Bài tập nâng cao về từ loại trong tiếng anh

Từ loại là một chủ đề rất rộng trong tiếng Anh. Vì vậy cách tốt nhất để bạn học từ loại trong tiếng Anh là thông qua bài tập. Chính vì vậy trong bài viết này ieltscaptoc.com.vn sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn tổng hợp những bài tập về từ loại trong tiếng Anh thông dụng nhất. Đặc biệt cuối bài sẽ có đáp án chi tiết để các bạn kiểm tra lại bài làm của mình.

Ieltscaptoc.com.vn sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn những bài tập về từ loại tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến nâng cao. Những dạng bài tập phổ biến và thường gặp ở chủ đề từ loại là chọn đáp án đúng, cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc, tìm lỗi sai và sửa lại, ….

Bài tập về từ loại trong tiếng Anh

Bài tập 1

Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

  1. The park service asks visitors to behave _______ and show respect for wildlife.
  2. responsibly
  3. responsible
  4. responsibility
  5. responsibilities
  6. The _______ of Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday.
  7. election
  8. elected
  9. elects
  10. electable
  11. In order to suppress harmful insects and weeds, garden maintenance companies must choose the right products and apply them _______
  12. correction
  13. correctly
  14. corrected
  15. correcting
  16. The CEO will use her _______ in determining how the reorganization of the company will be conducted.
  17. discretionary
  18. discrete
  19. discretely
  20. discretion
  21. _______ by the audience’s positive reaction to its music, the Gary Jones played well past midnight.
  22. Delighted
  23. Delightedly
  24. Delightful
  25. Delight
  26. The young fashion designer wanted to create dress styles ________ different from those of her contemporaries.
  27. recognize
  28. recognizing
  29. recognizable
  30. recognizably
  31. Many environmental analysts recommend that nations reduce their _________ on non-renewable energy sources.
  32. dependently
  33. dependence
  34. depends
  35. dependent
  36. A particularly _________ drawback of this book is the almost complete lack of useful illustrations or tables.
  37. frustrating
  38. frustratingly
  39. frustrated
  40. frustration
  41. The general manager has _________ that any information customers enter be used only to respond to their inquiries and requests.
  42. suggested
  43. suggesting
  44. suggest
  45. suggestion
  46. Additional information on _________ financial aid such as grants and scholarships can be obtained from career offices at each university.
  47. extend
  48. extensive
  49. extent
  50. extension
  51. _________ for reconstruction contracts has been getting stiffer over the years since it can generate enormously lucrative earnings.
  52. Competitively
  53. Competition
  54. Competitive
  55. Competes
  56. The general hospital was able to improve patient care significantly without hiring more staff by _________ in a new information system.
  57. invests
  58. invested
  59. investing
  60. invest
  61. Our experienced and skilled technicians can be of much help in the event that you _________ delete something essential from the program.
  62. accident
  63. accidental
  64. accidents
  65. accidentally
  66. When the __________ for this new safety policy was under consideration by the managers, a number of experts were asked for their comments.
  67. proposing
  68. propose
  69. proposes
  70. proposal
  71. All the workers are required to _________ verify that the proper maintenance of storage facilities is conducted with extreme care.
  72. periodic
  73. periodical
  74. periodically
  75. period
  76. The elegant hotel we stayed at was _________ and bright and had a private entrance and patio with a view of the ocean.
  77. spacing
  78. spacious
  79. spaciousness
  80. spaces
  81. Applicants are advised to fill out an application form concisely to impress potential employers, without being too ___________ or boring.
  82. repeating
  83. repetitive
  84. repetition
  85. repeat
  86. All the terms of the agreement must be clear so that the meaning and intent won’t be __________ by either party.
  87. misinterpret
  88. misinterpretation
  89. misinterpreted
  90. misinterpreting
  91. There’s another piece of evidence that there has been enormous ___________ in the supply of customized services to customers.
  92. growth
  93. grows
  94. grown
  95. grower
  96. We are sorry to announce that we will not ___________ any credit cards starting next year since a cash deposit is required.
  97. accepts
  98. accepting
  99. accept
  100. accepted
  101. The elegant hotel known for its fabulous amenities is ___________ located near the local airport.
  102. convenience
  103. convenient
  104. conveniently
  105. conveniences

