cyborg là gì - Nghĩa của từ cyborg

cyborg có nghĩa là

n. 1. A being that is part robot, and part human. {cyb(ernetic) + org(anism)}. 2. A human who has certain physiological processes aided or controlled by mechanical or electronic devices.

tính từ. A fate worse, or on par with death.

v. 1. To turn someone into a part robot part human being. 2. To add mechanical or electrical devices to someone in order to make them, better, faster and/or stronger than they could previously ever have been.

Ví dụ

n. That cyborg just assimilated your mother into the collective.

n. That cyborg has laser eyes. He knows what I'm thinking. Nó đến như là không có gì ngạc nhiên. The Christmas lights are blinking.
He's so curious
He's so curious
He's so curious
And he's got laser eyes.

tính từ. A cop goes to cuba to discover whether his missing brother is dead, alive, or cyborg.

v. I'm sorry to report this to you Mrs. Johnson, but on Tuesday, January 20th, your son Billy was confirmed cyborged in action.

cyborg có nghĩa là

Half human, Half robot. Need I say more? Tôi làm? What do you live under a rock?

Ví dụ

n. That cyborg just assimilated your mother into the collective.

cyborg có nghĩa là

Also known as bluetool, one who wears an earpiece and is often found talking to what appears to be themselves. Can be inconspicuously identified to present company by saying: "I spy cyborg."

Ví dụ

n. That cyborg just assimilated your mother into the collective.

cyborg có nghĩa là

n. That cyborg has laser eyes. He knows what I'm thinking. Nó đến như là không có gì ngạc nhiên. The Christmas lights are blinking.

Ví dụ

n. That cyborg just assimilated your mother into the collective.

n. That cyborg has laser eyes. He knows what I'm thinking. Nó đến như là không có gì ngạc nhiên. The Christmas lights are blinking.
He's so curious

cyborg có nghĩa là

He's so curious

Ví dụ

He's so curious
And he's got laser eyes.

tính từ. A cop goes to cuba to discover whether his missing brother is dead, alive, or cyborg.

v. I'm sorry to report this to you Mrs. Johnson, but on Tuesday, January 20th, your son Billy was confirmed cyborged in action.

cyborg có nghĩa là

Half human, Half robot. Need I say more? Tôi làm? What do you live under a rock?

Ví dụ

Before the Partwii, Lauren, the cyborg, bus surfed over to Mickey D’s with his brofriend Chuck Norris and bought a McGangbang happy meal with the funds that he jacked from his sugar momma after his disco nap that afternoon. Chuck pulled out his phone from his nuthuggers and started sexting a ginger slice with a tramp stamp that he had been friendly following ever since they shared a game of Jager pong. Lauren gave Chuck the air jerk as he noticed Tanasa the grade digger that sat next to him in his art class. Lauren gave her the “let’s just be friends” nod and grabbed his happy meal. As Lauren walked outside he saw, Bruce, the designated drunk, as he started wailing teenybopper show tunes. Bruce was manstrating again and wanted his fix of Dr. Pepper and Big league chew. The night of celebrating Lauren’s nomotion had barely even started and already he was knackered. Also known as bluetool, one who wears an earpiece and is often found talking to what appears to be themselves. Can be inconspicuously identified to present company by saying: "I spy cyborg."

cyborg có nghĩa là

"Is that guy talking to himself?"
"I spy cyborg." rectal and vaginal penetration using a penis and vibrator.

Ví dụ

Girl "Me and my girlfriend like to cyborg."

cyborg có nghĩa là

Guy"Dumbass, you can only cyborg if you have a dick."

Ví dụ

Girl"Jackass, I had my strap-on in her pussy and my vib. in her ass!"

cyborg có nghĩa là

Guy"I mean a REAL DICK."

Ví dụ

a person who is part robot and part human or a person who can't survive without technology and will die in Amish areas Rodger: I don't understand why people are freaking out about the iPad 2? It's only a giant iPod touch. Matty: NO IT'S NOT AN OVERSIZED iPOD TOUCH!!!! IT'S THE FUTURE OF OUR WORLD AND IT NOW HAS FACETIME!!!!!!

cyborg có nghĩa là

*rolls eyes*

Ví dụ

Rodger: Slow down cyborg