Press the point là gì

Photo by:abi ismailon Unsplash

"Belabor the point" có belabor là đánh nhừ tử -> cụm từ này nghĩa là nói phóng đại, nói quá lên/nhắc đi nhắc lại [đay đi đay lại] một vấn đề quá mức cần thiết, nhiều đến mức khiến người nghe chán nản/bực tức.

Ví dụ
That's the beauty of "Three Things," we just turn on the camera and go. Larry didn't want to belabor the point, so he pivoted [xoay quanh chủ đề], but after the camera was off we were discussing the segment briefly [ngắn gọn] and he delivered a great Larry line: "Look at last year. These Lions ain't comin' in here scared."

To belabor the point about Stefanskis game-plan preferences [sở thích], he called running plays at the third-highest rate in the NFL last season as Vikings offensive [tấncông] coordinator [điều phối].

I wont belabor the point beyond to say that I think that the allocation [chỉ định] that the SA gave to the SBA is inadequate [không tương xứng] and their explanation was non-existent.

The left lane, whether explicitly [rõ ràng] stated or not, is for faster traffic. I feel like I need to belabor the point, because some of yall just dont get it.

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