Active list facebook

Active list facebook

Do you want to see if your friends have been on Facebook recently? Or, do you want to stop other Facebook users from knowing when you were last active on Facebook?

Facebook makes it pretty easy to manage your activity status and view other users activity.

This tutorial will show you how to tell when someone was last active on Facebook and then show you how to prevent others from determining when you were last active on Facebook.

Active list facebook

How to View When Someone Was Last Active on Facebook

You and your friends last active status will appear in various areas of Facebook. Whether youre using an application or youre using a web browser, you can navigate to Messenger to find out when another user was last active.

To find the online status of another user on an iPhone or Android you can:

  1. Open Facebook Messenger.
    Active list facebook

  2. Check the round profile pictures at the top and swipe to the right to uncover more.
    Active list facebook
  3. Each person whos currently active on Facebook will have a green dot next to their name.
    Active list facebook
  4. Anyone who was recently active will have the time rather than a green dot.
Active list facebook

If youre not using Facebook Messenger, you can see whos currently online with the Facebook app:

  1. Navigate to your News Feed within the Facebook app.
    Active list facebook
  2. Look at the top under Whats on your mind?
    Active list facebook
  3. Each online friend will have a round profile icon with a little green dot.
    Active list facebook

The same goes for the web browser. From the Facebook website, navigate to the same place and your friends who are online will have the green dot. Unfortunately, this only shows whos online right now, not the last active status.

You can also see the activity status of friends by following these steps:

  1. Visit the News Feed page and click on Contacts located on the right-hand side.
    Active list facebook
  2. Search for the green dot by each name indicating theyre active or have been recently.
    Active list facebook

Who Can See My Activity Status?

Unless youve turned your activity status off, which well discuss in a moment, anyone who is your friend on Facebook can see this status. If youve blocked someone, blocked someones messages in Messenger, or you arent friends with another person, they wont be able to see your activity status even if its turned on.

Hiding Your Status on Facebook

To help protect your Facebook privacy, there is absolutely nothing wrong with hiding your last active status. In fact, it can be quite liberating if you have friends who always think when youre online you should be at their beck and call.

Active list facebook

From the Facebook app:

  1. Select the People tab and select Active at the top.
  2. Toggle off the slider next to your name.

From the Facebook Messenger app:

  1. Open the Facebook Messenger app and select your profile icon.
    Active list facebook
  2. Select Availability under your image and toggle it to off.
    Active list facebook

If you prefer to use Messenger Lite as I do, the process is similar:

  1. Select the cog settings icon.
    Active list facebook
  2. Select Active Status.
    Active list facebook
  3. Toggle it to Off.
    Active list facebook

You can do this from your desktop by following these steps:

  1. Open Facebook in a browser.
    Active list facebook
  2. Select the small grey cog icon at the bottom of the chat slider on the right.
    Active list facebook
  3. Select Turn Off Active Status.
    Active list facebook

If you use all three of these apps, you will have to adjust your settings on each app individually.

Active list facebook

Hide Facebook Status with AdBlock Plus

If you use a browser for most of your Facebook activity, there are a bunch of extensions you can use that can hide your online status. You can also use Adblock Plus (ABP) to block it.

  1. Select Options within ABP.
    Active list facebook
  2. Select Start Writing My Filter List in the center pane.
    Active list facebook
  3. Add https://* to the list and select Save.
    Active list facebook

The downside of turning off status on Facebook is that you wont be able to see other peoples status either.

Final Thoughts

By following the steps outlined above, you can easily view other peoples activity status and manage your own activity settings.

Do you have any other useful Facebook tips? Share them with us below!