Splashtop dual monitor not working

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Photo credit: Terabass [Wikimedia Commons]

like most, we have users working remotely from home at least several days a week.

all were setup with multiple monitors at their desktops.

most users we setup to RDP into their desktop from laptop, as it let them work as if they were still at their desk.

one complaint I receive is that if they have two monitors at home, they cannot duplicate the two monitors at the office on them.

anyone familiar with remote software that would allow that, or a workaround?

some people who do macros and are constantly saving and opening excel spreadsheets see 6-8 second delay when opening or saving, and that slows them down, when it was immediate at the office.

so they would like to remote into their office desktop, but keep the use of 2 monitors.

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47 Replies

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Mark [Splashtop]
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Jul 26, 2020 at 17:07 UTC

Brand Representative for Splashtop

Please give Splashtop Business Access Pro a free test drive. It's high performance remote access solution that support multi-to-multi monitors well. There is no need for VPN nor RD Gateway setups [which all create backhauling of traffic impacting network performance] as Splashtop supports 2FA, device authentication, encrypted traffic, and manageability features. Splashtop Business Access Pro starts at $8.25 /month / user [billed annually at $99]; you need the Pro version for true multi-to-multi support.... for users who don't need multi-to-multi could go with Splashtop Business Access Solo [starts at $5 / month / user... billed annually at $60]. Once users try Splashtop, no one will be going back to VPN/ RDP. Fast, reliable, and secure. IT/MSP do not need to worry about continual patching of VPN, RDP clients/gateways, etc. Over 80k businesses are using Splashtop for work-from-home during COVID time.

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Thai Pepper
Captain James T Kirk
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Jul 26, 2020 at 17:27 UTC

I may give that a look.

also, I neglected to mention that the users connects first through SSL VPN tunnel, then RDP to their desktop.

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Jamieob Jul 26, 2020 at 18:14 UTC

In the rdp selection you can choose use both monitors

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Jamieob Jul 26, 2020 at 18:35 UTC

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TheEliteBond Jul 26, 2020 at 19:28 UTC

In the same boat as you guys.

I have multiple users setup via RDP through a VPN Tunnel. Sharing Dual Screens through RDP via VPN is not easy and most users will find it difficult to navigate depending on their experience levels. Me personally I find it very easy, but most of my users are not well technically trained.

So most of my users will use their left screens to use the File Share Options and other SaaS Solutions they can and then use the Right Screen for the Programs that are Dependent Upon the Internal Network to access Core Applications.

Maybe a little different depending on your setup. There are RDP Program like Teamviewer that allow you to see all screens at the same time, but it's still difficult to view two screens on one.


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Jamieob Jul 26, 2020 at 20:00 UTC

If you use windows RDP you can set it to select both screens see my earlier screen shot once you select it click save and it will always do this as default

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Thai Pepper
Captain James T Kirk
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Jul 26, 2020 at 21:39 UTC

I have to try this!

the kicker will be, if it actually matches up the two monitors at home with the two in the office, if so, that would be AWESOME!

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Thai Pepper
Captain James T Kirk
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Jul 26, 2020 at 23:07 UTC

worked for me [yay]

but not for the first users I tested.

of course, I am going from windows 10 to windows 10, this user has windows 10 laptop, but we have not upgraded their desktop from windows 7 yet until we purchase upgraded software.

would it make a difference if the system you are remoting into is windows 7?

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Elicious007 Jul 27, 2020 at 02:47 UTC
1st Post
Yes. I don't believe the multiple monitor feature works when running two different versions of Windows on the machines.
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Jamieob Jul 27, 2020 at 09:03 UTC

It shouldnt make a difference if honest we have windows 7 and 10 connecting to server 2008r2 and dual monitors works fine.

Resave the rdp icon to desktop and verify the selections still ticked ive had to do that a couple of times.

Glad it worked

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Thai Pepper
Captain James T Kirk
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Jul 27, 2020 at 11:06 UTC

ughh, according to techrepublic and couple of other sites

"multiple-monitors support in Windows 7's Remote Desktopis available only on Windows 7 Ultimateand Windows 7 Enterprise"

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Thai Pepper
Captain James T Kirk
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Jul 27, 2020 at 11:27 UTC

I may have found solution, short of upgrading system to 10, which is rdpwrap from github.

there are several references to the software on spiceworks, so it appears safe to try, however reddit indicates it may violate microsoft policy.

why cant anything be simple...

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Jul 27, 2020 at 11:52 UTC

Yeah, the built in RDP options, as mentioned above, worked for me and many others at my last place!

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Terecia5538 Jul 27, 2020 at 12:56 UTC

Captain James T Kirk​ - Have you looked into using Microsoft Essentials Server? It works the same as the old SBS used to. Yes, there is a cost to install it, but the way things are going [with everyone working from home indefinitely], you might be solving the issue for the long term.

