Steam controller using desktop configuration in game

Base Configurations > Big Picture Configuration[\/b][\/*] \t\t\t[*]Select the right trackpad, press [b]Start[\/b] located next to the Steam Controller button for [b]Advanced Settings[\/b][\/*] \t\t\t[*]Change the haptics intensity to [b]Low[\/b][\/*] \t\t[\/olist][\/expand][expand type=title title=\"Steam button lights up but doesn't control anything\"]\n\nYour Steam Controller may be paired to a different device [another computer or Steam Link]. Plug your Wireless USB Receiver into the desired device and do the following to pair to a different source:\n\n[olist] \t\t\t[*]Turn off your Steam Controller[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Hold [b][A][\/b] and press the Steam button[\/*] \t\t[\/olist][\/expand][expand type=title title=\"My Steam Controller doesn't work as expected in a game\"]\n\nYou may experience functionality loss or unintended input if the Steam Overlay isn't working properly or the configuration you've chosen includes input styles that aren't supported by the game you're playing.\n\n[h5]1. Check Steam Overlay functionality[\/h5]The Steam Overlay is vital to Steam Controller functionality. Press the Steam button on your controller, or SHIFT+TAB on your keyboard to bring up the overlay. If the Steam Overlay doesn't appear, make sure you've enabled it through the Steam settings menu.\n\n[olist] \t\t\t[*]In the Steam client or Big Picture Mode, open the settings menu[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Under the [b]In-Game[\/b] tab, make sure the [b]Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game[\/b] box is checked[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Confirm by clicking [b]OK[\/b][\/*] \t\t[\/olist]\n\n[h5]2. Launch the game from Steam[\/h5]Steam may have issues applying the Steam Overlay to non-Steam or retail games. Please try [url=\/\/\/en\/faqs\/view\/4B8B-9697-2338-40EC]adding retail or non-Steam games[\/url] to your Steam library. Once the game is added, launch the game from your Steam library\n\n[h5]3. Disable game launcher overlays[\/h5]Some games use a separate launcher outside of Steam [Ubisoft Connect, Origin, Bethesda Launcher, etc.]. These games may have overlays that interfere with the Steam Overlay. To disable these overlays:\n\n[olist] \t\t\t[*]Launch the game from Steam[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Locate the external launcher settings menu[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Select the option to disable the overlay[\/*] \t\t[\/olist]\n\n[h5]4. Change your controller configuration[\/h5]To create your own configuration:\n\n[olist] \t\t\t[*]Open Steam in Big Picture Mode[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Select the game from your library and select [b]Manage Game[\/b][\/*] \t\t\t[*]Under [b]Steam Input[\/b], select [b]Controller Configuration[\/b][\/*] \t\t\t[*]Customize your Steam Controller input settings for that game[\/*] \t\t[\/olist]\n\nYou can build from the [b]Keyboard [WASD] Mouse[\/b] configuration for keyboard\/mouse input, and [b]Gamepad[\/b] listed under the Template section to avoid using hybridized input that some games may not accept.\n\nNote: Rename the binding to be easily located. It is listed in your Templates section. Make any input modifications that you need and export\/save the configuration.\n\n[h5]5. Disable input emulators and streaming software[\/h5]If you have an Xinput emulator [Joy2Key], any type of input management software [Razer Synapse, Logitech], screen capturing software [NVIDIA ShadowPlay], a framerate counter program, or others installed on your computer, it may conflict with the Steam Controller. Try disabling these programs and retest the issue.\n\nCheck out our [url=\/\/\/en\/faqs\/view\/1F39-DCB4-FF28-5748]Programs Which May Interfere with Steam [\/url]FAQ.\n\n[\/expand][expand type=title title=\"How to use the Steam Controller with non-Steam games\"]\n\nYou\u2019ll need to add the game and\/or launcher to your Steam Library:\n\n[olist] \t\t\t[*]Launch Steam and click the [b]Games[\/b] menu[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Select [b]Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library[\/b][\/*] \t\t\t[*]Find your game on your computer or check the box next to the game[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Select [b]Add Selected Programs[\/b][\/*] \t\t[\/olist]\n\nMake sure to enable your Steam Overlay globally in the Steam client Settings:\n\n[olist] \t\t\t[*]Select Steam in the top left of the menu bar, then select [b]Settings[\/b][\/*] \t\t\t[*]Go to the [b]In-game[\/b] tab[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Check the [b]Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game[\/b] box[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Optionally, check the Use Big Picture Overlay when using a Steam Input enables controller from the desktop.