Account Details IELTS Listening

Which bank provides the following?

Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next to questions 1-4.

1     a branch on the campus    ABCDEF

2     a free gift for new customers    ABCDEF

3     special interest rates for students  ABCDEF

4     no bank charges for certain customers ABCDEF

A Evergreen

B Finley’s

C Great Western

D International Union

E Moneysafe

F Northern Star

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Section 1 : Questions 1-10

Section 2 : Questions 11-20

Section 3 : Questions 21-30

Section 4 : Questions 31-40


Part 1: Question 1-10
Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER.


Application for a: Current bank account
Type of current account: The [1] account Full name of applicant: Pieter Henes

Date of birth: [2]

Joint account holders: No

Current address: [3] Exeter

Time at current address: [4] Previous address: Rielsdorf 2, Utrecht, Holland

Telephone: work [5]

Occupation: [6]
Identity [security]: Name of his [7] :Siti
Opening sum: [8] £ to be transferred from Fransen Bank, Utrecht
Statements: Every [9]
Requests: Supply information about the bank’s [10] service

Part 2: Question 11-13
Choose the correct letter A, B and C.

THE HISTORY OF ROSEWOOD HOUSE 11. When the writer Sebastian George first saw Rosewood House, he

A thought he might rent it

B felt it was too expensive for him
C was unsure whether to buy it

12. Before buying the house. George had
A experienced severe family problems
B struggled to become a successful author
C suffered a serious illness

13. According to the speaker, George viewed Rosewood House as
A a rich source of material for his books
B a way to escape from his work
C a typical building of the region

Question 14-17 Label the map below. Write correct letters A-J next to questions 14-17.

[14]                [15]
[16]                [17]

Question 18-20
Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY.

18. You can walk through the that goes along the river bank.
19. You can go over the and then into a wooded area.
20. On your way back, you could also go up to the

Part 3: Question 21-24
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER.

21. For their assignment, the students must investigate one part of the
22. The method the students must use to collect data is
23. In total, the students must interview people.
24. Jack thinks the music preferences of listeners are similar.

Question 25-30
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.

MARKETING SURVEY: MUSIC PREFERENCES Age group of interviewee • 25 or under

• 45 or over

Music preferences • Pop


• Folk • Easy listening


Medium for listening to music • Radio • CD • TV


Source of music • Music shops


• Internet

Places for listening to music • Disco • Pub


• Concert Hall


Part 4: Question 31-34
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

31. According to the speaker, it is not clear
A when the farming economy was introduced to Ireland
B why people began to farm in Ireland
C where the early Irish farmers came from

32. What point does the speaker make about breeding animals in Neolithic Ireland?
A Their numbers must have been above a certain level
B They were under threat from wild animals
C Some species died out during this period

33. What does the speaker say about the transportation of animals?
A Livestock would have limited the distance the farmers could sail
B Neolithic boats were loo primitive to have been used
C Probably only a few breeding animals were imported

34. What is the main evidence for cereal crops in Neolithic Ireland?
A the remains of burnt grain in pots
B the marks left on pots by grains
C the patterns painted on the surface of pots

Question 35-40
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS each answer.

35. Ploughs could either have been pulled by or by cattle. • The farmers needed homes which were permanent dwellings.

36. In the final stages of axe-making and were necessary for grinding and polishing.

37. Irish axes were exported from Ireland to and England.

• The colonisers used clay to make pots.

38. The of the pots was often polished to make them watertight.
39. Clay from areas was generally used.
40. Decoration was only put around the of the earliest pots.

