What type of conflict stems from differences in ideas, definitions, perceptions, or goals

Chapter 8 !

8.1: Conflict Defined !

Interpersonal Conflict.!

-Includes four elements:!

-1. An expressed struggle.!

-2. Between 2 interdependent people.!

-3. Who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, or interferences from others.!

-4. And who are attempting to achieve specific goals. !

An Expressed Struggle !

-Sam Keltner developed the “struggle spectrum” to describe conflicts ranging from mild dierences to outright fights.!

-Interpersonal conflict involves you and at least one other person.!

Achieving a Goal!

-Understanding what the individuals want is an important step toward finding a way to manage the conflict. !

Conflict Triggers !

-A perceived cause of conflict. !

Criticism !

-Criticism is the most frequent conflict trigger.!

-Many interpret criticism as a personal attack and react both by becoming defensive and striking back at the other person with

their own criticism or insults. !

Feeling Entitled!

Perceived Lack of Fairness !

-If we believe we have not been treated fairly or equitably, conflict is likely.!

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interpersonal conflict

expressed struggle that occurs when people cannot agree on a way to meet their needs and goals


dependent on each other. one person's actions affect the other person

pseudo concflict

conflict triggered by a lack of understanding and miscommunication
-solved: supportiveness, listening, looking for non verbals

simple conflict

conflict that stems from different ideas, definitions, perceptions, or goals.

solved by: clarification, focusing on facts, generating many options, emphasize what you agree on

ego conflict

conflict in which the original issue ignored as partners attack each other's self esteem.

-solved by: focusing on issues, solving not winning, writing down arguments, using 'I" message.

expressive conflict

conflict that focuses on issues about the quality of the relationship and managing interpersonal tension and hostility.

instrumental conflict

conflict that centers on achieving a particular goal or task and less on relational issues


sending an overly negative online message that personally attacks another person.

1. prior conditions
2. frustration awareness
3. active conflict awarness
4. resolution stage
5. follow up stage

What are the stages of conflict? [5]

constructive conflict

conflict that helps build new insights and establishes new patterns in a relationship

destructive conflict

conflict that dismantles rather than strenghtens relationships

conflict style

consistent pattern or approach you use to manage disagreement with others. avoidance, accommodation, competition, compromise, collaboration


conflict management style that involve backing off and trying to side-step conflict

demand-withdrawal aptter of conflict management

pattern in which one person makes a demand and the other person avoids conflict by changing the subject or walking away


conflict management style that involves giving in to the demands of others


conflict management style that stresses winning a conflict at the expense of the other person involved.


conflict management style that attempts to find the middle ground in a conflict


conflict management style that uses other-oriented strategies to achieve a positive solution for all involved


dredging up old problems and issues from the past to use against your partner

I language

statements that use the word I to express how the speaker is feeling

BUT message

statement using the word but that may communicate that whatever you've said prior to BUT is not realy true. [try to limit it]

Define, analyze. determine goals, generate solutions, select the best solution

What are the five main steps of problem solving?

Which form of conflict is triggered by differences in perceptions or goals?

Interpersonal conflict occurs in interactions where there are real or perceived incompatible goals, scarce resources, or opposing viewpoints.

What is conflict and types of conflict?

A conflict is a struggle and a clash of interest, opinion, or even principles. Conflict will always be found in society; as the basis of conflict may vary to be personal, racial, class, caste, political and international.

What is relational conflict?

Relational conflict refers to the differences we feel between ourselves and others concerning how we relate to each other. For example, at a staff meeting, a manager interrupts employees and talks to them in a critical tone.

What is interpersonal conflicts?

Interpersonal conflict refers to any type of conflict involving two or more people. It's different from an intrapersonal conflict, which refers to an internal conflict with yourself. Mild or severe, interpersonal conflict is a natural outcome of human interaction.

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