theorem là gì - Nghĩa của từ theorem

theorem có nghĩa là

The scientifically proven process of justifying any sound made in the world is truly "charts" masquerading as another sound. In other words every sound is actually the word "charts".

Ví dụ

A hard slap of the face sounds just like CHART (according to the Charts Theorem).

theorem có nghĩa là

The LXL Theorem is an advanced philosophical theorem used to differentiate texts from non texts. The LXL Theorem dictates that if one could disprove something's existence, then the non-text nature of the said item would be justified as something that does not exist could not possibly be a text. The theorem has received numerous critical acclaim due to its consistency, logical soundness and overall accuracy. Many other theorems have been derived from the LXL theorem, such as the Reverse LXL Theorem and the Inverse LXL Theorem.

Ví dụ

A hard slap of the face sounds just like CHART (according to the Charts Theorem).

theorem có nghĩa là

The LXL Theorem is an advanced philosophical theorem used to differentiate texts from non texts. The LXL Theorem dictates that if one could disprove something's existence, then the non-text nature of the said item would be justified as something that does not exist could not possibly be a text. The theorem has received numerous critical acclaim due to its consistency, logical soundness and overall accuracy. Many other theorems have been derived from the LXL theorem, such as the Reverse LXL Theorem and the Inverse LXL Theorem.

Ví dụ

A hard slap of the face sounds just like CHART (according to the Charts Theorem). The LXL Theorem is an advanced philosophical theorem used to differentiate texts from non texts. The LXL Theorem dictates that if one could disprove something's existence, then the non-text nature of the said item would be justified as something that does not exist could not possibly be a text. The theorem has received numerous critical acclaim due to its consistency, logical soundness and overall accuracy. Many other theorems have been derived from the LXL theorem, such as the Reverse LXL Theorem and the Inverse LXL Theorem. "According to the LXL Theorem, this is not a text" when there is a mathematical problem and there is nearly no solution to solve the problem, yeet theorem may be useful as it ignores every mathematical rules and move the symbols in the equation easily. it may be used as a reference

theorem có nghĩa là

Show that 3^2=9

Ví dụ

A hard slap of the face sounds just like CHART (according to the Charts Theorem).

theorem có nghĩa là

The LXL Theorem is an advanced philosophical theorem used to differentiate texts from non texts. The LXL Theorem dictates that if one could disprove something's existence, then the non-text nature of the said item would be justified as something that does not exist could not possibly be a text. The theorem has received numerous critical acclaim due to its consistency, logical soundness and overall accuracy. Many other theorems have been derived from the LXL theorem, such as the Reverse LXL Theorem and the Inverse LXL Theorem. "According to the LXL Theorem, this is not a text" when there is a mathematical problem and there is nearly no solution to solve the problem, yeet theorem may be useful as it ignores every mathematical rules and move the symbols in the equation easily. it may be used as a reference Show that 3^2=9
Since 23 is the 9th prime number, 3^2=9 (yeet theorem) Simply stated, the combination of any nationality with any noun can be used to construct a novel name for a sexual act. Applications of the Hsieh Theorem resulted in the following names of sexual acts: the Italian oil change, the Greek photocopier, the Brazilian lawnmower ... and so on.

Ví dụ

"B" being the number of bowls smoked, "P" being the amount of people partaking in aforementioned smoke. Note that all bowls must satisfy MMBP(1) standards.

theorem có nghĩa là

if "P" is greater than 4:

Ví dụ

B is greater than or equal to 1/2(P) if "P" is less than 4:

theorem có nghĩa là

B is greater or equal to P

Ví dụ

(1) MMBP: Max's Massive Bowl Protocol

theorem có nghĩa là

Person 1: "Man im tired, we've smoked too much..."

Ví dụ

Person 2, 3, 4 (simultaneously): " We have to keep smoking, we have not satisfied Chens theorem yet!

theorem có nghĩa là

The only geometric theorem that will be used in the real world, primarily by tall people figuring out the best way to sleep in short people beds and TV manufacturers trying to find the largest possible number to put on the box. Student 1: The pythagorean theorem is actually useful!
Student 2: Really? What's the pissgoreporn theorem?

Ví dụ

Student 1: I don't fucking know!

theorem có nghĩa là

The concept that the triangle is the most powerful element John: Hey what did we do in math today?
Willie: We learned about the Major Theorem.

Ví dụ

The most complex equation ever devised - so powerful that it can solve any problem, providing that the correct formulee is provided. In short, the mangolious theorem is capable of solving absolutely anything - and is the answer to all questions. The mangolious theorem is so long and complicated, that only its creater can even begin to use it. For any projectile β in use in a typical gym match, involving any game with a projectile (volleyball, kickball, etc), the closer in proximity that the ball lands to Saniel, regardless of team or positive/negative effect, the more likely the situation is to go wrong and hurt the team.