Is 2-in-1 laptop good for students

[Original post by FutureMissMRCS]
What laptop do you have? Do you take all your notes on the tablet or only some? Do you think it's a, lot better taking notes on the tablet then laptop or paper?
I have a hp pavillion laptop something similar to this: //

Only difference is I got 128gb ssd along with 1tb hard drive. In hindsight I wish I would've got 256gb ssd instead as the 1tb hard drive is considered external and it is far better to have more internal memory especially as a solid state drive [computer is much faster etc and you can always buy external hard drive later on if needed].

In terms of note taking, we got given handouts for all our lecture courses so I basically did it handwritten on those handouts as it was easier for me. Having said that, there were many people on my course who preferred taking notes electronically on a tablet as the exact same handouts were put online for our university. I mostly used the note taking function on my tablet to do practise questions as I could pretty do any question and save it on my tablet and it also saved paper.

To answer your final question, I think the answer is not definitive as it would depend on what course you are doing and personal preference. For me personally, I think handwritten notes is still superior to doing it electronically BUT doing it on a tablet is more superior to doing it on a laptop imo as well because I would find it easier to write notes faster in a lecture setting than typing it up [formatting etc would get tedious on a laptop with just a keyboard and touchpad].

P.s. I am not an apple fan hence none of my products are apple haha

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