Remote Desktop Windows Server 2016 black screen

Remote Desktop into Server 2016 gives black screen. Same issue as bug recently found/fixed in 2012 R2

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Remote Desktop Services [Terminal Services]

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    Is anyone aware of a fix to this issue?

    See the post from Sasha [Microsoft]:here

    Here is a post to the MS KB acknowledging and providing a resolution for 2012 R2: here

    To resolve the issue when it happens, i need to kill the TermService service [it won't stop normally as it is in a deadlock state]. I can then start the service again and it's business as usual until it happens again.

    I can't see any info about this in RDS 2016... Anyone else? MS?



    Wednesday, January 11, 2017 1:35 AM

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    A support case has been raised at MS :]


    Wednesday, January 11, 2017 10:44 AM

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    Is there any other fix for this? I have sites that are displaying this symptom, but will not allow me to install the specified manual KB321986 update, saying it is not valid for my systems. These are Win Server 2016 boxes with heavy RDP usage. If one screen turns black, if anyone else logs off and back on their screens will also show black. There is no way I can find to correct the situation short of doing a hard reset of the server. I really need this to not be a problem anymore. I have extremely frustrated people calling me at all hours since I had to provide them with my cell # so that I can remote in via AVG's system utility and perform a reboot. This is really getting old.

    Thursday, June 29, 2017 3:55 PM

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    Hello! I have same problem! Do you found Solution for this bug? Thanks in advance!

    Thursday, July 20, 2017 6:54 AM

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    we continue seeing the "black screen upon user login until session host is rebooted" error at least once per week on random ocassions and hosts.

    this issue is not answered or resolved.

    Monday, July 31, 2017 7:34 AM

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    We had the issue on the 8th of August, did all the Updates and were not having the issue until today. It struck today at about 13:00 german time. Logon with whatever priviledges is not possible, Ctrl-Shift-Esc has no effect.There are SMB Shares on the server which are still available and i can also PSEXEC into a cmd-Box on the server. I can still see sessions with qwinsta, did not try anything further. Suggestions?

    best regards


    Wednesday, August 23, 2017 2:30 PM

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    Similar issue here. Server 2016 RDSH installed as guest under Citrix XenServer, plain RDS, no Citrix XenApp or XenDesktop. Users can log in and create a session but shows black screen. Restarting the RDSH server still does not handle it immediately, it takes another 20 - 45 minutes before the black screen suddenly turns into the regular desktop. I also get a black desktop if I log in as admin into the RDSH server [not via RDP but via XenCenter console].

    Ctrl+Shift+ESC shows the task manager. Using TaskMgr to start Windows Explorer shows the task started in the task manager but Explorer window does not become visible. Some programs can be started this way via Task Manager, others cannot. So it seems everything works but it just does not show desktop - Windows Explorer used to be the process which also shows the desktop - not sure about Server 2016 if that is still the case.

    The RDSH server in question has another issue which seems related - the start menu does not work. Cortana does not work. Curiously, the DC of that network acting as session broker does not have the black screen issue [never had], and does not have the start menu issue.

    I'll try full re-installation next. It is clearly a Windows 10 UI problem.


    Friday, October 20, 2017 7:38 AM

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    oh wow. i can confirm that killing the audiodg.exe resolves the issue instantly.

    Wednesday, January 10, 2018 8:33 AM

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    it keeps us pretty busy as well. 24 session hosts affected ...

    Thursday, February 1, 2018 12:57 PM

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    Any news from Microsoft on this. We are having the same problem with Server 2016 and it is not in a domain.

    Friday, June 1, 2018 12:16 PM

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    To add a "me too":

    Physical box, HP DL385 Gen8 with AMD CPUs.

    Windows 2016 Standard with Desktop Experience.

    Runs System Center Data Protection Manager. Hyper-v role is installed for DPM to be able to do Hyper-V full VM [VHD level] backups.

    Get the black screen at login once a month or so. Am working on figuring out if there is a timing pattern.

    Audiodg.exe is not running. The black screen happens whether RDP or ILO Remote Console access.

    Ctrl-Alt-Del can bring up task manager. Ran shutdown.exe /r, and it just sat at blue "restarting computer" screen.

    Had to cold boot it via ILO.

    Monday, June 11, 2018 1:11 PM

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    Symptoms for this fix require firefox to be installed in your build and 2016 [audiodg.exe related issue]

    The bug is actually formed by firefox creating an endless loop in the audiodg.exe process, even if firefox is closed and the sessions terminated, the loop within audiodg.exe will remain halting windows logons just before desktop is shown.