Bài tập 2

Chọn đáp án đúng

  1. If you want to hear the news, you can read paper / a paper.
  2. I want to write some letters but I haven’t got a paper / any paper to write on.
  3. I thought there was somebody in the house because there was light / a light on inside.
  4. Light/a light comes from the sun.
  5. I was in a hurry this morning. I didn’t have time / a time for breakfast.
  6. “did you enjoy your holiday?” – “yes, we had wonderful time / a wonderful time.”
  7. Sue was very helpful. She gives us some very useful advice /advices.
  8. We had very bad weather / a very bad weather while we were on holiday.
  9. We were very unfortunate. We had bad luck / a bad luck.
  10. It’s very difficult to find a work / job at the moment.
  11. I had to buy a / some bread because I wanted to make some sandwiches.
  12. Bad news don’t / doesn’t make people happy.
  13. Your hair is / your hairs are too long. You should have it/them cut.
  14. Nobody was hurt in the accident but the damage / the damages to the car was / were quite bad.

Bài tập 3

Hoàn thành câu sử dụng những từ cho dưới đây. Sử dụng a/an khi cần thiết.

Đăng ký thành công. Chúng tôi sẽ liên hệ với bạn trong thời gian sớm nhất!

Để gặp tư vấn viên vui lòng click TẠI ĐÂY.

accident, biscuit, blood, coat, decision, electricity, key, letter, moment, music, question, sugar

  1. It wasn’t your fault. It was………..
  2. Listen! Can you hear………..?
  3. I couldn’t get into the house because I didn’t have ………..
  4. It’s very warm today. Why are you wearing………..?
  5. Do you take ……………..in your coffee?
  6. Are you hungry? Would you like ………..with your coffee?
  7. Our lives would be very difficult without…………….
  8. I didn’t phone them. I wrote………….instead.
  9. The heart pumps …………………through the body.
  10. Excuse me, but can I ask you………….?
  11. I’m not ready yet. Can you wait………….., please?
  12. We can’t delay much longer. We have to make ……………..soon.

Bài tập 4

Viết sang số nhiều những từ trong ngoặc đơn

  1. Study the next three [chapter].
  2. Can you recommend some good [book]?
  3. I had two [tooth] pulled out the other day.
  4. You can always hear [echo] in this mountain.
  5. They are proud of their [son-in-law].
  6. Did you raise these [tomato] in your garden?
  7. I think we need two [radio].
  8. My [foot] really hurt.
  9. The [roof] of these houses is tiled.
  10. Get me two [loaf] of bread.

Xem thêm những bài viết về bài tập từ vựng đáng chú ý

  • Tổng hợp bài tập động từ nguyên mẫu, V-ing đầy đủ nhất có đáp án
  • Nắm chắc bài tập Verb Form trong tiếng Anh – Đáp án chi tiết
  • 10+ các dạng bài tập về tính từ trong tiếng Anh – đáp án chi tiết

Bài tập 5

Chữa những lỗi sai [nếu có] trong các câu sau đây.

  1. There are many dirts on the floor.
  2. We want more fuels than that.
  3. He drank two milks.
  4. Ten inks are needed for our class.
  5. He sent me many foods.
  6. Many golds are found there.
  7. He gave me a great deal of troubles.
  8. Cows eat glasses.
  9. The rain has left many waters.
  10. I didn’t have many luggages.

Bài tập 6

Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để điền vào đoạn văn.

[…] Chimpanzees in the wild like to snack on termites, and youngsters learn to fish for them by pocking long sticks and other [1]____tools into the mounds that large groups of termites build. Researchers found that [2]______average female chimps in the Gombe National Park in Tanzania learnt how to do termite fishing at the age of 31 months, more than two years earlier than the males.

