listening to every detail, and try to understand as much as possible

Listeningtoinfer: listening to understand how listeners feel

Listeningtoquestionsandresponding: listening to answer questions

Listeningtodescriptions: listening for a specic description


The bottom-up and top-down concepts originated from computer science before

being adopted by the eld of linguistics. In computer science, bottom-up means

“data-driven” and top-down means “knowledge-driven” [Field,1999]. The cognitive

process of listening and reading in the target language indicates bottom-up and

top-down processes in SLA [Clement, 2007]. If listeners use linguistic knowledge

clues such as phonemes, syllables, words, phrases and sentences to understand,

it means that they use a bottom-up strategy. However, if they use context and prior

knowledge such as topic, genre, culture and other schema knowledge stored in long-

term memory to decide the meaning, they use a top-down strategy. During a listening

process, a combination of the two processes is used to make the text sensible for

the listener. Thus, it is generally accepted that top-down and bottom-up processes

are utilized together during the listening process [Vandergrift, 2007]. Nevertheless,

the aim of listening determines the priority. To illustrate the point, think about the two

situations given below:



Oneevening, afriendofyourscalls andinvitesyoutoherbirthdayparty.You


In the rst situation, we just listen to understand the main idea and give the expected

social response. However, in the second situation, we need to listen carefully and

understand the actual words in order not to have a problem later. While we use top-

down processes in the rst example, bottom-up processing is used in the second.



Edited by Ekrem SOLAK

Other Top-down Listening Activities

Wilson [2003] states that learners use top-down processing to make up for their

insufcient knowledge when they listen to a text where they have no prior knowledge

about the topic. For example, by showing some relevant pictures or giving some key

words before the listening activity, teachers can stimulate top-down process. Thus,

learners can use their prior knowledge to compensate the unknown vocabulary. Other

examples of top-down listening activities, giving a series of pictures or a sequence of

events, or predicting the relationship between the people in the listening text.

Other Bottom-up Listening Activities

Paying attention to linguistic features and decoding each sound and word for

semantic meaning requires the use of bottom-up listening process [Siegel, 2011].

Clement [2007] explains in detail how a learner makes sense of a newly encountered

word by giving the example of the word “founder”. She states that the learners call

to mind words that sound similar like “found, fan” at the time they hear the rst letter

of the word. As the next sounds are activated, some of the words that do not match

are sifted out. As the word found and founder will be activated till the –er sound is

realized, it will take some time to isolate the word “founder”. Field [1999] asserts that

this process takes no more than 25 seconds. As an example of bottom-up strategy, a

dictogloss, which helps learners to notice the divisions between words, can be given.

The teacher reads a few sentences and asks students to write down how many

words there should be in the written form. The task may sound simple, but weak

forms can be problematic for some learners: therefore, the teacher should speak in

a natural way. Some example sentences are “She doesn’t like it”, “I’d better leave

soon”, “Let’s go to cinema” etc.


Vandergrift [1999] states that listening sequences improve students’ metacognitive

abilities, especially in the rst two years of language learning. These listening

sequences may be divided into three stages as pre-listening, while-listening and

post-listening and each of the three stages has its own specic purpose [Underwood,


While-listening activities are the main activities of the listening tasks. Learners

listen to the input and make decisions about the strategy to use according to the

requirements of the task. Finally, in post-listening activities, learners discuss and

evaluate their strategy choices and their effectiveness. Feedback is provided by self-

evaluation and also group discussions [Guan, 2015].


Edited by Ekrem SOLAK



Pre-listening activities help to hear and give some clues about the activity expectations

mostly by activating schemata.

Imagine that you enter the classroom a little bit late and you see that the teacher has

already started lecturing. Most probably, it will be difcult for you to grasp the topic

and understand what is going on. Why do you think this happens? As you do not know

the context and you do not have any prior knowledge about the context, the context

will initially be inaccessible. Consequently, pre-listening activities serve the goal of

ensuring students know what they need to know before they listen. Listeners need to

know things like the speaker’s way of talking, the length of the text, the listener’s role,

information about the topic, specialized vocabulary, and the relationship between

listener and speaker [Wilson, 2008]. A study conducted by Zohrabi et al. [2015]

states that learners who are exposed to pre-listening activities performed better than

those who did not take pre-listening activities. They also assert that pre-listening

tasks are effective for students in understanding authentic English movies.

