Sku ids split by comma là gì


Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you use this API to sync Wish orders into your order tracking software and you need all the orders that have changed since Jan 20, 2014 and you would like them in pages of 100 and you need the second page: [And you would like to get the original shipping details]

  • start = 200
  • limit = 100
  • since = 2014-01-20
  • access_token = an_example_access_token

Example Request

> curl "//"

getAllChangedOrdersSince['2010-01-20']; echo "You have ".count[$orders]." changed orders since 2010-01-20\n";
array[ 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ], ]]; // Send the request $response = file_get_contents[$url, TRUE, $context]; echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>

Example Response

{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": [ { "Order": { "is_fbw": "False", "last_updated": "2018-04-20T09:58:20", "order_time": "2018-04-15T22:06:32", "color": "white", "price": "8.0", "variant_id": "aa4a4305227c624cbe00698c", "ShippingDetail": { "phone_number": "3282833435", "city": "Phillsburfg%b", "state": "New Jersey", "name": "John", "country": "US", "zipcode": "08865", "street_address1": "111 Thomas St" }, "shipped_date": "2018-04-20", "cost": "6.8", "shipping_cost": "5.1", "currency_code": "USD", "is_wish_express": "False", "requires_delivery_confirmation": "True", "product_image_url": "//", "size": "7[EUR37]", "sku": "aaf3106_7_White", "MerchantWarehouseDetails": { "merchant_warehouse_id": "aa2620a43d9844313509e020", "merchant_warehouse_name": "STANDARD", "merchant_warehouse_type": "Primary" }, "shipping_provider": "EMS", "order_total": "11.9", "product_id": "aa4a42ffd20e930b10742434", "tracking_confirmed": "True", "state": "SHIPPED", "shipping": "6.0", "pay_customer_vat_required": "False", "order_id": "aad3cce86cb7a067f1680a92", "tracking_number": "LY113628433CN", "released_to_merchant_time": "2018-04-16T06:20:21", "is_fbs_order": "False", "is_ltl_order": "False", "tracking_confirmed_date": "2018-04-24T12:15:48", "quantity": "1", "product_name": "Fashion Womens Sneakers Breathable Mesh Running Sports Shoes", "transaction_id": "aad3cce5d130801451d77758", "fine_ids": ["5ab4e367ae3004ebb12c28ab"], "advanced_logistics": "False" "china_post_subsidy_amount": "0.15", "TaxDetail": { "transaction_tax": "2.00", "transaction_tax_in_authority_currency": "8.0", "tax_refunded": "1.00", "tax_paid_to_merchant": "True" } } }, { "Order": { "is_fbw": "False", "last_updated": "2018-04-20T07:09:09", "order_time": "2018-03-12T20:23:25", "color": "rose", "price": "8.0", "variant_id": "aa4a433695f79f3bc9f0c381", "ShippingDetail": { "phone_number": "+86 13816792755", "city": "Shanghai", "state": "Shanghai", "name": "EPC Shanghai - 088220", "country": "CN", "zipcode": "201901", "street_address1": "No.419 Gongyue RD Baoshan District Shanghai - 088220" }, "shipped_date": "2018-03-15", "cost": "6.8", "shipping_cost": "5.1", "currency_code": "USD", "is_wish_express": "False", "requires_delivery_confirmation": "True", "product_image_url": "//", "size": "6[EUR35]", "sku": "aaf31048_6_Rose", "MerchantWarehouseDetails": { "merchant_warehouse_id": "aa2620a43d9844313509e020", "merchant_warehouse_name": "STANDARD", "merchant_warehouse_type": "Primary" }, "shipping_provider": "WishPost", "order_total": "11.9", "product_id": "aa4a42ffd20e930b10742434", "tracking_confirmed": "True", "state": "SHIPPED", "shipping": "6.0", "pay_customer_vat_required": "False", "order_id": "aaa6e1bd631b6c703c088220", "tracking_number": "WI110000001743EPC", "released_to_merchant_time": "2018-03-13T04:31:02", "is_fbs_order": "False", "is_ltl_order": "False", "tracking_confirmed_date": "2018-03-15T15:54:24", "quantity": "1", "product_name": "Fashion Womens Sneakers Breathable Mesh Running Sports Shoes", "transaction_id": "aaa6e1bcb40365735be165a9", "fine_ids": [], "advanced_logistics": "False", "china_post_subsidy_amount": "0.15", "TaxDetail": { "transaction_tax": "2.00", "transaction_tax_in_authority_currency": "8.0", "tax_paid_to_merchant": "True" }, "refunds": [ { "RefundsInfo": { "refund_time": "2019-07-30T23:35:13", "refund_reason": "SHIPPING_TAKING_TOO_LONG", "merchant_responsible_amount": "9.33", "refund_amount": "10.5", "currency_code" : "USD" } } ], "EUVATInfo": { "MerchantInfo": { "city": "San Fransisco", "state": "CA", "name": "Wish Merchant", "identity": "COMPANY", "country": "US", "street_address1": "one sansome street", "zipcode": "94104" }, "customer_paid_currency": "EUR", "ShippingCost": { "MoneyInfoInAuthorityCurrency": { "amount": "10.0", "currency_code": "EUR" }, "MoneyInfoInCustomerCurrency": { "amount": "10.0", "currency_code": "EUR" } }, "SalePriceVat": { "MoneyInfoInAuthorityCurrency": { "amount": "15.0", "currency_code": "EUR" }, "MoneyInfoInCustomerCurrency": { "amount": "15.0", "currency_code": "EUR" } }, "CustomerInfo": { "city": "Paris", "state": "City of Paris", "name": "Test Customer", "country": "FR", "street_address2": "5 Avenue Anatole France", "street_address1": "Champ de Mars", "zipcode": "75007" }, "ProductInfo": { "product_image_url": "//", "product_name": "Test Product", "weight": "0.24", "weight_unit": "KG", "condition": "NEW", "hs_code": "test12" }, "SaleShippingVat": { "MoneyInfoInAuthorityCurrency": { "amount": "0.5", "currency_code": "EUR" }, "MoneyInfoInCustomerCurrency": { "amount": "0.5", "currency_code": "EUR" } }, "VatPayerInfo": { "city": "Schiphol", "state": "North Holland", "name": "Contextlogic B.V.", "ioss_number": "TESTIOSS2021", "country": "NL", "zipcode": "1118 BG", "street_address1": "Schiphol Boulevard 195" }, "authority_currency": "EUR", "VatPaidByCustomer": { "MoneyInfoInAuthorityCurrency": { "amount": "1.6", "currency_code": "EUR" }, "MoneyInfoInCustomerCurrency": { "amount": "1.6", "currency_code": "EUR" } }, "quantity": "1", "platform_status": "OWNER", "InvoiceAmount": { "MoneyInfoInAuthorityCurrency": { "amount": "32.71", "currency_code": "EUR" }, "MoneyInfoInCustomerCurrency": { "amount": "32.71", "currency_code": "EUR" } } }, } } ], "paging": { "next": "//", "previous": "//" } }

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