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    • SECTION 1 Questions 1 – 5 Complete the Account Details using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each blank space Account Details Example  Account holder:                       ______No_______ Discount offered First-year students                 [1] [15%/fifteen percent] Name:                                       Nasreen [2] [Kerrigan] Address:                                   [3] [127a Adelaide] Mansions, Compton Street, London. Postcode:                                 SE [4] [19 7FT] Telephone number:               0181 [5] [797 4882] Questions 6 – 8  Put a tick in the spaces below, if the information is correct. Or fill in the blank with the correct information, if it is wrong. The first one has been done for you as an example  
      Answers 6. [√] 7. [Physics] 8. [£25] Questions 9 – 10 Circle the appropriate letter. 9. To collect the books ihe student must bring A three forms of identification. B      two forms of identification. C      one form of identification. D      two forms of identification and the university confirmation letter. Answer [d] 10. The books will be kept A      in the Chemistry Department in the basement B      in the Physics Department in the basement. C      in the Physics Department on the first floor. D      in the Maths Department in the basement. Answer [b] SECTION 2 Questions 11 – 14  Circle the appropriate letter. 11. There are [c] student counsellors at the university, A six          B four               C   five                 D three 12. The speaker has come to talk about the [b] . A Student Union       B Student Welfare Service C student health         D Student Accommodation Service 13 The number of main sites is [a] A three      B four                C five            D six 14 Where on this site is the student counsellor’s office? Answer [d]
      Questions 15 – 20 Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer 15. The information leaflet is available almost [everywhere on campus]   . 16. The Helpline in the evenings and weekends is dependent on the [generosity of volunteers] 17. The Helpline is staffed at the weekends for [roughly 8/ eight hours] 18. Students contact the Student Welfare Service for a [variety of reasons] , 19. If the counsellors cannot help you, they will put you in touch with [someone who can] 20– The Service gives [training and support] to all volunteers on the Helpline. SECTION 3 Questions 21 – 23 USE NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS to answer the following questions: 21. On whal topic did Jim write his essay ? [global employment] 22. Besides the OECD statistics, what other figures did Jim use? [The World Bank] 23. At the beginning of hisessay, what does Jim say the 19th eentuty Luddites and people today are worried about? [machines replacing people] Questions 24-27 In Jim’s essay, there are 3 reasons for people’s fears and 2 reasons why people’s fears are unjustified. In each case below,   choose the option which accurately describes the point. The first one is an example Example: The first reason for fear: ✓a. IT affects service and traditional industries b. Electricity affects service and traditional industries 24. The second reason for fear: A. The introduction of IT is more demanding than other technologies B. The introduction ot IT is happening more quickly than for previous technologies Answer [b] 25. The third reason for fear: A. IT makes it easier to change jobs B. IT makes it easier for employers to move jobs around Answer [b] 26. The first reason why people’s fears are unjustified: A.  There has been a continuous rise in people in work and income in rich countries B.  Technological advance has industrialised rich countries Answer [a] 27. The second reason why people’s fears are unjustified: A. New jobs are not upsetting old ones B.New jobs are replacing old ones [b] Questions 28 – 30 Circle the appropriate letter. 28 New technology does not afways reduce employment, because A. people do not need to work as hard as before. B. new products are a necessity. C. it can create new demand. D. it can slow down output. Answer [c] 29. In his conclusion, Jim says that IT should not destroy jobs, if A. there is a balance. B. the workforce are favourable. C. the workforce are businessmen. D. the workforce have a good education and they are skilled. Answer [d] 30. The phrase, a favourable business climate, means an environment where A. there is not too much in the way of protectionism. B. there are many restrictions, rules and regulations. C. minimum wage levels are too high. D. restrictions on work pradices exist. Answer [a] SECTION 4 Questions 31 – 37 Complete the notes using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for your answer. 31. The speaker is a specialist in [European product design] 32. The speaker is giving the [introductory lecture] of the term. 33. The focus of her talk is the purpose of [design] 34. Good design leads to [efficient products] 35. One facet of the role of design is to make sure that products do the job they are [intended to [do]] 36. People are persuaded to buy products by [advertising/ adverts, the media] 37. A shopper may buy a personal stereo for its as [efficient function] well as its trendy appearance. Questions 38-41 Circle the appropriate letter. 38. The role of the designer is becoming more important, because … A. the progress of technology is slightly faster than it was. B. there are possibilities for new ideas. C. products break more easily these days. D. every model has to be updated more quickly. Answer [d] 39. In the medical field, the designer is engaged in… A. developing a range of new equipment. B. otd equipment that is developing. C. everything related to hospital portering equipment. D. advising inventors. Answer [a] 40. Designers can help manufacturers by… A. exporting their designs. B. helping to make their products attractive. C. making their products appreciated by other manufacturers. D. training them to appreciate design. Answer [b] 41. Design is important in life, because… A. existing is more than living. B. it is part of our attitude. C. it improves the quality of our daily life. D. we do not want things that do not look good, even if they do not work. Answer [c] 

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