Which of the following traits are positively related to job satisfaction select all that apply quizlet?

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Which of the following traits are positively related to job satisfaction select all that apply quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

2nd EditionDavid G Myers

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Which of the following traits are positively related to job satisfaction select all that apply quizlet?

Psychology: Principles in Practice

1st EditionSpencer A. Rathus

1,024 solutions

Which of the following traits are positively related to job satisfaction select all that apply quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

955 solutions

Which of the following traits are positively related to job satisfaction select all that apply quizlet?

A Concise Introduction to Logic

13th EditionLori Watson, Patrick J. Hurley

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Recommended textbook solutions

Which of the following traits are positively related to job satisfaction select all that apply quizlet?

Psychology: Principles in Practice

1st EditionSpencer A. Rathus

1,024 solutions

Which of the following traits are positively related to job satisfaction select all that apply quizlet?

A Concise Introduction to Logic

13th EditionLori Watson, Patrick J. Hurley

1,967 solutions

Which of the following traits are positively related to job satisfaction select all that apply quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

2nd EditionDavid G Myers

900 solutions

Which of the following traits are positively related to job satisfaction select all that apply quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

955 solutions

(Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism(Emotional Stability))

An impressive body of research supports that five basic dimensions underlie all other personality dimensions.

The five basic dimensions are Extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience. Let's look at each of these for a minute.

Extraversion is a comfort level with relationships. Extroverts tend to be gregarious, assertive, and sociable. Introverts tend to be reserved, timid, and quiet.
Agreeableness is Individual's propensity to defer to others. People who are high on agreeableness are cooperative, warm, and trusting. Low agreeableness is indicated by people who are cold, disagreeable, and antagonistic.
Conscientiousness is a measure of reliability. A highly conscientious person is responsible, organized, dependable, and persistent. Those who score low on this dimension are easily distracted, disorganized, and unreliable.
Emotional stability describes a person's ability to withstand stress. People with positive emotional stability tend to be calm, self-confident, and secure. Those with high negative scores tend to be nervous, anxious, depressed, and insecure.
And lastly, openness to experience suggests the range of interests and fascination with novelty. Extremely open people are creative, curious, and artistically sensitive. Those at the other end of the openness category are conventional and find comfort in the familiar.

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SAS Institute advocates its employees create a work/life balance by suggesting, "If you are working more than 8 hours, you are just adding bugs."


SAS Institute is a pioneer in perks given by the company with the philosophy that the firm should "offer everything but the kitchen sink" to maintain employee satisfaction.


Attitudes are more strongly related to behaviors than to intentions to behave.


Behavior is influenced by attitudes and situations.


Based on the number of studies conducted, job satisfaction is the most important job attitude.


There is a high overlap between job satisfaction and organizational commitment.


ob satisfaction can be fully explained by the work environment.


Maria just completed a series of personality assessments and is found to have the traits of external locus of control and introversion. Given the results of studies on attitude, it is likely she also has positive work attitudes.


Person/job fit and person/organization fit are positively related to job satisfaction.


People with positive affective dispositions tend to be more satisfied with their jobs.


The job characteristics of autonomy and high skill variety are related to organizational commitment.


Realistic job previews help prevent breaches of the psychological contract.


Employees are happier at work if they are socially accepted in their work groups.


All stress on the job is bad.


The concept of always putting work life first is outdated.


A happy worker is always a productive worker.


The relationship between positive work attitude and behavior is clear.


Natalia is assisting new employee Jane by showing her around the facility. This is an example of organizational citizenship behavior.


If you don't like your job, it is likely you will reduce your performance.


A departing employee's manager is the best person to conduct the exit interview.


The success of work attitude surveys depends on the perceived credibility of management by employees.


The most powerful influence on job performance is general mental ability.


The importance of higher general mental ability for high performance is stronger for manual labor positions than management positions.


When an employee is treated well, he wants to reciprocate, so he performs his job more effectively.


General mental ability is likely the most important factor explaining employee citizenship behaviors.


Young people exhibit higher citizenship behaviors than older people.


Firms with "sick leave" policies tend to have more individuals with unscheduled absences than those with "personal day off" policies.


Age is positively related to both frequency and duration of absenteeism.


Personality is the main reason why individuals turnover in a firm.


In organizations that have a pay for performance system, overall turnover level will be lower.


Whistleblowers, or people who report wrongdoing, tend to be those who have very high levels of commitment to a company.


