On which tab will a user find the option to group and sort data on a report

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In the screen shot below, the Category quantity in cell C4 is selected, and sorted Z-A (largest to smallest). That moves Cookies to the top of the list, but the Products within each Category are still sorted A-Z (smallest to largest)

You can create a group to combine related members in a field. For example, if you are working with a view that shows average test scores by major, you might want to group certain majors together to create major categories. English and History might be combined into a group called Liberal Arts Majors, while Biology and Physics might be grouped as Science Majors.

Groups are useful for both correcting data errors (e.g., combining CA, Calif., and California into one data point) as well as answering "what if" type questions (e.g., "What if we combined the East and West regions?).

Create a group

There are multiple ways to create a group. You can create a group from a field in the Data pane, or by selecting data in the view and then clicking the group icon.

Create a group by selecting data in the view

  1. In the view, select one or more data points and then, on the tooltip that appears, click the group icon

    On which tab will a user find the option to group and sort data on a report

    Note: You can also select the group icon on the toolbar at the top of the workspace.

    If there are multiple levels of detail in the view, you must select a level to group the members. You can select to group all dimensions, or just one.

Create a group from a field in the Data pane

  1. In the Data pane, right-click a field and select Create > Group.

    On which tab will a user find the option to group and sort data on a report

  2. In the Create Group dialog box, select several members that you want to group, and then click Group.

    On which tab will a user find the option to group and sort data on a report

The selected members are combined into a single group. A default name is created using the combined member names.

To rename the group, select it in the list and click Rename.

Tip: You can search for members using the Find option near the bottom-right of the dialog box. (Tableau Desktop only)

On which tab will a user find the option to group and sort data on a report

Include an Other Group

When you create groups in Tableau, you have the option to group all remaining, or non-grouped members in an Other group.

The Include Other option is useful for highlighting certain groups or comparing specific groups against everything else. For example, if have a view that shows sales versus profit product category, you might want to highlight the high and low performing categories in the view, and group all the other categories into an "Other" group.

Includes OtherDoes not include Other
On which tab will a user find the option to group and sort data on a report
On which tab will a user find the option to group and sort data on a report

To include an Other group:

  1. In the Data pane, right-click the group field and select Edit Group.

  2. In the Edit Group dialog box, select Include 'Other'.

    On which tab will a user find the option to group and sort data on a report

Edit a Group

After you have created a grouped field, you can add and remove members from the groups, create new groups, change the default group names, and change the name of the grouped field. You can make some changes directly in the view, and others through the Edit Group dialog box.

To add members to an existing group:

  • In the Data pane, right-click the group field, and then click Edit Group.

    On which tab will a user find the option to group and sort data on a report

  • In the Edit Group dialog box, select one or more members and drag them into the group you want.

  • Click OK.

To remove members from an existing group:

  • In the Data pane, right-click the group field, and then click Edit Group.

  • In the Edit Group dialog box, select one or more members, and then click Ungroup.

    The members are removed from the current group. If you have an Other group, the members are added to it.

    What is grouping in a report?

    You can group report data by columns or rows you select, to help you better understand the data. You can also set reports to automatically display the sum, average, maximum, minimum, or count of data in a column.

    Which are grouping intervals available for use in the report wizard?

    You can specify a group interval of a day, week, month, or quarter on a date field. This is useful if you want to view the sales for each week in a report. You can also specify a custom interval. You can easily specify groups with the Report Wizard when creating a new report.

    What is sorting and filtering in MS Access?

    You can sort Access data so you can view records in the order you want to view them, and you can filter data so you only see the records you want to see. This lesson teaches you how to sort and filter an Access table. Access data is stored in multiple tables.