    In short the fix is [if your issue is to do withterminating audiodg.exe, whereterminating itfixes the issue]:

    Added a preferential policy for users to set the windows default sound scheme to “no sound”

    IMPORTANT change:

    Previous fix :HKCU\AppEvents\Schemes [default value = ".None"]

    New fix: Read my updates below in another update [7 post below]on keeping the key as ".Default" [selection of the sound scheme] and instead disable the logon sound in the default sound scheme

    The problem:

    We had sessionsstuck at a black screen, during logon 2016 RDS.

    ~ 4 months ago we worked with MS and I sent them a few memory dumps

    While they were evaluating the dumps I found a process via RDP ing to an effected host, kicking all the users then going through all the processes killing them one at a time

    I eventually found via the RDP console, “audiodg.exe” when I killed it all the sessions progressed to desktop immediately

    MS looked at this process and the memory dumps and found a deadloop had been created with this exe even though the caller “firefox” had been closed and the sessions terminated

    End up they were able to replicate the issue by playing 3 videos concurrently within one firefox tab, this created an endless looping process within audiodg.exe

    • We ended up closing the case with remove firefox or disable audio [knowing we could not do either]

    Time passes and I had time to think about it, with the odd host having the issue every now and then

    We had the issue last week on two host and I looked into it further

    My first idea was to kill audiodg.exe on a 5 minute basis

    I found IE and chrome coped with that fine [audio would pause for .5 of a second, audiodg.exe would restart immediately and the video would continue playing

    Firefox, the video paused and had to be un-paused. Thought this is not ideal and may cause a call or two

    I then went through the hosts and found audiodg.exe not running on all of them [ahh so it’s not running all the time, what calls it then]

    Started a youtube vid and audiodg.exe starts immediately, it must be used to split the audio for each of the user sessions

    I then thought well if it’s not running all the time then what calls it during the logon process [light bulb moment. windows sounds, the logon sound]

    OLD fixAdded a user preferential policy to set the windows default sound scheme to “no sound” HKCU\AppEvents\Schemes [default value = ".None"]

    New Fix: Added a user preferential policy to clear the vlaues in:

    The two keys to change are the "default" values in:
    • HKEY_USERS\temphive\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\WindowsLogon\.Default
    • HKEY_USERS\temphive\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\WindowsLogon\.Current
    • Clearthe DATA value but keep the[Default] example:

    Have not seen the issue since

    Applies to Terminal server 2016 [firefox all versions, some are worse than others]

    We will likely add a 6 hr sched task in to kill audiodg.exe because if a deadloop exists it is likely no audio can be played for other users.

    Hope this helps

    Credit to MS support for analysing the memory dumps

    • Proposed as answer by theinvestigator Tuesday, July 3, 2018 4:42 AM
    • Edited by theinvestigator Friday, September 28, 2018 1:47 AM

    Tuesday, July 3, 2018 4:42 AM

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    Same issue with RDS 2016. Users getting black screen. Even console access presents a black screen.killing audiodg.exe process restored the desktop immediately. I noticed that a bunch of services were in the starting/stopping state. After killing the audiodg.exe process all services are running normally.

    Wednesday, August 8, 2018 8:52 PM

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    Hi ;

    We had this problem as well... and we could not figure out what was the issue.

    Turns out it was malware... We solved it by installing MBAM ...

    I understand sounds really the first thing that someone would say about a computer... Just its worth the try

    Monday, August 13, 2018 7:22 PM

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    Once again I am asking: is there another KB besides KB3213986 that will possibly correct this bug? I have tried manual install of KB3213986 on 2 different 2016 Servers only to be told that it isn't applicable to my OS. This is an ongoing issue, and obviously has been for nearly 2 years. When will it be fixed? If it has been fixed, where can I get a KB fix that actually IS applicable to the system that it's supposed to be applicable to? I can't express in mere words the level of frustration here.

    Wednesday, August 29, 2018 7:09 PM

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    I'm at the beginning of W2008R2 RDSH migration to W2016 RDSH. I have to say that I bumped into several bugs, such as this one, that make me think that Microsoft is not taking RDSH as a serious subject. I'm not going to move all my users to W2016 anytime soon.

    Yesterday, I started a Remote Desktop from home. Immediately after login I had a popup "do you have problem with sound ?" huuuu.... well... no, maybe.. who knows...

    Then I got a black screen. To kill that locked session, I tried to open another remote desktop as a user with administrative right : Black screen. I tried to open the console session from our virtualization management platform : black screen.

    I ended up restarting the server from the virtualization management platform. Luckily this server had no users.