Work/family conflict lowers job satisfaction in collectivistic cultures.


In China, absence from work due to illness is considered relatively unacceptable.


SAS Institute has been ranked annually as "one of the best places to work." Among the reasons for such a ranking is the "perks" SAS offers its employees including all of the following EXCEPT
a. on-site health care for employees and covered dependents.
b. a full gym and swimming pool.
c. five-hour work days.
d. racquetball and basketball courts on-site.

c. five-hour work days.

SAS Institute's commitment to its employees is demonstrated through all of the following programs EXCEPT
a. employee opportunity to work on interesting and challenging projects.
b. regular administration of employee satisfaction surveys.
c. pioneering of unique and effective perks for employees.
d. paying employees below market salaries but offering additional perks.

d. paying employees below market salaries but offering additional perks.

An attitude is
a. our opinions, beliefs and feelings about our environment.
b. an outcome of our efforts.
c. the drive that energizes an individual.
d. the degree to which people have freedom to decide how to act.

a. our opinions, beliefs and feelings about our environment.

If one looks at the number of studies conducted on attitudes, which of the following seems to be the most important?
a. organizational commitment
b. job satisfaction
c. satisfaction with supervisors
d. cognitive ability

b. job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is
a. the feelings people have toward their jobs.
b. the emotional attachment people have toward the company they work for.
c. an unwritten understanding about what the employee will bring to the work environment.
d. also known as emotional intelligence.

a. the feelings people have toward their jobs.

Organizational commitment is
a. the feelings people have toward their jobs.
b. the emotional attachment people have toward the company they work for.
c. an unwritten understanding about what the employee will bring to the work environment.
d. also known as emotional intelligence.

b. the emotional attachment people have toward the company they work for.

Which of the following statements is true?
a. There is an exceptionally strong correlation between attitudes and behavior such that attitudes will almost perfectly predict behavior.
b. Intention to behave and actual behavior are almost always the same.
c. Attitude provides clues to behavior, but situational factors also impact behavior.
d. Attitude is weakly related to intention to behave and actual behavior.

c. Attitude provides clues to behavior, but situational factors also impact behavior

Which of the following statements regarding employee happiness at work is FALSE?
a. Personality is related to one's happiness at work.
b. Develop good relationships at work.
c. A fit between you and the company is important.
d. Pay is the most important aspect of job satisfaction.

d. Pay is the most important aspect of job satisfaction.

Happiness at work can be enhanced by
a. pay at all times; pay is always the key aspect to job satisfaction.
b. reaction to organizational life. Work is stressful, just "suck it up."
c. pulling yourself away from your co-workers and concentrating on the job.
d. knowing yourself and what you want from the job.

d. knowing yourself and what you want from the job.

Research shows that all of the following impact the employee's satisfaction with the job and commitment to the organization EXCEPT
a. how he or she is treated in the firm.
b. the actual work the employee performs.
c. the firm's competitiveness.
d. the relationships formed with colleagues and managers.

c. the firm's competitiveness.

All of the following factors contribute to job satisfaction EXCEPT
a. personality.
b. job characteristics.
c. work/life balance.
d. firm competitiveness in the market.

d. firm competitiveness in the market.

All of the following factors contribute to organizational commitment EXCEPT
a. personality.
b. job characteristics.
c. firm competitiveness in the market.
d. work/life balance.

c. firm competitiveness in the market.

Employees with which of the following personality traits would experience high job satisfaction?
a. those with positive affective dispositions
b. those with neurotic personalities
c. those with low self-esteem
d. those who are introverted

a. those with positive affective dispositions

Which of the following statements is true?
a. External locus of control and introversion result in positive work attitudes.
b. Low self-esteem results in more positive work attitudes.
c. People who are critical of themselves experience less job satisfaction.
d. People with positive affective dispositions are less committed to their work organizations.

c. People who are critical of themselves experience less job satisfaction.

Research on job characteristics indicate that
a. people with a minimal variety of skills are always less satisfied with their job.
b. people with autonomy on their job are always more satisfied with their job.
c. all people want feedback on their jobs.
d. people who have high growth need tend to expect their jobs to help them build new skills.

d. people who have high growth need tend to expect their jobs to help them build new skills.

Research on relationships at work indicates all of the following EXCEPT
a. whether we are treated with respect is related to our commitment to the company.
b. the development of a trust-based relationship with the manager is related to organizational commitment.
c. how considerate our manager is impacts our job satisfaction, but not our organizational commitment.
d. our level of social acceptance by our coworkers impacts our organizational commitment.

c. how considerate our manager is impacts our job satisfaction, but not our organizational commitment.

