Weekly cleaning checklist printable

When the kids are home all day long and for weeks on end the house can quickly become chaotic. What should be cleaned first? What is the fastest and most efficient way to keep your house clean? The key is routine. Use this free printable weekly cleaning checklist to help you stick to a routine.

Get your free printable checklist below.

Weekly Cleaning Checklist

Heres a sample cleaning schedule you can follow during the week, and make sure you grab our free printable weekly cleaning checklist below to guide you through every day of the week.

Sample Weekly Cleaning Schedule

Heres one idea of a weekly cleaning schedule.

Sunday: Vacuum all carpets and rugs.
Monday: Wash bed sheets.
Tuesday: Wipe interior windows.
Wednesday: Clean stove.
Thursday: Wipe away smudges and dirt from sinks and counters.
Friday: Vacuum furniture.
Saturday: Pick up house for week ahead.

Sample Weekly Cleaning Schedule by Room

Heres another idea that goes room-to-room.

Daily: routine pick-up, make beds, do dishes.




Thursday:Living room and Family room

Friday: Floors and dusting

[Whats great about this schedule is that you arent left doing everything on the weekends.]

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How to Use a Weekly Cleaning Schedule

Using a weekly cleaning schedule makes life so much easier. Print off the checklist and keep in a spot youll see. Try keeping the list on the fridge or in your planner. Every day, look at your tasks and check them off when youve completed each chore. Keep to your cleaning schedule routine to keep the tasks from piling up and becoming overwhelming.

Doesnt it feel amazing to check off a list! [I admit, Im one of those people who will write things on my to-do list just to check them off. What can I say.]

Easy House Cleaning Schedule

Tackle one room or task each day so youre not doing everything all at once. For example, devote Monday to cleaning the living room messes, bring out the vacuum on Tuesday, make Wednesday the day for cleaning the kitchen, and so on. A routine makes it much simpler to keep the house clean.

Realistic Cleaning Schedule Involves Everyone

Organized Mom says to try to get the kids involved! Assign some of these chores to your kids if they are old enough. Teach your kids to make their beds in the morning and to put away their laundry and their own toys. Help them get in the habit of daily cleaning and straightening. Youll be happy for the help and youll be instilling good habits in your children.

Weekly Cleaning Schedule for Working Moms

As a working mom it can be overwhelming to try to get it all done. We work long hours only to come home to a messy house and a hungry family. Who has time for that? But this weekly cleaning schedule will help the busy mom keep a realistic house cleaning routine.

I would encourage you to add to your evening routine to pack lunches and lay out clothes for the next day. I know its tough to take the time when you are tired, but its amazing how spending just a few minutes at night sets you up for a much smoother day the next day, especially getting out the door in the morning.

Daily House Cleaning Schedule

What to Clean Weekly

To keep everything neat, Good Housekeeping recommends that you perform certain cleaning tasks every day, including sweeping the kitchen floor, wiping down the kitchen counters, and sanitizing the sinks. Then, once a week, you should change your bedding and clean the inside of your microwave.

Print off our Printable Weekly Cleaning Schedule below to get your started. Also, let go of the guilt. Ill be the first to say I dont do that much cleaning, but each day I do what I can to keep on top of things.

Get Your Free Printable PDF Daily Cleaning Checklist Here



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