Yes, you might need to install Microsoft Enterprise, but that should really only be for triple monitors, not double monitors. Are the people running Windows 7 at home or in the office? Windows 10 upgrade is still free. Check out the FAQ: //support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/12435/windows-10-upgrade-faq

  • Captain James T Kirk
    Thai Pepper
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Jul 27, 2020 at 13:45 UTC

Do you know if the Win7 clients have had RDP upgraded to RDP8?

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Jul 27, 2020 at 14:28 UTC

RDP client version 7 or later supports multiple monitors with a check box. In version 6 you would need to setup a batch file to run RDP with this command"mstsc /span".

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Jul 27, 2020 at 14:38 UTC

You also mentioned a response time issue. In my experience that delay is probably due to poor connectivity between the client and the user's work computer.

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Mark [Splashtop]
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Jul 27, 2020 at 14:48 UTC

Brand Representative for Splashtop

Many IT/MSPs have told us it is a pain to keep track of Windows versions/compatibility, RDP versions / compatibility, and VPN versions / compatibility and cross-platform needs.... easier, higher performance, and reliable to just leverage a secure cloud remote access tool like Splashtop. Splashtop also works across Mac and Linux as well as mobile devices, offering a consistent, effective remote access solution at cost effective pricing [$5 / month per user, billed annually]. No more backhauling of traffic resulting in laggy performance. With Splashtop, you can enable / disable file transfer, remote print, and other manageability knobs. 2FA, device auth, and session recording are some of the built-in security benefits. Single Sign On option is also available. Here are some outline benefits of Splashtop over RDP / VPN: //www.splashtop.com/rdp-vpn-alternative There have many reported vulnerabilities around RDPsand many ransomware has leverage RDP exploits.
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Jul 27, 2020 at 15:13 UTC

Echoing and adding to what others have said, your two options are /span and /multimon

/span just creates a single virtual monitor that is the size of your physical monitors added together [I believe the monitors must create a rectangle for this to work, e.g. you wouldn't be able to use 1920x1080 and 1080x1920, but you would be able to do 2x 1920x1080]

/multimon actually passes your monitors through as they are and acts as true multi-monitor support

It used to be the case that whilst /span was available to any version of Windows with RDP, where /multimon required thehost [remote] PC to have a certain license type [for example on Windows 7, Ultimate or Enterprise], from a quick search, it looks like since Windows 8.1, Pro now supports /multimon

Edited Jul 27, 2020 at 15:31 UTC
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Thai Pepper
Captain James T Kirk
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Jul 27, 2020 at 17:19 UTC

I will give the multimon a try, but since we are not wanting to do a span, but simply duplicate the two monitors on the office desktop to the two monitors on the home laptop, it may not work due to desktop running windows 7.

I will also check on the version of RDP

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DZee Jul 27, 2020 at 20:14 UTC

Captain James T Kirk wrote:

[Would it make a difference if the office system is Windows 7.]

If I recall, you must have Windows 7 "Ultimate" on both ends to use Windows native multi-monitor RDP, or it may work with one end 7 Ultimate and the other end Windows 10. Not sure of Windows 10 Home behavior. Using a 3rd party solution may sidestep this limitation.

The "Use All My Monitors" checkbox on Remote Desktop client mentioned above will literally use all the monitors on the client side regardless of how many you have attached to the system at the office.

I'm doing a quadruple monitor WFH session right now to a three-monitor system at the office, and it operates fine over a wimpy 12Mb down DSL line with only 600K up.

Before making the RDP connection, make sure the multiple monitors on the home side are in extended mode and the cursor travels across the screen borders in a logical way [e.g. right side of left monitor goes to left side of right monitor]. Once that's established, multi-monitor RDP will use the local Windows' system monitors' relative positions in the remote session.

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Jul 27, 2020 at 20:25 UTC

Terecia5538 wrote:

Captain James T Kirk - Windows 10 upgrade is still free. Check out the FAQ: //support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/12435/windows-10-upgrade-faq

You are mistaken:

Is the Windows 10 free upgrade offer still available?

The Windows 10 free upgrade through the Get Windows 10 [GWX] app ended on July 29, 2016.

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Thai Pepper
Captain James T Kirk
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Jul 27, 2020 at 20:28 UTC

I may purchase license upgrade for the desktop to windows 10, license upgrade doesnt cost THAT much, and system runs fine otherwise.

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Jul 28, 2020 at 00:10 UTC

We do this as well. As long as both the computer at home and their computer at the office have WIndows 10 installed it should not be an issue. When setting up the RDP shortcut for them, click the Display tab, and then put a check in "Use all of my monitors for the remote session", it should work fine.

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