[\/*] \t\t[\/olist]\n\n[i]If your third-party client has an Overlay, disable it to make sure it doesn\u2019t conflict with the Steam Overlay.[\/i]\n\n[\/expand][expand type=title title=\"Phantom input\"]\n\nIf you're experiencing random input or drifting trackpads, you may need to calibrate your Steam Controller.\n\n[olist] \t\t\t[*]While in Big Picture Mode, select the settings icon in the top-right corner of the client[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Under [b]Controller[\/b], select [b]Controller settings[\/b][\/*] \t\t\t[*]Find your controller listed under [b]Detected Controllers:[\/b][\/*] \t\t\t[*]Select your controller and click [b]CALIBRATE[\/b][\/*] \t\t\t[*]Follow the on-screen instructions to complete calibration[\/*] \t\t[\/olist] \t[previewyoutube=xMYm8eZskIc;full][\/previewyoutube][\/expand][expand type=title title=\"Problems using multiple controllers\"]\n\nThe Steam Controller uses XInput to send commands to your computer. When you're using multiple controllers, games will prioritize some controllers over others depending on their input style, DirectInput or XInput. However, you can try to isolate the input devices to determine if one is causing an interference.\n\nTo isolate input devices:\n\n[olist] \t\t\t[*]Launch the game[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Remove all input devices[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Plug in the Steam Controller and check to see if it works[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Plug in another input device [keyboard, mouse or gamepad][\/*] \t\t\t[*]Check to make sure both devices work[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Continue this process until Steam Controller functionality breaks[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Update or disable problematic input device drivers[\/*] \t\t[\/olist]\n\nTo ensure that your devices are using different configurations:\n\n[olist] \t\t\t[*]Make sure both controllers are plugged in, connected, and registered[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Right click game in your Library and choose Manage > Controller Configuration > bottom button labeled [b]Switch Controller[\/b] > Change Controller Configuration Grouping[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Select unique configurations for each device[\/*] \t\t[\/olist]\n\nNote: You can also change the controller order from Big Picture mode > Library > Manage > Controller Options.\n\n[\/expand][expand type=title title=\"I can\u2019t save my configuration\"]\n\nIf you're using a Steam Controller as a [b]Guest[\/b], you won't be able to save configurations. Register your Steam Controller to use the save feature.\n\nDo the following to register your Steam Controller:\n\n[olist] \t\t\t[*]Launch Steam in Big Picture Mode[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Select the settings icon in the top-right[\/*] \t\t\t[*]Under [b]Controller[\/b], select [b]Controller settings[\/b][\/*] \t\t\t[*]Find your controller listed under [b]Detected Controllers:[\/b][\/*] \t\t\t[*]Select [b]REGISTER[\/b], then [b]Register to this account[\/b][\/*] \t\t\t[*]Choose preferences and click [b]Submit[\/b][\/*] \t\t[\/olist] \t[previewyoutube=hPgsuwDBZNE;full][\/previewyoutube][\/expand][expand type=title title=\"Can I recharge batteries in my Steam Controller?\"]\n\nThe Steam Controller accepts disposable and rechargeable batteries. The USB cable is intended to provide a wired connection and does not charge any batteries inserted into the Controller.\n\n[i]To use rechargeable batteries, they will need to be charged with the appropriate device.[\/i]\n\n[\/expand] \t \n\n","title":"Steam Controller FAQ","timestamp":1628799894,"author_account_id":null}}}>

Your Steam controller settings are the problem. The first answer you saw likely told you to just turn off the controller in Steam. You don't need to do that. You just need to tell steam to mind it's own business.

1. Open steam.

2. View > Big Picture Mode

3. Click the Gear in the top right next to the Power symbol.

4. Under the Controller heading click Base Configurations.

5. Click Desktop Configuration.

6. Click Browse Configs

7. Click Disabled and Apply Configuration

8. Close Big Picture Mode if you wish.

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