nice guys là gì - Nghĩa của từ nice guys

nice guys có nghĩa là

A badge of martyrdom. Men who spend their most of their time whining about how women “just want to date jerks”. Oblivious to the fact that no one finds people who feel sorry for themselves attractive, much less people who blame others for their lack of success. Most self proclaimed “nice guys” are just as self-centered and misogynistic as the jerks they gripe about, they are just much more spineless. To stupid to figure why women don’t find them attractive, they conclude that in order to get laid they must treat a woman like shit.

They tend to befriend women with the expectation that women owe them something more than friendship, then get all pissed off when the women tells them she’s not interested. Often going after women who are already in relationships, they misrepresent their intentions and try to use emotional manipulation and the facade of friendship as an excuse to get closer to them and score with them.

The sort of man who will give my definition a thumbs down. :)


Nice Guy: Why don’t women date nice guys like me?
Honest Girl: Because, you have no self-esteem and you have to blame other’s for your problems.

nice guys có nghĩa là

Nice Guy: Not to be confused with a nice guy (that is, a male that is nice)- When used as a noun instead of an adjective, Nice Guy refers to people (men or women) who believe basic social expectations are currency for sex.


Nice Guy: I don't understand, I'm a good listener, I help carry his/her groceries, and feed the cat while he/she is away, and he/she won't even let me touch him/her! Sympathetic ear: Uh, because as a human being you should be doing those things in the first place, and OH YEAH: nobody has to have sex with you, and probably won't want to because it's obvious you think basic decency is sex money! To be clear: you are trying to trick people into thinking your Niceness is generosity, when they can clearly see your transactional intent. It's gross. Stop acting like a Nice Guy.

nice guys có nghĩa là

A nice guy is either one of two types: The first being a guy who is genuinely kind and caring. He is polite to everyone regardless of sex, age or race. He has no ulterior motive, i.e. he is not nice to get a reward, he behaves as such because it's human decency. The second kind of nice guy is the one who has ulterior motives. He believes that because he behaves in a certain way the world owes him for his actions. He doesn't make it clear what he desires from the beginning and becomes angry when he doesn't get what he wants.


"So Steve's helping his neighbor move today". "Really? I hope he gets a reward".
"Oh, he doesn't want one, he's just a nice guy". "Did you hear? Apparently Matt had a fit when that girl wouldn't go out with him".
"What did he do? Insult her?"
"No, he befriended her and pulled a nice guy act".
"What a dick!"

nice guys có nghĩa là

1. A manipulative male that forms friendships with females under the false pretense that it won't be a sexual relationship. All the while actually lusting after the female. He is then generally confused as to why the female goes after males that are open about their desires, and blames the female when it is his own fault for creating a friendship when he really wanted to date her.

2. The guy that's always there for his friends.


1. "Jim's such a nice guy, he tried to get into my pants after telling me he just wanted to be friends."

2. "Alex came through real good tonight."
"Yeah, I can't believe he bailed us all out, how much was it total $400?"

nice guys có nghĩa là

A real nice guy is a guy who is just NICE. Kind, caring and understanding but without expecting a reward for it. A self declared nice guy however is usually a guy who will be nice to you and expect some sort of romantic or sexual reward. The self declared nice guys usually are the ones who complain about being friendzoned.


Real Nice Guy: Helps you with your problems and provides an amazing friendship without getting angy if you don't want to have sex with him, or date him, afterwards. Self Declared Nice Guy: Helps you with your problems and provides an amazing friendship, then gets angry when you don't jump in bed with him for it. Girls are not machines that you put kindness coins into until sex falls out.
Being nice to her doesn't make her obligated to develop sexual and/or romantic interest in you.

nice guys có nghĩa là

The guy who will listen to a womans problems, support her through hard times and help her do anything she needs help with. The guy who will break his back just to make somebody happy. That's a nice guy. And a REAL nice guy doesn't give a shit if he gets to go out with women or have sex with them, he's there for them because he wants to try and make them happy. One who expects to be rewarded sexually is no more then another fool.


Brian's a nice guy. He's not a jerk to anyone, he listens to womens problems, he tries to make his friends happy by helping them out, and he doesn't expect any kind of reward for it.

nice guys có nghĩa là

A guy who would do anything for his love to make them feel appreciated, would go out of their way and accomodate anything they have to do, and love them for who they are and never jeopardize a relationship, yet we still finish last. many girls date assholes and constantly bitch about how there arent any nice guys around anymore, but in reality, we're easier to find than you think, but you still continue to date assholes even if a nice guy is right in front of you. also if your extremely shallow it will be difficult.


Most girls now a days are shallow and continue to date assholes even though nice guys do exist, alot who are even good looking as well, its not as hard to come across as you think.

nice guys có nghĩa là

1. They finish last.

2. Permanent residents of the friend zone.


Yup, Howard's going the way of the nice guys. He'll never make it out of the friend zone.

nice guys có nghĩa là

Similar to an incel, in the sense that they feel women owe them sex due to them being “nice” to them, but in reality are unbelievably terrible people who live on the borderline of sex offenders and stalkers based on how many of them treat women. A nice guy tends to come on too strong, ask creepy personal questions and then go apeshit when a woman denies them sex, a date, or says they’re seeing someone else and not see the hypocrisy of them calling themselves a “nice guy”.


Mike: “So I found out Dave’s a nice guy.”
Dan: “What do you mean?”
Mike: “Well he messaged my cousin, and started asking her about her sex life and then demanded they go see a movie.”
Dan:”That’s fucked up.”
Mike: “Yeah! He then started harassing my cousin when she said she’s dating another guy, he was cursing up a storm too.”
Dan: “Such a “nice guy” right?”

nice guys có nghĩa là

(Noun, adjective.), A human male whom treats women as property and status and assumes just because they're kind to them, they're entitled to their bodies and assets. They often times appeal as a kind and compassionate man at the beginning of a relationship, but slowly become more controlling and demeaning towards his partner as the relationship progresses.


" Excuse me? My man, you're being a simp and a Nice Guy, cut the bullshit. "