Weekly cleaning checklist template

Weekly cleaning schedule

Keeping a clean house is an art form in itself. The easiest way to keep a clean house is to have a house cleaning checklist of things you do every day and throughout the week so that you dont let things pile up and make a larger house clean on the weekend when you are supposed to be relaxing. Here is a weekly cleaning schedule template for you to follow.

You can download this house cleaning checklist by entering your email below.

Daily cleaning schedule

There are just some things that need to be done every day. By doing these, you prevent dirt from building up, and that means having fewer things to do. Something like wiping down the sink every time you use it may not feel like a big deal but leave it for a week, and you will be scrubbing hard to get those stubborn toothpaste stains off your sink.

Here are the things you should be doing daily to keep your house tidy.

Daily cleaning activities

These are activities in your house cleaning schedule that you likely already do. They only take a minute, and by putting them in your cleaning routine, you keep your house looking spic and span.

  • Wash and put away the dishes
  • Sweep the kitchen floor
  • Clean up spills
  • Check and open mail
  • Put clothes in the laundry basket
  • Wipe countertops, kitchen island, and dining table
  • Wipe out sinks after using it
  • Put away all unused items
  • Tidy up remote controls, videos, and video games

Check out our top cleaning tips here.

Weekly cleaning checklist

There is an expression I love, By the inch, its a cinch; by the yard, its hard. This couldnt be more applicable than when it comes to cleaning your home. Having a few things to do every day is a lot easier than spending hours on a Saturday morning doing everything at once.

By keeping up with this weekly schedule, it will get easier and easier to keep your house clean all year long. To make sure you have everything you need, check out our home cleaning supplies checklist.

Side note: If you have ever had to clean a hoarders house [like we did once, long story], you appreciate the art of doing a little bit at a time before the chores started to pile up. Because they can really pile up if you leave them.

Prefer to clean the entire house at once? Get our full house cleaning checklist.

Monday Laundry

I dont know about you, but Mondays are hard enough. So I like to keep things light when it comes to my weekly cleaning chores. This is my laundry day. Its nice to have new sheets at the beginning of the week. We find this helps keep the stress down.

Its also garbage day the next day, so we add that into our Monday as well. Of course, you can always use this as your weekly cleaning schedules template and swap the days around to what suits you best.

  • Clean sheets and blankets
  • Wash and fold laundry [dont forget to replace bathroom towels]
  • Remove lint from the dryer filter
  • Put the washing machine on a clean cycle to flush out any residue
  • Empty garbages and take out the trash

Tuesday Bedrooms

The bedroom is our most personal area, so its important that its clean and tidy. If you have pets, this is also a good time to clean their areas and feeding bowls.

  • Dust all surfaces
  • Tidy room, organize areas
  • Clean windows and blinds
  • Clean pet spaces
  • Clean pet bowls

Wednesday Bathroom

Cleaning the bathroom is never a great thing to do, so we get it done on hump day. Ill admit this is the part of the house cleaning schedule I dont exactly love. But a little bit of cleaning maintenance goes a long way. Plus, doing these things can help prevent buildup in your drains and toilets.

  • Clean bathroom sinks
  • Scrub and disinfect toilet [if you have hard water stains in your toilet, heres how to remove them]
  • Clean shower
  • Clean bathtub
  • Wash bathmat and towels
  • Disinfect sinks and countertop

Ring in the toilet? Heres how to get rid of toilet ring.

Want something more detailed? Check out our free printable, How to clean a bathroom checklist.

Thursday Floors, and Dusting

Personally, I like to go into the weekend with clean floors, and trying to do them any day earlier than Thursday is a wash [pun intended]. Cleaning and dusting the floor on Thursday means we can host the next night or Saturday without worrying about how the floors look.

A big part of a clean-looking house is having a clean floor with all the items picked up. Its best to start with dusting, then vacuum, leaving the high traffic areas for last. Of course, you could always buy a Roomba, and it would do this for you. They are great for keeping the dust down in a house.

  • Dust lamps and ceiling fans
  • Dust and clean window ledges
  • Vacuum furniture
  • Dust baseboards
  • Dust furniture and fixtures
  • Dust all surfaces [were big on dusting since I have a dust allergy]
  • Vacuuming, sweeping, and mop floors

Friday Other areas

By Friday, we barely feel like making dinner, let alone cleaning. But there are two things that are worth doing, and it makes all the difference [especially if you are hosting friends that night].

  • Clean windows
  • Clean mirrors
  • Optional: put clothes in the laundry if needed

The nice bonus is that when you have people over on a Friday night, and they see how clean your house is, you will get compliments and people asking, How do you manage to keep your house clean?

Saturday Kitchen

We do our weekly grocery shop on the weekend, so, naturally, we want the kitchen organized and looking good after bringing in the next weeks worth of food.

  • Wipe down kitchen appliances
  • Disinfect countertops
  • Organize cabinets and drawers
  • Wipe down refrigerator shelves
  • Clean out microwave
  • Clean stainless steel sinks and taps
  • Trash overdue food

Prefer doing one room at a time, top to bottom? Check out our kitchen cleaning checklist.

Sunday Outdoor

Having a house is great, and if you love yard work and gardening, then this is a perfect day for you.

  • Cut the grass
  • Sweep the patio, steps, and deck
  • Weed the garden
  • Clean inside cars
  • Wash cars
  • Sweep garage

Final thoughts on the weekly cleaning checklist

This method of cleaning is a lot easier than doing everything at once. It can be a change of mindset to be cleaning a little bit each day. But by doing things a little at a time, you will find that having a few cleaning tasks a day, combined with the satisfaction of checking the boxes, that you will feel great about cleaning your entire house a little bit at a time throughout the week. Download this cleaning routine and a blank template of our weekly cleaning schedule, so you can create a cleaning system that works for you. Enter your email below to download it. If you found this helpful, make sure to save it to Pinterest!

Looking for more cleaning articles? Read these

  1. How to unclog a kitchen sink
  2. How to unclog a bathtub drain [Its Easy To Do]
  3. How to get rid of black mold in a toilet
  4. How to clean a bathtub with bleach
  5. Keurig descale light stays on2 easy fixes
  6. How to clean a Keurig needle [and get your coffee brewer working again]
  7. Fireplace glass cleaner

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