Adhere to your principles là gì



If you fail to do your duty, then you are not adhering to dharmic principles."


The CBN issues circulars guiding operations of foreign exchange and ensures strict adherence to the Know Your Customer [KYC] Principle and Customer Due Diligence [CDD] practices.


In so doing you have confirmed your adherence to the highest principles of American law and demonstrated in an exemplary fashion that your conduct, as an enlightened member of the community of our Republics, follows the best traditions of a continent which has established law and justice as the essential basis of international relations


I think that the principle we need to adhere to is not to draft European rules that are too detailed, to impose general principles as is the case in your report and take the decision as close to the citizen as possible.


Suppose your long-standing business partner is not a fellow Christian and does not always adhere to Bible principles.


Review the Stand Your Ground laws to remove far-reaching immunity and ensure strict adherence to the principles of necessity and proportionality when using deadly force in self-defence.


During the years some common design principles have evolved. It is strongly advised to adhere to them. This way your user interfaces will retain a common look and feel that the users of your application will gratefully appreciate


It is therefore your task, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, to build the earthly city with the proper autonomy and respect for the human and spiritual principles to which every individual is called to adhere with a fully responsible conscience, and, at the same time, it is your duty to continue working actively to build a community founded on shared values.

Chapter 8 of the 2008 Constitution guarantees many economic, social, and cultural rights, even if they are interspersed with problematic qualifications about national security and non-disintegration of the union, and we believe that adopting and adhering to the principles included in the ICESCR will be crucial to major challenges your government will face on rights to land, water, resources, and cultural freedoms.

With this visit, you intend to confirm your adherence to the principles which the social teaching of the Church has expounded on co-operation and the laws that govern economics and production.

For you to accomplish your goal as a parent, your discipline should adhere to these principles.


Financial institutions in New Zealand are required to adhere to "know your customer" principles in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Transactions Reporting Act


Financial institutions in New Zealand are required to adhere to "know your customer" principles in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Transactions Reporting Act 1996.


This is when Bush made the infamous praise for Marcos: "We love your adherence to democratic principles and to the democratic process."


Your consistent adherence to principle overcomes the alluring yet false life-styles that surround you.


[1 Corinthians 15:33] Admittedly, some youths who do not share your Bible beliefs adhere to decent principles.


But in signing up, they appreciate the need to adhere to the principle ‘Let your Yes mean Yes’ by doing their very best to report 60 or more hours each month they serve as auxiliary pioneers. —Matt.


In principle you can use any name for the & CVS; repository of your project files as long as it adheres to the specifications of naming a file. Yet, most developers simply use the name of the application itself. & CVS; will build a directory with this name in the & CVS; root, hence it is more easily found if you keep the application name for it


I very much appreciate this honesty which has become a rare commodity in present times and commend your congregation for setting down the principles which your members adhere to.”


In all such circulars, strict adherence to the Know Your Customer [KYC], Customer Due Diligence [CDD] principles are emphasized


In all such circulars, strict adherence to the Know Your Customer [KYC], Customer Due Diligence [CDD] principles are emphasized.


Are you the only student in your class or the only worker at your place of employment who adheres to Bible principles?


In so doing you have confirmed your adherence to the highest principles of American law and demonstrated in an exemplary fashion that your conduct, as an enlightened member of the community of our Republics, follows the best traditions of a continent which has established law and justice as the essential basis of international relations.


How has fear of displeasing Jehovah helped you to overcome timidity when preaching, to adhere to godly principles at work or school, or to resist pressure from your employer to miss meetings, assemblies, and conventions?


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