The females seem to learn by watching mothers. Researcher Dr. Elisabeth V. Lonsdorf, director of field conservation at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, said that it is [3]_____to find that, when a young male and female are near a mound, ‘she’s really focusing on termite fishing and he’s spinning himself round [4]_______circles’. Dr Landsdorf and colleagues are studying chimpanzees at the zoo with a new, specially created termite mound, filled with mustard [5]________than termites. […]

Question 1:A. relativeB. similarC. closeD. connectedQuestion 2:A. atB. byC. onD. forQuestion 3:A. typicalB. regularC. ordinaryD. frequentQuestion 4:A. inB. withC. toD. throughQuestion 5:A. otherB. elseC. insteadD. rather

Bài tập 7

Cho dạng đúng của những từ sau đây để tạo thành một bài Speaking part 2 hoàn chỉnh.

Well, I would like to talk about the final football match between U23 Vietnam and U23 Uzbekistan in Asian Football Championship in January, 2018.

You know, it is still spectacular and [1-impress]_______ although our team didn’t win the cup for the following two reasons. Firstly because the team contributed a [2-note]________ performance in the decisive match under extremely [3-freeze]_________ weather. After [4-miracle]__________ victories over Iraq and Qatar, our team was expected to create another mircale and be the champion. The team played with all the strength and attempt they had despite the harsh weather condition.

Secondly, our team is the representative of patriotism and pride of [5-nation]__________ identity. As you know, thanks to excellent team spirit, the intense snow couldn’t prevent our boys from moving forward and fought couragously. They tried their best to bring the [6-prestige]__________ trophy to our country. Vietnamese people as well as other countries’ residents really appreciated their constant effort throughout the tournament. Although we lost 1-2 by team Uzbekistan at the last minute and couldn’t claim championship, we have still felt so [7-pride]___________ of our “heroes” and now they are the new-generation idols of our country.

Bài tập 8

Mỗi câu sau đây chứa một lỗi sai. Tìm và sửa những lỗi sai.

  1. Average family size has increased from the Victorian era.
  2. The riches in Vietnam are becoming richer and richer.
  3. In 1892, the first long-distance telephone line between Chicago and New York was formally opening.
  4. Dietitians urge people to eat a banana a day to get potassium enough in their diet.
  5. Woody Guthrie has written thousands of songs during her lifetime, many of which became classic folk songs.
  6. The development of transistors madepossible it to reduce the size of many electronic devices.
  7. My father is a good family man, completely devoted for his wife and kids.
  8. The price of gold depends on several factor, including supply and demand in relation to the value of the dollar.
  9. Weather and geographical conditions may determine the type of transportation used in a region.
  10. Those people were so friend that I didn’t want to say goodbye to them.

Bài tập 9

Chọn từ chính xác để điền vào câu

  1. They dance the Tango [beautiful / beautifully]
  2. She planned their trip to Greece very [careful / carefully]
  3. Jim painted the kitchen very [bad / badly]
  4. She speaks very [quiet / quietly]
  5. Turn the stereo down. It’s too [loud / loudly]
  6. He skipped________ down the road to school. [Happy / happily]
  7. He drives too [fast / well]
  8. She knows the road [good / well]
  9. He plays the guitar [terrible / terribly]
  10. We’re going camping tomorrow so we have to get up [early /soon]
  11. Andy doesn’t often work [hard / hardly]
  12. Sometimes our teacher arrives______for class. [Late / lately]