Pre-listening activities activate the schemata and help students to predict what they

will hear. Activating schemata means activating students’ prior knowledge. Activities

to activate learners’ schemata might include brainstorming, visuals, realia, text and

words, situations and opinions, ideas and facts. Brainstorming activities aim to

produce ideas based on a topic or a problem. Brainstorming can be realized via a

poster display in which students prepare a poster based on a given topic, brainwalking

in which they walk around the classroom and enlarge the ideas collaboratively,

boardwriting, in which they work in groups and they brainstorm about the same topic

or a different one, and from one to many in which students work individually, take

notes and then share the ideas with the group [Wilson, 2008].

Besides brainstorming activities, visuals are also effective for pre-listening activities.

There is an axiom saying “a picture is worth a thousand words. For example, a

picture can be shown to students and they can predict the ongoing. Alternatively, a

sequence of pictures can be given to students and they can tell a story related to the

picture sequence.

Using realia is also helpful in activating schemata. For example a photo, a map, a

brochure or any other object related to the listening text make students activate their

prior knowledge and help them better understand the listening [Wilson, 2008].



Edited by Ekrem SOLAK

Things to avoid during the pre-listening stage.

A pre-listening task should not be too long. It should be precise and clear.

The activity should not give too much information about the listening text. It

should just introduce the topic.

The teacher should not talk too much: he or she should let the students talk and

share their ideas.

A pre-listening activity topic should not be too general and unrelated to the

listening text [Wilson, 2008].


While-listening activities are directly related to the listening text and students

perform the task either during the listening process or immediately after the listening.

Therefore, the teacher needs to match the activities to the instructional goal, the

listening purpose, and the students’ prociency level. Underwood [1989] explains the

goal of while-listening tasks as being something that helps the learners understand

the messages of the listening text. She also gives some specic examples of while-

listening activities:










-multiplechoicecompletion”[p. 49-72].

Well-designed while-listening activities help students to understand the listening text,

to give clues about how to respond, to provide a focus, to indicate the important

parts while listening, to keep listeners alert and to permit them to understand the

text’s structure [Wilson, 2008]. An example to while-listening activity is “bingo”. This

activity is especially enjoyable for young learners. In this task the teacher writes

a list of words on the board, which are included in the listening text. The students


Edited by Ekrem SOLAK


individually select and write seven words on a piece of paper. Then, they listen to the

passage and put a tick on that specic word when the word is heard. When all the

words are ticked, they shout “bingo”. It is a good activity for selective listening even

if it hinders listening extensively [Wilson, 2008].


In the post-listening stage, students work in detail applying both top-down and bottom-

up strategies to link up the classroom activities and their real lives [Wilson,2008].

Underwood [1989] describes the post-listening task as an activity that is realized

after the listening, merging all the work performed. Post-listening tasks may be

directly related to the pre- and while-listening activities or they can just be loosely

related to these activities. She also asserts that post-listening tasks require more

time than the other tasks because students deal with thinking, discussing, reecting

and writing processes. It can be named as the more reective part of the lesson.

“Checking and summarizing” is one activity type that can be performed as post-

listening task. In this activity, rst the teacher puts students into small groups to lower

individual speaking anxiety. The teacher’s role, here, is to monitor students and to

stimulate them by attracting their attention to the related and interesting points. Then,

they share their ideas as a class and then students can summarize the important

parts. Other types of post-listening activities are discussions, creative responses,

critical responses, information exchanges, problem solving, deconstructing the

listening text and reconstructing the listening text [Wilson, 2008].


Although teaching listening skill has gained prominence in language classroom

recently, a paradigm shift can be observed in the learning and teaching of this

interactive skill. Listening is now considered as an interactive skill rather than

passive, because human brain is active during this process of hearing information. A

learner consciously receives the new data, parse and then utilize it. In this process,

she/he takes advantage of metacognitive, cognitive and affective strategies. There is

a general consensus among researchers that metacognition enhances thinking and

comprehension [Vandergrift, 2012]. Therefore, learners who can plan, monitor and

evaluate their listening process are more successful listeners or language learners

than those who cannot. In the new trend, learners’ metacognitive awareness should

be raised and this can also help to boost the motivation of the learners by leading to

better success.



Edited by Ekrem SOLAK

As result of the new trend, the focus has also shifted to the comprehension of details

and the gist of messages that have a communicative purpose. In other words, text-

oriented instruction which consists of decoding skills, imitation and memorization of

sound and grammar patterns, discriminating sounds, and answering comprehension

questions based on a listening passage gives way to communicative and learner-

centered instruction. There is a tendency to learn how learners listen and manage

the learner autonomy. Teachers should use pre-communication activities as a way of

raising learners’ awareness about listening processes. In addition, Richards [2005]

suggests that tasks should include opportunities for learners to play an active role in

their own learning.

