serbed là gì - Nghĩa của từ serbed

serbed có nghĩa là

One of the world's gorgeous looking peoples out there! Full of pride, values and strength!


Damn, serbs are sexy mofo's!!!

serbed có nghĩa là

A person of Serbian origin. A person belonging to the Serbian nation.


I am a Serb.

serbed có nghĩa là

- A person of Serbian background.
- A person that is from the Serbian (Slavic) race.
- A person that can go through alot and win in the end.
- A person that is loved by some, hated by some, feared by all.


He is a Serb. That man is a Serb

serbed có nghĩa là

A Serb, is a Serbian person, Orthodox, and a slav. Serbs have a wonderful country Serbia, full of history, beautiful culture, and wonderful loving people. Serbs are very patriotic, intelligent,brave, and are God's people. They inhabited Bosnia and Hercegovina( which borders Serbia) during the 6th century, and have been living there ever since. During the Ottoman period, Turks invaded Bosnia( Like many other countries, including Serbia) and tortured, raped, and killed the Serbs. They forced them to convert to Islam, and that's why a lot of "Bosnjaks" today have Serb blood in them.Some Serbs also have some Turkish blood, from being raped for 500 years. During this period, Serbs ran from the Turks, and inhabited a big part of Croatia, called Krajina. These three countries are the main ones inhabited by Serbs, and they are all very special and historical to them. In 1918 Yugoslavia was formed, and these 3 countries, including few others, were joined together. In 1990 a horrible civil war broke out in Bosnia and Croatia, and Yugoslavia broek up. Thanks to propoganda, everything was blamed on Serbs. The world has a bad view about them now, but the truth always comes out and history will tell its story later on. The Serbs from Croatia were Ethnically cleansed and there are hardly any left now. The Serbs from Bosnia were alos cleansed out, but thanks to Ratko Mladic, and Radovan Karadzic, there is a Serb Rapublik which saved and Protected the Serbs in Bosnia. Since the war, Serbs have spread all over the world. But they all know who they are and where they're from. Serbia will always be their homeland, and in their hearts.


Q: Who were the first inhabitants of Kosovo?
A: Serbs
Q: Who does Kosovo belong to?
A: Serbs

serbed có nghĩa là

Loved by some.................Hated by many...................Feared by ALL


"ARKAN" most dangerous dead man in the world..........

serbed có nghĩa là

One of the most dangerous Mafias in the world. Do not fuck with these guys.


Who started WW I ?

Long live Gavrilo Princip

serbed có nghĩa là

Serbs are European people who speak a Slavic language related to other Slavic languages such as Russian, Polish, Czech, and Bulgarian. The Serbs have lived in the Balkans since the 6th century AD. They moved in from the north and east of Europe as part of a huge wave of resettlement known as the "migration of the peoples," which occurred during and after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. This wave of settlers also included other Slavs that miagrated later on, who would eventually become the Croats, Bosnians, and Bulgarians. Each of these groups formed their own medieval kingdoms at different times.


Milos Obilic, one of the greatest Serbian Hero's who ever lived

serbed có nghĩa là

Serb..coming form the race serbians..
serbs are south slavs from the peninsula, and jugoslavija & the kingdom of serbs..
Serb is a meaning for one person who comes from the race serbian.. it is a shorcut.. eg: she is a serb ( instead of she is a serbian girl)
Serbs are from the kingdom of serbs, but now form serbia & montenegro.. we serbs are similar to the greeks, russians & macedonians..
We all believe in one thing :: god
we all have the same religion :: ORTHODOX
we all have the same belief :: god (Boga), the virgin mary (bogorodica), jesus (isus), our saints (sveti jovan, sveti sava, sveti vasulije and so on)
we all have the same christmas, eatser :: christmas (Bozic) JANUARY 7TH , easter (uskrus) APRIL but is always 1 week after the Australian EASTER)
Any serb would know this :P
Greeks, russians & macedonians r our orthodox borthers & sisters.. through our religion.. beliefs.. friendships, countires boardering eachother.. we are connected.


I am serbian.. :) my parents are serbs, my dad is a serb.. he was in the war against the croatz.. we won :).. our country was fromaly called YUOGLSAVIJA (yuoglsavia) (kingdom of serbs), it then changed to SERBIJA, now formaly known as SERBIA & MONTENEGRO (srbija i crna gora).
our history goes far back in the 15 bc.. the turks took over our country.. we got it back.. many ciities were ruined.. our food and music changed. but not too much, we still have traditional serbian food and music.. AND our religion stood strong.. ORTHODOX.. we are not the type of people to be pushed around by muslims or any other religion.. we got out country back after a war with the Ottoman Empire and his Ottoman Turks.. KARADJORJE is our hero.. (rather not tell you all the details, but he killed the empire)
We are serbs.. we are not affraid of anything, were religious people, who believe in god, jesus and the virgin mary, we go along our daily lifes praying and believing and having faith in our religious beliefs.
We follow our comandments, and go to church every sunday, before a saint day.. a few days before christmas, a few days before easter.
We are not anoying people, we are not refugee's, we are not non slavic.. we are not catholic.. we are not what you people assume us to be.. why don't you's come to our country.. and see how it is, and see WHAT : our food is, our music, our events, our churches and OUR PEOPLE.
We are not refugee's.
We are serbs from SERBIA & MONTENEGRO..
with the backgrounds of : bosna (bosnia & hercigovina), kosovo.

serbed có nghĩa là

The name "Serb" is ancient. It is non-Slavic in origin and more likely than not original Serbs were overlords of the Slavs. Tha name 'Serb' designates not only the population in the Balkan peninsula but of Lusatia as well. Lusatia, a region in Eastern Germany is inhabited by a nation the Germans call the Wends from which the Greeks derived the word Venedi. The name "Serb" is ibero-caucasian in origin. In comes from the word "Ser" meaning "man", with the "bi" added to make the plural form. The Serbs were part of the Caucasian Race much like the Georgians, Mingrelians, Lezghians, Ingush, and spoke a language simmilar to these peoples. At some point in the history of the Serbs, this Old Serb language stood side by side with the Slavic language in White Serbia (Porphyrogenitus) and likely even in the first 300 years leading up to the formation of the Serb state on the Balkans in the 9th century. Even to this day, the Serb language has at least a third as many words in its vocabulary than other Slavic languages. This is because of the influence of Old Serb and Illyrian as well as Turkish on the Slavic language spoken by Serbs today.


here is an examples of the Old Serb words which exist side by side with Slavic words in the modern Serb language.

A word of Slavic origin in modern Serbian:HLEB
A word of Old Serb origin in modern Serbian:PITA
English translation:a bread – a loaf

serbed có nghĩa là

Kinda like "served"...only done by someone of Serbian decent. Usually also implying overwhelming sexual prowess and natural ability.


You got "serbed"...
Wow, that slavic guy "Serbed" your mom last night...
Shii dawg, i heard Sasa "serbed" that bitch last night...
Put a Tiger in that Bitch's Tank, "serb" her!