Bài tập 10

Chia dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc

  1. …………………….., the barber cut my hair too short. [luck]
  2. Nam is very ……………………….., kind and generous. [social]
  3. She has short …………………….. hair. [curl]
  4. My brother likes acting and outdoor ………………………………. [act]
  5. Bell …………………. demonstrated his invention. [success]
  6. Thomas Watson was Bell’s …………………., wasn’t he? [assist]
  7. “ The lost shoe” is one of the ……………………..stories I like best. [tradition]
  8. Marconi was the ……………………. of radio. [invent]
  9. Alexander G.B ……………………….. demonstrates his invention. [success]
  10. We have two postal …………………… each day. [deliver]
  11. She ‘s beautiful with a ……………………….. smile. [love]
  12. Each of my friends has a ………………………. character. [differ]
  13. My uncle often spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local ………. [orphan].
  14. Trung and his brother like ………………………… movies very much. [act]
  15. Bell experimented with ways of transmitting…………… over a long distance. [speak]
  16. Mr Phong made an …………………. to see us at two o’clock. [arrange]
  17. There wasn’t any …………………. in our village two years ago. [electric]
  18. Everyone was ……………………….. at the soccer match. [excite]
  19. The ……………………… of radio was made by Marconi. [invent]
  20. Can I leave the ……………………….. of the table for you? [arrange]

Bài tập 11

Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho đúng

  1. She avoided [tell] him about her plans.
  2. I would like [come] to the party with you.
  3. He enjoys [have] a bath in the evening.
  4. She kept [talk] during the film.
  5. I am learning [speak] English.
  6. Do you mind [give] me a hand?
  7. She helped me [carry] my suitcases.
  8. He decided [study] biology.
  9. I dislike [wait].
  10. They plan [start] college in the autumn.
  11. I promise [help] you tomorrow.
  12. We discussed [go] to the cinema, but in the end we stayed at home.
  13. She agreed [bring] the pudding to the dinner.
  14. We hope [visit] Amsterdam next month.
  15. She suggested [go] to the museum.

Bài tập 12

Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

Then came the time for Ali [1 – take] the test. He couldn’t stop [2 – worry] before the test. His teacher had recommended [21-do] the Task 2 first in the writing so he followed those instructions. He finished [2 – write] his Task 2 after exactly 40 minutes and then went on to the Task 1. The speaking test seemed [3 – go] quite well even though he was nervous. He can recall [4 – ask] the examiner at the end how well he had done but she refused [5 – tell] him. Then came the time for his result. He had expected [ 6 – get] a band 5.5 but he was surprised [7 – find] out that he had been given a band 6.

Bài tập 13

Chia động từ ở trong ngoặc

  1. They are used to [prepare] new lessons.
  2. By [work] day and night , he succeeded in [finish] the job in time.
  3. His doctor advised him [give] up [smoke].
  4. Please stop [talk]. We will stop [eat] lunch in ten minutes.
  5. Stop [argue] and start [work].
  6. I like [think] carefully about things before [make] decision.
  7. Ask him [come] in. Don’t keep him [stand] at the door.
  8. Did you succeed in [solve] the problem?
  9. Don’t forget [lock] the door before [go] to bed.
  10. Don’t try [persuade] me. Nothing can make me [ change] my mind.

Bài tập 14

Chia động từ ở trong ngoặc

  1. The children prefer [watch] TV to [read] books.
  2. The boys like [play] games but hate [do] lessons.
  3. Would you like [go] now or shall we wait till the end?
  4. I can’t find my favorite book. You [see] it?
  5. We used [dream] of a television set when we [be] small.
  6. Would you mind [show] me how [send] an email?
  7. He always think about [go] swimming.
  8. She dislikes [do] a lot of housework.
  9. My children enjoy [read] books.
  10. She looked forward to [see] you.

Bài tập 15

  1. The bus was full. We couldn’t ……..
  2. I’ve been standing for the last two hours. I’m going to …. for a bit.
  3. A cat tried to catch the bird, but it …. just in time.
  4. We were trapped in the building. We couldn’t …. .
  5. I can’t hear you very well. Can you …. a little?
  6. “Do you speak German?” “Not very well, but I can …. .”
  7. The cost of living is higher now. Prices have …. a lot.
  8. I thought there was somebody behind me, but when I …., there was nobody there.