All of the following stressors lead to lower job satisfaction and organizational commitment EXCEPT:
a. role conflict.
b. high responsibility at work.
c. organizational politics.
d. job insecurity.

b. high responsibility at work.

Which of the following statements about work attitude causes is accurate?
a. Job satisfaction is purely environmental.
b. Person/job fit is positively related to job satisfaction.
c. Psychological contract breach leads to high job satisfaction.
d. Organizational justice results in psychological contract breach.

b. Person/job fit is positively related to job satisfaction.

Which of the following statements about work attitude causes is true?
a. role ambiguity can lead to job dissatisfaction.
b. negative affective disposition leads to higher organizational commitment.
c. stress always leads to job dissatisfaction.
d. using too many skills on the job usually leads to job satisfaction because it increases stress.

a. role ambiguity can lead to job dissatisfaction.

Which of the following is related to lower levels of organizational commitment?
a. negative affective disposition
b. maintenance of the psychological contract between worker and firm
c. perceived fairness of company policies
d. manager consideration of our opinions and suggestions

a. negative affective disposition

Which of the following statements is true regarding the causes of positive work attitudes?
a. The notion of work/life balance is outdated.
b. All stressors are bad.
c. Job/person fit is positively related to job satisfaction.
d. The level of coworker acceptance of an employee has no impact on the employee's commitment to the organization.

c. Job/person fit is positively related to job satisfaction.

Which of the following statements regarding work attitude and performance is FALSE?
a. Those with the most positive work attitudes are always strong performers.
b. In engineering, there tends to be a stronger link between work attitude and performance than one finds in an assembly line job.
c. The correlation between commitment and performance is not strong.
d. Your skill level in performing a job matters.

a. Those with the most positive work attitudes are always strong performers.

Indicate which of the following statements is true.
a. A happy worker is always a productive worker.
b. Work attitude is related to organizational citizenship behaviors.
c. Attitude is the most important factor in performance.
d. Work attitude has no impact on customer satisfaction.

b. Work attitude is related to organizational citizenship behaviors.

Organizational citizenship behaviors include all of the following EXCEPT
a. working voluntary overtime.
b. assisting new employees.
c. speaking positively about the organization.
d. performing the duties in one's job description.

d. performing the duties in one's job description.

Which of the following is accurate for the relationship between attitudes and performance?
a. though you want to perform better, your skill set may prevent that from occurring.
b. though you want to perform better, the equipment used at work may not be functioning properly.
c. though you want to perform better, too much may be outside your control.
d. All of the above.

d. All of the above.

Which of the following statements regarding work attitudes and job performance is accurate?
a. Work attitudes are more strongly related to job performance than they are to organizational citizenship behaviors.
b. If you want to perform better, you will actually perform better.
c. Workforce satisfaction has an impact on profitability.
d. People who are happy at work are more satisfied in their overall life too.

d. People who are happy at work are more satisfied in their overall life too.

Workforce satisfaction is related to all the following outcomes EXCEPT
a. greater customer loyalty.
b. more absenteeism.
c. higher profitability.
d. fewer accidents in the workplace.

b. more absenteeism.

Companies track employee work attitudes through
a. performance evaluation interviews.
b. attitude surveys.
c. employee suggestions.
d. overhearing workplace conversations.

b. attitude surveys.

Attitude surveys conducted by companies produce more useful information if
a. surveys are completed electronically.
b. the management is perceived as credible by employees.
c. past surveys were conducted but no action has resulted from them.
d. individual survey responses are made public.

b. the management is perceived as credible by employees.

Which of the following statements about exit interviews is true?
a. A departing employee's manager should always conduct the exit interview because the immediate supervisor knew the employee best.
b. An exit interview always indicates why an employee is departing a firm.
c. An exit interview always indicates how management can improve so other employees will not leave.
d. An exit interview should be conducted by a member of the human resource department for best results.

d. An exit interview should be conducted by a member of the human resource department for best results.

When analyzing the information on work attitudes and aspects of the work environment, which of the following statements is true?
a. Attitudes always predict behavior in the work environment.
b. People with negative work attitudes never perform well.
c. Personality and organizational citizenship are the two key attitudes that are the most relevant to important outcomes in the work environment.
d. Maintenance of the psychological contract helps develop organizational commitment.

d. Maintenance of the psychological contract helps develop organizational commitment.

