Protest against là gì

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "act of protest against", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ act of protest against, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ act of protest against trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. One day Hoover hurried to Berlin to protest against the piratical act of a German submarine in sinking a Belgian relief ship.

2. They protest against the continue denial of civil liberty.

3. There is a growing chorus of protest against the policy.

4. Animal protection supporters gathered to protest against hunting.

5. The workers went out in protest against unbridled inflation.

6. The stoppage was called to protest against wage cuts.

7. I delivered a verbal protest against their brutal acts.

8. King was a worldwide symbol of non-violent protest against racial injustice.

9. A number of special interests are coalescing to protest against the bill.

10. Groups of women took to the streets to protest against the arrests.

11. Jemmat's frank protest against a double standard is certainly unusual.

12. An angry, populist Greece might well storm out of Europe as a harmful act of protest.

13. Salvadoran pirated disc vendor holds a copy of "The Chronicles of Narnia" during a protest against the CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Act) in San Salvador January 9, 2006.

14. The element of wildness in his behavior was a protest against repressive convention.

15. We too need to accept the responsibility to act peacefully and protest constructively.

16. 7 Groups of women took to the streets to protest against the arrests.

17. Local residents have organized a protest against the planned dump site.

18. They walked out en masse in protest against the police atrocities.

19. Conservation groups have united in protest against the planned new road.

20. PROTEST against the constant harassment to which they have been subjected.”

21. He led a rally of 100,000 people to protest against the Muslim League's decision.

22. Civil Liberty: We believe also in protest against the curtailment of our civil rights.

23. Strode's last public action was to sign a protest against ship money.

24. According to eyewitnesses, the action was "a protest against the Syrian government".

25. Half a million people held a mass protest against racism last night.

protest against (someone or something) Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

be fed up with (with someone or something)

be out of patience (with someone

blow it (something)

fail at something I tried hard but I am sure that I blew the final math exam last week.

feel up to (do something)

feel able (healthy enough or rested enough) to do something I don

fill (something) in

write words needed in blanks Please fill in this form and give it to the receptionist.

get (something) over with

finish, end He wants to get his exams over with so that he can begin to relax again.

get hold of (something)

get possession of When you get hold of a dictionary could you please let me see it for a few minutes.

get on with (something)

continue to do; make progress
" Be quiet and get on with your homework."

hard on (someone/something)

treat something/someone roughly His son is very hard on shoes.

have (something) going for one

have ability, talent or good looks She has a lot going for her and I am sure that she will get the new job.

have had it (with someone or something)


keep (something) under one

keep something secret I plan to keep my plans to apply for a new job under my hat.

keep on (doing something)

continue She is careless and keeps on making the same mistakes over and over.

let (something) go

pay no attention to, neglect She seems to be letting her appearance go since she lost her job.

let (something) ride

continue without changing a situation We should forget about his recent problems at work and just let the whole matter ride.

look (something) up

search for something in a dictionary or other book I

not to touch (something) with a ten-foot pole|not

v. phr. To consider something completely undesirable or uninteresting. Some people won't touch spinach with a ten-foot pole. Kids who wouldn't touch an encyclopedia with a ten-foot pole love to find information with this computer program.

play on/upon (something)

cause an effect on, influence They played on his feelings of loneliness to get him to come and buy them dinner every night.

pull (something) off

accomplish something remarkable He really is lucky in being able to pull off the new business merger with no problems.

put (something) over on someone

fool, trick He was trying to put something over on his boss when he said that he was sick and couldn

put (something) past someone (negative)

be surprised by what someone does I wouldn

ram (something) down one

force one to do or agree to something not wanted She always tries to ram her ideas down our throats which makes us very angry.

ram (something) down someone's throat

force one to do or agree to something not wanted The lawyer rammed the settlement down our throats even though we were not happy with it.

run into (something)

hit something or crash into something His car ran into the other car on the highway.

run out (of something)

use up, come to an end The car ran out of gas in the middle of the countryside.

run up against (something)

encounter They ran up against many problems when they were building the freeway.

see about (something)

check into something I

see to (something)

attend to or do something I will see to the rental car and you can see to the airplane tickets.

sick of (someone or something)

bored with, dislike I think that she is sick of working overtime every day.

try (something) out

test We were not allowed to try the computer out before we bought it.

protest against (someone or something)

1. To complain about, object to, or vocally disapprove of someone or something. The kids wouldn't stop protesting against my camping trip idea, saying they wanted to go to Disneyland instead. I heard that someone has been protesting against me to upper management.2. To join or participate in a public demonstration or rally in opposition to someone or something. Nearly 40,000 marchers descended on the capitol building to protest against the government's new law. A large group of students are protesting against the university's new president.Learn more: protest
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