    I understand that turning sound off may helps but what if users wants sound ???

    • Edited by lolix2 Tuesday, September 4, 2018 7:27 AM

    Tuesday, September 4, 2018 7:04 AM

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    I'm at the beginning of W2008R2 RDSH migration to W2016 RDSH. I have to say that I bumped into several bugs, such as this one, that make me think that Microsoft is not taking RDSH as a serious subject. I'm not going to move all my users to W2016 anytime soon.

    Yesterday, I started a Remote Desktop from home. Immediately after login I had a popup "do you have problem with sound ?" huuuu.... well... no, maybe.. who knows...

    Then I got a black screen. To kill that locked session, I tried to open another remote desktop as a user with administrative right : Black screen. I tried to open the console session from our virtualization management platform : black screen.

    I ended up restarting the server from the virtualization management platform. Luckily this server had no users.

    I understand that turning sound off may helps but what if users wants sound ???

    The reg key just disables the windows "logon" "ta daaa"sound and other system sounds it does not disable sound as a whole. Sound will still work for video's etc

    This is what you are changing with the reg key

    Wednesday, September 12, 2018 11:53 PM

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    I'm not sure if it is related, but the solution being stopping Windows Audio service as well, I report it here. [as Black screen of deaf..;-]

    Symptoms : Users want to run an application [Thunderbird] and nothing, just nothing happens. No clue.

    As an admin, I couldn't start that application either.

    BUT... as an admin I could stop Windows Audio service. Then all instances that were stalled somewhere popped-up...


    • Edited by lolix2 Monday, September 24, 2018 2:54 PM

    Monday, September 24, 2018 2:51 PM

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    Still happening. I did the registry change to .None and the system went almost 3 weeks before it started doing it again. Twice so far this week.

    Will there EVER be a fix????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


    Is anybody there?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


    Funny enough the .None had worked for us for 4 odd months without issue until yesterday we hada host with the issue. After investigating I can see the cause is the same [deadloop in "Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation"].What I did note as a user was that the windows logon sound was still active, it appears that setting the key in preferential policy may not always beat the user getting to the point where the logon sound is played.

    One option is to remove the cause "Firefox"

    The other is to disable the logon sounds

    I now userstanda bit more about how thesound profiles after looking into adding it to the default user profile.

    The .None HKCU\AppEvents\Schemes [default value = ".None"] key will not work by the looks of it if added to the default user profile. If .None is added then when a new user is created asound profile is created called .None with all of the windows default sounds active. Think of the key here as the name of the sound profilethe user is using, in this pic you will see a profile .None does not actually exist. So now I understand why setting the HKCU\AppEvents\Schemes [default value = ".None"] works fora user with an existing profile because you are telling windows to use a profile that does not exist in the sub keys [effectively breaking the process]

    The solution I worked on yesterday isto disable the windows logon soundin the default user profile [for new users] and disable it for any users with user profiles.

    Be aware this is without warranty and by proceeding you accept the risks involved, you should only proceed if youare familiar with updating the registry and understand how it works.

    Here is the process to disable the logon sounds in the Default user profile [we are going to load the default user profile user registry and edit the default sounds profile, then unload the profile]:

    1. Open "regedit.exe" as administrator
    2. Click on HKEY_USERS

    3. With "HKEY_USERS" highlighted, go to the file menu [FILE, LOAD HIVE]

    4. Select the default user profiles normall located in "c:\users\default\ntuser.dat" [this file is theHKEY_CURRENT_USER for thedefault user profile]

    5. In the Load hive window enter "temphive"

    6. The "default" users registry is now ready for editing,make sure you backup any keysbefore you change them via: [file, export] if you want to roll them back later.[you will need to get back to this step if you want to restore the reg keys later]

    7. The two keys to change are the "default" values in:

    • HKEY_USERS\temphive\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\WindowsLogon\.Default
    • HKEY_USERS\temphive\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\WindowsLogon\.Current
    • Remove the DATA value [path to the sound file] by double clicking the [default] key and clear the sound file out, this is what it should look like when done for both keys

    8. Make sure you have done it for both keys I listed above [.Current and .Default]

    9. Now unload the default users registry profile [highlight the top key "HKEY_USERS\temphive", select "File", "Unload Hive"

    All new users [not existing user profiles] will now have no logon sound set.