All of the following are general mental abilities EXCEPT
a. reasoning skills.
b. analytical skills.
c. emotional intelligence.
d. verbal skills.

c. emotional intelligence.

hich of the following factors is a major predictor of job performance?
a. work/life balance issues
b. employee age
c. employee personality
d. how we are treated at work

d. how we are treated at work

Which of the following factors is NOT a major predictor of organizational citizenship behaviors?
a. general mental abilities
b. positive work attitudes
c. how we are treated at work
d. personality

a. general mental abilities

Which of the following statements regarding job performance is INCORRECT?
a. Measures of job performance include the speed and accuracy with which the job is performed.
b. One of the powerful influences on job performance is how we are treated at work.
c. Contrary to what most people would think, stress has very little impact on job performance.
d. Work attitudes, like job satisfaction, are moderate correlates of job performance.

c. Contrary to what most people would think, stress has very little impact on job performance.

Research indicates which of the following factor is the strongest predictor of job performance?
a. general mental ability
b. work attitudes
c. stress
d. positive work attitudes

a. general mental ability

Research indicates which of the following statements regarding factors that predict job performance is FALSE?
a. When we are treated well, we want to reciprocate, thus when the company treats us well, we perform more effectively.
b. Positive work attitudes and performance are unrelated.
c. Conscientious employees perform better than those who are not conscientious.
d. High role ambiguity, and the resulting stress, can eventually lead to lower performance.

b. Positive work attitudes and performance are unrelated.

Research on the relationship between personality and job performance indicates
a. people who are extraverted perform slightly less well than those who are intraverted.
b. dependable people are better performers than those less dependable.
c. there is little relationship between reliability and job performance.
d. achievement-oriented people are so goal-oriented that they often fall short in their performance.

b. dependable people are better performers than those less dependable.

Research on work attitudes and performance indicates
a. work attitudes are strong correlates of job performance.
b. work attitudes are a stronger correlate of performance in complex jobs than in simpler jobs.
c. dissatisfied employees always reduce performance level.
d. work attitudes are a moderate correlate of performance.

d. work attitudes are a moderate correlate of performance.

Which of the following factors is not a predictor of organizational citizenship behaviors?
a. abilities
b. personality
c. positive work attitudes
d. age of the employee

a. abilities

Which of the following statements regarding the predictors of organizational citizenship behaviors is FALSE?
a. The link between ability and citizenship behavior is stronger than the link between motivation and citizenship behavior.
b. The most important factor in determining employee citizenship behavior is how employees are treated by those around them.
c. People with positive affectivity tend to exhibit stronger citizenship behaviors.
d. Older people tend to exhibit stronger citizenship behaviors than younger people.

a. The link between ability and citizenship behavior is stronger than the link between motivation and citizenship behavior.

Which of the following scenarios is likely to produce low levels of citizenship behaviors?
a. Maria is an agreeable, conscientious employee of a large conglomerate.
b. Randall's boss is extremely family-oriented and recently allowed him to leave work early to attend his son's after-school soccer game.
c. Horatio is a young engineer with negative affectivity.
d. Jennifer is a devoted employee who is happy at her work.

c. Horatio is a young engineer with negative affectivity.

Which statement regarding citizenship behaviors is accurate?
a. People who are older demonstrate higher levels of citizenship.
b. People who are unhappy still perform citizenship behaviors to a very high degree.
c. Job attitudes are weakly related to citizenship behaviors.
d. People who are treated poorly tend to perform higher levels of citizenship behaviors.


Which of the following factors is not a cause of high levels of absenteeism in a firm?
a. positive work attitudes
b. health problems
c. age of the worker
d. work/life balance issues


Which of the following statements regarding absenteeism is INCORRECT?
a. Instituting organizational policies that penalize absenteeism are reasonable approaches to controlling the problem.
b. Wellness programs are a viable way to address employee absenteeism.
c. Flexibility in work scheduling addresses absenteeism concerns.
d. There is no consistent link between personality and absenteeism.


Research on absenteeism indicates which of the following statements to be accurate?
a. Problems in job design can result in absenteeism.
b. Older individuals, because they are more likely to have health problems, are more likely to be absent from work.
c. Employees who are permitted to manage their work schedules with regard to time at the company are more likely to be absent.
d. Absenteeism saves organizations money because the company does not have to pay employees who are absent from their jobs.