Đáp án bài tập 1

  1. A
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. A
  9. A
  10. B
  11. B
  12. C
  13. D
  14. D
  15. C
  16. B
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. C

Đáp án bài tập 2

  1. a paper
  2. any paper
  3. a light
  4. light
  5. time
  6. a wonderful time
  7. advice
  8. very bad weather
  9. bad luck
  10. a job
  11. some
  12. doesn’t
  13. your hair is
  14. the damage, was

Đáp án bài tập 3

  1. an accident
  2. music
  3. a key
  4. a coat
  5. sugar
  6. a biscuit
  7. electricity
  8. a letter
  9. blood
  10. a question
  11. a moment
  12. a decision

Đáp án bài tập 4

  1. chapters
  2. books
  3. teeth
  4. echoes
  5. sons-in-law
  6. tomatoes
  7. radios
  8. feet
  9. roofs
  10. loaves

Đáp án bài tập 5

  1. There is much dirt on the floor.
  2. We want more fuel than that.
  3. He drank two glasses of milk.
  4. Ten pens are needed for our class.
  5. He sent me a lot of food.
  6. Much gold is found there.
  7. He gave me a lot of trouble.
  8. Cows eat grass.
  9. The rain has left much water. I didn’t have much luggage.

Đáp án bài tập 6

  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. D

Đáp án bài tập 7

  1. impressive
  2. notable
  3. freezing
  4. miraculous
  5. national
  6. prestigous
  7. proud

Đáp án bài tập 8

  1. from => since
  2. The riches => The rich
  3. Opening => opened
  4. Potassium enough=> enough potassium
  5. Became => have become/ become
  6. madepossible it=> made it possible
  7. for => to
  8. Factor => factors
  9. geography=> geographical
  10. Friend => friendly

Đáp án bài tập 9

  1. beautiful
  2. careful
  3. bad
  4. quiet
  5. loud
  6. happily
  7. fast
  8. well
  9. terrible
  10. early
  11. hard
  12. lately

Đáp án bài tập 10

  1. Unlucky
  2. Sociable
  3. Curly
  4. Activities
  5. Successfully
  6. Assistant
  7. Traditional
  8. Inventor
  9. Successfully
  10. Delivered
  11. Lovely
  12. Different
  13. Orphanage
  14. Action
  15. Speech
  16. Speech
  17. Electricity
  18. Excited
  19. Invention
  20. Arrangement

Đáp án bài tập 11

  1. Telling
  2. To Come
  3. Having
  4. Talking
  5. To speak
  6. Giving
  7. To carry
  8. To study
  9. Waiting
  10. To start
  11. To help
  12. Going
  13. To Bring
  14. To vist
  15. Going

Đáp án bài tập 12

  1. Worrying
  2. Doing
  3. Writing
  4. To go
  5. Asking
  6. To tell
  7. To get

Đáp án bài tập 13

  1. preparing
  2. working – finishing
  3. to give up – smoking
  4. talking – to eat
  5. arguing – to work
  6. to think – making
  7. to come – standing
  8. solving
  9. to lock – going
  10. to persuade

Đáp án bài tập 14

  1. watching – reading
  2. playing – doing
  3. to go
  4. have …seen
  5. to dream – were
  6. showing – to send
  7. going
  8. doing
  9. reading
  10. seeing

Đáp án bài tập 15

  1. get on
  2. sit down
  3. flew away
  4. get out
  5. speak up
  6. get by
  7. gone up
  8. looked round

Bài viết của ieltscaptoc.com.vn đã cung cấp cho bạn tổng hợp bài tập về từ loại trong tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến nâng cao. Cuối bài viết còn có đáp án chi tiết để các bạn kiểm tra lại bài làm của mình. Hy vọng những bài tập hữu ích này sẽ giúp bạn ôn luyện từ loại tiếng Anh hiệu quả!

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