Azure Virtual Desktop optimisation

Optimization Recommendations for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

December 1, 2021
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With proper monitoring, administrators are able to identify what areas of the solution to focus optimization efforts on. The following items are some of the most common areas for optimizing a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops deployment.

Azure Virtual Desktops

Learn about the value add Citrix provides to your Azure Virtual Desktop environment running in Microsoft Azure. Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service provides a cloud-based management, provisioning, and capacity management solution for delivering virtual apps and desktops to any device. See how cost savings can be achieved while delivering a superlative user experience and enhancing the security posture of our deployment.

Read more: Enhancing Azure Virtual Desktop
View Webcast: Enhancing Azure Virtual Desktop
Read more: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops for Azure - Tech Overview

Cloud Cost Optimizations

Explore the various ways Citrix enables admins to save on cost when hosting workloads in the cloud. Learn about different load balancing algorithms and scaling methodologies and how much they can save in an environment based on our tests.

Read more: Autoscale
Read More: Autoscale Design Considerations

End User Experience

HDX is a set of remoting technologies providing the user with the best possible virtual application and desktop experience. The technologies within HDX include things like the ICA protocol, adaptive display, adaptive throughput, browser content redirection and more. Each technology within HDX focuses on a unique part of the overall virtual app and desktop session delivery approach. To see how these capabilities improve the overall experience, watch the following videos.

View demo: Adaptive Display
View demo: Adaptive Throughput
View demo: Adaptive Transport
View demo: Browser Content Redirection

Logon Performance

To deliver the best possible logon performance, Workspace Environment Management replaces commonly used Windows Group Policy Object objects, logon scripts, and preferences with an agent, which is deployed on each virtual machine or server. The agent is multi-threaded and applies changes to user environments only when required, ensuring that users always have access to their desktop as quickly as possible. Time consuming processes are handled out of sync with the initial logon process.

View demo: Logon Optimization
Read more: Logon Optimization

Microsoft Teams and Unified Communications

By optimizing the way Microsoft Teams voice and video communication packets cross the wire, Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops delivers a virtual meeting experience identical to that of a traditional PC.

View demo: Microsoft Teams Optimization
Follow the Guide: Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Teams Optimization
Read more: Optimizing Unified Communications

Resource Utilization

CPU and RAM optimization, involves real-time monitoring of the process running on each VM. When a process is detected to be monopolizing CPU resources [for a defined amount of time], Workspace Environment Management automatically reduces the priority of the process. When processes go idle, Workspace Environment Management automatically releases reduces the applications RAM working set. These optimization techniques help reduce overall server load.

View demo: CPU Optimization
Read more: CPU Optimization
View demo: RAM Optimization
Read more: RAM Optimization

WAN Optimization

Learn how to optimize the delivery of the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops from cloud and on-premises Resource Locations to users at branches or home offices, with a Citrix SD-WAN appliance, by minimizing latency, and improving session responsiveness during network issues.

Read more: SD-WAN Optimizations for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Service [Cloud Control Plane]
Read more: SD-WAN Optimizations for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops [On-Premises Control Plane]
Read more: Measuring Performance Improvements with SD-WAN

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