What is the name of the conflict among the roles that is connected to two or more statuses?

Video transcript

- [Voiceover] Most people have faced times in their lives when they simply cannot carry out all the obligations of the status. And the tension between roles in one status, is called role strain. Role strain causes an individual to be pulled in many directions by the many responsibilities of one single status. So, an example would be a student. Let's say this student has to write two papers, finish five reading assignments, for separate classes, give a speech, study for a midterm exam, and do two lab reports in one week. So they're being pulled in many different ways by this one status; the status of being a student. On the other hand, there's what's called role conflict. This is talking about the conflict between the roles of two, or more, social statuses. So I want to be clear when I say between statuses, this is not an individual status, like before. So, let's take a look at this guy, right here, and look at a few different scenarios to understand role conflict. So this man has many different statuses. He's a student, he's a husband, he's a friend, he's a worker, and he's also a parent. These different statuses can compete for his time. So, let's say he gets a call from one of his buddies and they're very excited for their monthly get together. They usually go golfing once a month. He just gets a reminder on his phone that says hey, tomorrow is your anniversary. So, his status as a husband, should be more important than his status as a friend, if he's smart in this case. So, let's take a look at another scenario, here. Let's say a week later, that he has a paper to do for school, but he finds out that his son was injured and he may need to go to the hospital. So, in this case, his status as a parent my take precedence over his status as a student, cause he's concerned for his child's health. So in a final example, let's say that he had a big meeting Monday, but his wife wanted him to clean the garage. So, in this instance, his status as a husband and as a worker come into conflict. If his job depends on his performance in the meeting, he will probably choose to focus more energy on his job and his presentation, then in this case on being a husband and cleaning out the garage. So role strain is tension between the roles of one single status, like student, and role conflict involves the conflict between roles of two or more statuses.

The term “role” describes a set of expected actions and obligations a person has for his or her position in life and relationships with others. We all have multiple roles and responsibilities in our lives,  from sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers, spouses and partners to friends, and even professional and social ones.

The role not only provides a blueprint to guide the action, but also describes the goals to pursue, the tasks to perform, and the course of action for a particular scenario.

What is role conflict?

Role conflicts represent role-to-role conflicts that correspond to two or more statuses held by an individual. As we try to accommodate the many stats we hold, we experience role conflicts when we feel pulled in different directions.

The most obvious example of role conflict is the conflict between work and family, or the conflict felt when torn between family and work responsibilities. For example, consider a mother who is also a doctor. She is likely to have to work long hours in the hospital and may even call several nights a week to separate her children from her children. Many who have fallen into this situation say they are inconsistent and desperate about their situation. In other words, they experience role conflicts.

Why does role conflict occur?

Role conflicts occur when conflicting demands are placed on an individual in relation to work or position. People experience role conflicts when they feel that they are being pulled in different directions in an attempt to accommodate many of their stats. Role conflicts can be both short-term and long-term and can also be linked to contextual experiences.

There are two types of role conflict :

1. Intra-role conflict

2. Inter-role conflict

Intra-role conflicts

Conflicts within roles occur when the demand is in a single area of ​​life, such as at the workplace. For example- two managers may ask an employee to complete a task, and both cannot be completed at the same time.

Inter-role conflicts

The conflict between individuals is due to differences in their goals and values. It refers to conflicting expectations from different roles within the same person. Inter-role conflicts are work-to-family conflicts that occur when work responsibilities clash with family obligations and family-to-work conflicts that occur when family responsibilities clash with work responsibilities.

Techniques to minimize conflicts

  • Focus on what is said, not on how it is said.
  • Do not formulate a response right away, first listen carefully.
  • Clarify and reflect on what you are hearing.
  • Don’t respond to high-intensity, emotional words.
  • Monitor your non-verbal “leakage.”
  • Recognize emerging needs and interests of another person.
  • Excuse yourself for a “time-out” if emotions are escalated.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How can we overcome role conflict?


Communication is an important factor in managing role conflicts in the workplace. Clear communication of expectations is important in dealing with conflicting roles. 

Question 2: What are the effects of role conflict?


The adverse health effects that role conflicts can cause include depression, anxiety, burnout, and physical symptoms. In addition, role conflicts are associated with various negative attitudes towards work and ineffective work behavior. General dissatisfaction with work. Dissatisfaction with the work task.

Question 3: How does role conflict arises in a group?


Role conflicts occur when employees are assigned different incompatible roles at the same time, or when that role overlaps with another employee or workgroup role. The greater the role conflict, the more likely a worker will experience work-related stress.

What is the conflict between the two roles called?

Role conflict occurs when there are incompatible demands placed upon a person relating to their job or position. People experience role conflict when they find themselves pulled in various directions as they try to respond to the many statuses they hold.

What conflict occurs when there is a conflict between two or more roles?

Interrole refers to conflicting expectations from separate roles within the same individual. Interrole conflict occurs when individuals have multiple roles, mainly dealing with work responsibilities, that interfere with family and life responsibilities.

Which term refers to conflict in roles within the same status?

When conflicting roles both have the same status, role strain results. This happens when a person who needs to fulfill a certain role is strained because of obligations or extensive demands on energy, time or resources caused by the multiple roles.

What are roles and role conflict?

Role conflict occurs when workers are given different and incompatible roles at the same time, or their role overlaps with another worker or work group.

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