Play a joke là gì

–    Can you do card tricks?

Bạn có thể chơi trò ảo thuật với quân bài không?

[Không dùng *joke*]


[= actions that seem like “magic”: hành động có vẻ giống như ma thuật]

–    I must tell you funny joke I heard at the office this morning.

Tôi phải kể cậu nghe một trò đùa buồn cười tớ đã nghe được ở văn phòng sáng nay.

[Không dùng *trick*]

[= a funny story một câu chuyện cười]

–    He’s always playing silly jokes/tricks on people.

Anh ta luôn luôn đùa nghịch trêu chọc mọi người một cách ngớ ngẩn.

[Không dùng *making/doing jokes/tricks*]

[play jokes/tricks = biểu diễn những hành động có ý làm cho vui vẻ make jokes = kể chuyện cười]

Nếu thấy hữu ích, bạn g+ cho mình nhé và nhớ giới thiệu các bạn cùng ghé thăm, Chúng tôi  đang cập nhật hàng ngày. Các bạn có thể góp ý và đặt câu hỏi tại Diễn đàn dịch thuật. Ngoài ra,  để hiểu thêm về Công ty dịch thuật Phú Ngọc Việt, hãy đọc thêm mục Trung tâm dịch thuật, dịch tiếng Campuchia ….

Lớn rồi nhưng vẫn thích chơi trò con nít. Photo by Maxim Shklyaev

"Play a practical joke [on someone]" = Kiểu đùa giỡn với ai mà làm hành động thân thể nhiều hơn so với lời nói đến nỗi khiến họ trông rất ngớ ngẩn và ngốc thiệt sự.

Ví dụ

“We had multiple emergency vehicles to this location during a very busy time,” he said. “There are many ways to play a practical joke but the use of 911 and committing crimes and the offense that they were actually reporting on are not something to joke about.”

On Sunday, Quibi shared a brief teaser of “Punk’d”, with Chance gleefully [vui sướng, hân hoan] explaining his elaborate plan to play a practical joke on Megan Thee Stallion. In the prank, Megan believes that her beloved French bulldog had run off, placing her in a situation in which a fake gorilla busts out of a cage and terrifies her.

Levi Taylor and his then-girlfriend had been drinking in Colchester town centre when they got talking to another couple. The four decided to return to his partner's home in Berechurch where the two women decided to play a practical joke and pretend they were kissing. However tempers flared in the aftermath of the gag, and Taylor struck his partner in the face leaving her bruised. The 27-year-old also damaged several of the items in her home including a wall, lightswitch, plates, glasses and a full-length mirror as he flew into a rage.

Ka Tina

Bài trước: "Homie don't play that" nghĩa là gì?

was playing a joke

playing a game

a joke

was just playing a joke

play a joke on Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

play a joke on

fool or trick someone, play a prank on I played a joke on Ty. I phoned and said he'd won the lottery.

play a joke [on one]

To trick one or do something to make them appear foolish; to play a prank [on one]. It took me a while to realize that my brother was playing a joke on me. The kids tried to play a joke on the babysitter by pretending to be her boyfriend on the phone.Learn more: joke, play

play a joke on someone

to make a joke that tricks someone. The children played a joke on their teacher. I don't like it when you play jokes on me.Learn more: joke, on, play
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