    If you have existing user profiles you will probably be best to apply the two keys via preferential policy, be aware that what ever profile you have specified here the corresponding "sound profile" needs to be updated. here is an example of the .Defaultprofile being active and the corresponding "sound scheme, notice the names both match"



    I think is is also a good idea to terminate "Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation" daily at a minimum, this will alteast reset the deadloop if it exists allowing audio to be used. You could setup a scheduled task to do this. Be aware that terminating this process on a regular interval will halt vidoes playing in Chrome [user has to click play again] I found, I also found this in previous versions of firefox. IE seems to cope file with this process being terninated, IE will restart "Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation" within .5 of a second and video will continue playing.

    Good luck

    • Edited by theinvestigator Friday, September 28, 2018 1:30 AM

    Friday, September 28, 2018 1:13 AM

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    As it seems to be part of the "cumulative" policy, yes it must have bee applied.

    Although I always give a couple of weeks to the latest cumulative patches to be sure that the patches of the patches of the patches will be installed as well.

    Nevertheless.... could you please tell me how I can make sure that this particular patch [or any other] have been applied ?

    • Edited by lolix2 Monday, December 3, 2018 7:40 AM

    Monday, December 3, 2018 7:35 AM

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    Despite disabling all system sounds, I Still have to restart the Windows Audio service several times a week.

    unfortunately we're bound to Firefox. But are we sure this is the only software that causes that problem ?

    If one software can create such a deadlock in a system service, why another software wouldn't be ?

    This MUST BE FIXED at the OS level.


    This is killing me.

    I agree. This has been going on for so long it's becoming ridiculous. Microsoft are treating this like if they ignore the problem it'll resolve itself. There is something fundamentally wrong with Win 2016. We don't get this on any other OS like 2012, 2012r2 that we have a running RDS environment.

    • Edited by DukeOfAwesome Sunday, January 27, 2019 3:50 AM

    Sunday, January 27, 2019 3:49 AM

    New Task > Explorer.exe

  • Try connecting at a different resolution.
  • Access the remote computers Computer Management or Services MMC and cycle the Remote Desktop Services service.
  • Update display drivers, both on the connecting machine and on the machine you are connecting too.
    - Some users are experiencing this with Nvidia GPUs. The Geforce Experience program has a "Share" feature aka "shadow play"; when enabled some people experience the problem. Try to disable it, restart and see if it helps.
    - Check the display settings at the remote host and see if there is a phantom monitor present. Might need to change which monitor is the primary one.
  • Start a new RDP client on your desktop but BEFORE you click CONNECT, click the SHOW OPTIONS link, click the DISPLAY tab and set the DISPLAY CONFIGURATION to a low resolution like 640×480.
  • Try turning off Fast Startup.
    - This feature only works when you do a SHUTDOWN and then Boot. It doesn't effect a RESTART.
    - Go to Control panel, Power Options and select Choose What the Power Buttons Do on the left.
    - Then select Change Settings That are Currently Unavailable near the top center of screen...
    - Lower down on the window, uncheck Fast Startup.
  • Disable bitmap caching for your RDP connections
  • Confirm RDP account has full administrative rights on remote system
  • Access the remote computer using consistent resolution – Full screen may help
  • Confirm both systems' video drivers are up to date
Hope this helps you out.


· · ·

Ghost Chili



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Jul 8, 2021 at 15:20 UTC

David.York wrote:

Ultimately, I think that resolved resolved the issue. I restarted the server, stopped the remote desktop services, and performed a file restore of the%SystemRoot%\System32\ folder [again]. I think stopping the remote desktop services unlocked those system files allowing them to be successfully restored.

Might be. Actually, it is recommended to do such things while the operating system is "offline" using a Live USB to be sure all the files will be restored/replaced correctly.


· · ·



David.York Jul 9, 2021 at 21:24 UTC

Supaplex wrote:

David.York wrote:

Ultimately, I think that resolved resolved the issue. I restarted the server, stopped the remote desktop services, and performed a file restore of the%SystemRoot%\System32\ folder [again]. I think stopping the remote desktop services unlocked those system files allowing them to be successfully restored.

Might be. Actually, it is recommended to do such things while the operating system is "offline" using a Live USB to be sure all the files will be restored/replaced correctly.

Your point is correct. While my restore [while server was running] did resolve the RDP connection problem, it led to other issues making the server unbootable. We restored the OS drive from backup [apps and data were installed on a different drive] and all was right again.

In hindsight, this is what we would do as a first step should something like this ever happen again.


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Remote Desktop on Windows 2016 Server and get a black screen.


Mar 19, 2018· Remote Desktop on Windows 2016 Server and get a black screen. We are running 2 2016 windows servers running Exchange 2016 in co-existence with 2010 exchange. Simple two copy Dag [server three] has active copy of databases. [server four] has copy of databases. I was logged into both just monitoring both servers.

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