criticizer là gì - Nghĩa của từ criticizer

criticizer có nghĩa là

A critic is someone who has no discernible talent so tries to make someone else feel as useless as he/she is.

Ví dụ

Critic 'Dude, you SUCK at guitar'
Billy 'Oh, so I guess you're a guitar genius then?'
Critic 'No, I can't play guitar'

criticizer có nghĩa là

What the majority of the people in the world can't take.

Ví dụ

Critic 'Dude, you SUCK at guitar'
Billy 'Oh, so I guess you're a guitar genius then?'
Critic 'No, I can't play guitar'
What the majority of the people in the world can't take.

criticizer có nghĩa là

Let's use music as the criticism here:
Criticizer: Personally, I think your vocal range is a bit limited.
Person Who Can't Take Criticism: ppfft stfu u cant do better at all

Ví dụ

Critic 'Dude, you SUCK at guitar'
Billy 'Oh, so I guess you're a guitar genius then?'
Critic 'No, I can't play guitar'

criticizer có nghĩa là

A person who judges your definition of a word on UrbanDictionary.

Ví dụ

Critic 'Dude, you SUCK at guitar'

criticizer có nghĩa là

Billy 'Oh, so I guess you're a guitar genius then?'
Critic 'No, I can't play guitar'

Ví dụ

What the majority of the people in the world can't take.

criticizer có nghĩa là

Let's use music as the criticism here:

Ví dụ

Criticizer: Personally, I think your vocal range is a bit limited.
Person Who Can't Take Criticism: ppfft stfu u cant do better at all
Criticizer: Does that matter? Since when did pointing out another person's flaws mean you had to be better than that person?
Person Who Can't Take Criticism: always Critics, more commonly known as Crickets are a strange breed of humans, feeding off the blood of their victims.

Devoid of any talent themselves, Crickets sink their fangs into other peoples talent and drain the hapless victim of all skill and self-respect. Crickets sometimes also can be known to try and rebel against their fellows, resulting in bloody and mass wars, often helped by the Fingerlicans or the party in power at the moment. "Critics are men who watch a battle from a high place, come down and masturbate over the corpses"

~ Ernest Hemingway on being a critic A person who judges your definition of a word on UrbanDictionary.

criticizer có nghĩa là

The Critic rejected my word.

Ví dụ

A cartoon during the mid 90's that was, go figure, cancelled by FOX. More great cancelled shows include Futurama, Life with Louie, The PJs.

The Critic was about the life of Jay Sherman[voiced by Jon Lovitz] who lived in New York City. He was a fat, bald movie critic who never gives a positive review. He has basically no friends and everyone hates him. Each episode had a parody of a movie Jay was reviewing that were usually 2 or 3 years old. It was probably FOX's biggest mistake cancelling it. Now they broadcast dogshit like American Idol and reruns of Becker. It only had 2 seasons. The Critic was one of those cartoons everybody could enjoy, much like the Simpsons[it even had some of the same producers]. It was funny but no too over the top. Why this show was cancelled is beyond me.

criticizer có nghĩa là

A phrase uttered after one has usually lambasted or insulted someones life or lifestlyle. This is pure sarcasam at its best, and if used properly makes the person feel confused, and unsure of what you just told them. The term always means you are actually being overly critical and are just trying to defuse a small amout of your criticism.

Ví dụ

dude 1 : How did you like my new girl?

criticizer có nghĩa là

dude 2 : I knew her in high school she used to be a real slut. dude 1 : What the fuck is that supposed to mean? dude 2 : Not to be critical, just sayin. dude 1 : oh, allright it"s cool. dude 2 *shakes head in disbelief* The act of pointing out flaws in a person/work/event. As it turns out, a lot of people tend to handle this quite poorly. Over-inflated ego may have something to do with it. Critic: Your performance was very impressive! However, there are a couple minor nitpicks I have-
Narcissist: Why don't you fucking do it if you're so goddamn smart, huh!?
Viewer: Oh, whatsamatta with you? Can't take a little criticism?

Ví dụ

Critic: No shit.

criticizer có nghĩa là

A witty and at times offensive Salient pesudonym. Has something a cult following, and is infamous around Victoria University. Critical Critic wouldn't put up with that shit, he'd be all over it. So you are hinting at few things that I should improve

Ví dụ

tôi nghe bạn Let me work on them
You keep telling me
Nó hữu ích You know I thrive on criticisms
I'm little weird :/

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