As a part of communicative instruction, listening, speaking, reading, and writing are

taught in a series of lessons or units so that learners can practice each skill in relation

to the topic. In communicative classrooms, listening activities are used mainly to

provide background knowledge or important vocabulary for the two productive skills.

Another shift in listening has been the emphasizing the top-down approach rather

than bottom-up. Recalling the background information of the listeners particularly

at the beginning of a listening activity is believed to help the listening prociency in

comparison to discriminating individual sounds. It is also emphasized that listening

is considered as a process rather than a product [Vandergrift, 2007]. Listening

should be taken into consideration from beginning to the end as an active process

of meaning making.

Richards [2005] suggests that listening materials should be based on a wide range

of authentic texts, including both monologues and dialogues. In other words, real life

listening materials assist listeners to be motivated highly to reach the communicative

objectives, because language is a social phenomenon and authenticity is an

important part of that whole. In this context, today via network-based multimedia,

such as online audio and video, YouTube, podcasts and blogs present a wide range

of opportunities to serve realistic goals.

Learners listen for two purposes as comprehension and acquisition. While learning to

listen [comprehension] involves enhancing comprehension abilities in understanding

the language process, listening to learn [acquisition] involves creating new meaning

and form linking and then repeating the meaning and form linking, thus this helps

learners to be ready for paying more attention to the syntax and lexis of the language

through listening. Therefore, teachers should view listening skills as a kind of

enhancement to language acquisition rather than comprehension [Kurita, 2012].

Listeners are expected not only to understand the spoken messages but also to

create new meaning and to make connection between the ideas.


Edited by Ekrem SOLAK




Lesson English

Class Preparatory Class

Prociency Pre- Intermediate

Age 17- 19

Unit No Unit 3 The World of Work

Subject The Man with Thirteen Jobs

Time 40’’


Gains of Students The students will be able to;

construct on their current knowledge,

locate the pictures to the right order,

recognize coherence and cohesion in listening

order the sequences of events/ actions in listening,

identify the pronunciation of –es while listening,

recognize correct pronunciation of some jobs,

interact with group members continuously,

construct new positive, negative, interrogative sentences

with simple present tense in writing assignment.

Concepts and


Afrmative/ negative forms of simple present tense

He eats, she drives, we don’t etc.

Jobs; policeman, taxi- driver, barman etc.


Methods and


Communicative Language Teaching;

Question & Answer, Pair work, Group work, Role-play,

Listening-speaking, Repetition, Memorization, Matching,

Using chart



and Equipments

Teacher’s book, Student’s book, English dictionaries, The

blackboard, grammar books, Cds, boardmarker, computer,

speaker, ashcards, projector etc.



Edited by Ekrem SOLAK



Catching attention




Pair work activitiy

Presenting the


Individual activity

Group work




Greet the students and ask how they are

Ask what they did last weekend

Ask if students know anyone who have more than one job

in order to interest them

Explain what to do during the lesson

Present the title of the listening part and expect them to

make predictions about the text

Ask students to be in pairs

Have students look at the pictures and sentences on the

page carefully

Match the sentences with pictures

Control the answers

Listen to ‘the man with thirteen jobs’

Complete the chart

Control the answers

Read the conversations about ‘the man with thirteen jobs’

Predict the job of McSporran in each conversation

Play the dialog in front of the classroom

Make a summary

Make relation with the prior lesson

Give assignment


Measurement and Evaluation

Measurement and Evaluation activities

aimed at individual learning.

Measurement and Evaluation activities

aimed at group learning.

Additional Measurement and Evaluation

activities aimed at the students who learn

slower / faster.

Individual questions are asked.

Pairwork activity is done.

Groupwork activity is done.


Edited by Ekrem SOLAK



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Ekrem SOLAK is currently an associate professor in the Department of English

Language Teaching, at Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey. He holds a bachelor’s

degree in ELT from İstanbul University, a master’s degree and a doctoral degree

in ELT from Gazi University. He has also a second master’s degree in Educational

Management and Inspection from the same university. The focus of his studies is

e-learning in ELT context, syllabus design, teaching language skills and educational

technology. He has some articles and books published at the national and

international level.

Gamze ERDEM works at Amasya University, Foreign Language Education

Department, Amasya, Turkey. Currently she is doing her master’s degree in the

eld of English Language Teaching at METU. Her interest areas are the use of

technology in foreign language teaching and learning, material development and

second language acquisition.

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