Virtual Desktop tracking stutter

Product: Star Wars: Squadrons
Please specify your platform model. PC
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Kileebo
Are you playing in VR? Yes
Which VR Platform are you using? Other
Please explain 'Other' Bug occurs any time in-game, no matter the part of the game.
Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Other
What were you doing when the bug occurred? Step by Step detail is helpful. The bug occurs after 5-10 minutes of gameplay once inside the cockpit, whether in practice, story mode, or multiplayer.
Where did this issue occur? Please include menu name or in game location. The bug occurs after 5-10 minutes of gameplay once inside the cockpit, whether in practice, story mode, or multiplayer.
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 02.10.20 08:00
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Can't play
What happens when the bug occurs? After 5-10 minutes of gameplay, headtracking produces significant stuttering inside the cockpit when moving my head (e.g., control panels, player model, and all other cockpit interior textures). However, headtracking outside the cockpit remains smooth, in that what I observe outside the cockpit - external environment, ships, etc. - seems unaffected by the stuttering/lag. The only way that I temporarily fix the issue is to enable passthrough (double tap side of quest), then doubletap again to resume VR. I can also temporarily fix the bug by exiting to the main menu and toggling VR off, which brings me back to the oculus link menu screen. If I move my head around a bit, I can see the tracking resets, then I toggle VR back on. Using either of these methods fixes the bug but only for another 5-10 minutes, at which time the headtracking stuttering returns. Rinse and repeat.
What do you expect to see? No stuttering.
Which ship were you playing? If not applicable, just answer "no" or "none." none
What components were you using? Quest using Link Cable. The bug exists using the cable on steamvr and openvr. It also exists on Virtual Desktop/steamvr. i7-9700k, 2080 super, 16gb ram.
Which customizations (if any) were you using? none.

See above.

Virtual Desktop tracking stutter