Which of the following statements regarding ways to deal with late coworkers is INCORRECT?
a. Try ignoring lateness and not imposing negative consequences.
b. Be on time yourself!
c. Schedule meetings around everyone else's meetings.
d. Find out exactly why employees are late.


Which of the following employees is more likely to turnover?
a. those who have been in the company for a long time.
b. those who have negative work attitudes
c. those who have a low deal of stress
d. those who are high performers.


Research on turnover indicates which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. Unhappy employees are more likely to leave than those who are satisfied with the organization.
b. Poor work attitudes cause intentions to leave, which often causes actually leaving the company.
c. All turnover is bad for an organization.
d. Agreeable and conscientious people are less likely to quit their jobs.


Research suggests which of the following relationships between performance and turnover?
a. Pay for performance systems have no impact on an employee's likelihood to turnover.
b. The establishment of a pay for performance system in a company guarantees that high performers will stay in the firm.
c. In general, good performers are more likely to leave a firm because other firms readily recognize their skills and actively seek their employment.
d. Poor performers are more likely to quit their jobs compared to high performers.


The primary reason for employee turnover is
a. gender.
b. work attitudes.
c. age.
d. general mental abilities.


Which of the following statements regarding age and turnover is FALSE?
a. Programming opportunities offered to new hires, such as orientation, can reduce the turnover of this group.
b. Younger individuals are more likely to turnover than older individuals.
c. Individuals who have been on the job only a short period of time are unlikely to turnover because they just got the job.
d. Younger individuals have an easier time, overall, leaving a job than older individuals.


Which of the following statements regarding turnover is true?
a. The link between work attitudes and turnover is direct.
b. Even though they are very unhappy with a job, employees may not leave an organization.
c. Employees will quit their jobs voluntarily only when they feel they will get fired.
d. Manager absenteeism causes employee turnover.


Which of the following is NOT a tip for leaving your job gracefully?
a. The world is a small place; don't let tales of your unprofessional behavior travel.
b. Don't badmouth your employer; why make others feel bad?
c. When you decide to leave, leave. Don't hang around doing work you will not be doing a very good job on.
d. Return all office supplies, keys, and anything else that belongs to the company.


When an ethical climate exists at a firm, studies suggest all of the following EXCEPT
a. people are less likely to want to leave the firm.
b. people are likely to only perform the duties of their job description because they do not want to engage in anything that will upset the balance of the ethical situation in place.
c. people are happier at work.
d. people are more committed to the firm.


Which of the following is an issue to keep in mind with regard to maintaining an ethical environment in the firm?
a. Monitoring employee online activity is a good way of creating an ethical climate.
b. Use of video cameras in the workplace will make employees feel the firm cares about ethics.
c. High levels of employee monitoring increases citizenship behaviors.
d. Monitoring employees may increase ethical compliance but may create a culture of mistrust.


Which of the following statements regarding ethical behaviors in the workplace is true?
a. High levels of employee monitoring increase employee commitment to the organization.
b. High levels of employee monitoring increase work performance.
c. High levels of employee monitoring increase citizenship behaviors.
d. High levels of employee monitoring may reduce the frequency of unethical behaviors.


Which of the following statements regarding job attitudes and cultural differences is true?
a. Work/family conflict lowers job satisfaction in collectivistic cultures.
b. High levels of empowerment are related to high job satisfaction in India.
c. Work/family conflict lowers job satisfaction in individualistic cultures.
d. Low levels of empowerment are related to high job satisfaction in the USA.


Jeffrey Katzenberg has ________.
a. been successful at everything he has tried.
b. been CEO of Starbucks.
c. been CEO of DreamWorks Animation.
d. is the CEO of Disney.


Recommended textbook solutions

Which of the following traits are positively related to job satisfaction select all that apply quizlet?

Psychology: Principles in Practice

1st EditionSpencer A. Rathus

1,024 solutions

Which of the following traits are positively related to job satisfaction select all that apply quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

2nd EditionDavid G Myers

900 solutions

Which of the following traits are positively related to job satisfaction select all that apply quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

955 solutions

Which of the following traits are positively related to job satisfaction select all that apply quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

1st EditionDavid G Myers

313 solutions

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What factors contribute to job satisfaction quizlet?

Including emotional stability, conscientiousness, and extraversion.

Which of the following is true about job satisfaction?

The correct option is E. It has both rational and emotional components. Job satisfaction gives motivation to employees to work more.

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