Mvc2 Iceman move list


That wasnt hard to read. Thanks. This is a list of moves Iceman can block w/ out taking chip. Obvious, but might be useful to some people. BTW: Its from GameFAQS

-Akuma [Gouki]] Gou Hadou Ken, Zankuu Hadou Ken, Messatsu
Gou Hadou,Tenma Gou Zankuu.
-Anakaris: Ouke no Sabaki, Hitsugi no Mai, all his HCs.
-Blackheart: Dark Thunder, Inferno, Armageddon, Heart of Darkness.
-B.B. Hood[Bulleta]: Smile & Missile, Happy & Missile,
Cheer & Fire, Cool Hunting, Apple For You [far range or blocked].
-Cable: Viper Beam, Hyper Viper.
-C.Commando: Captain Fire, Captain Corridor, Captain Sword.
-Charlie [Nash]: Sonic Boom, Sonic Break
-Chun-Li: Reishiki Kikou Ken, Kikou Ken, Kikou Shou.
-Cyclops: Optic Blast, Optic Sweep, both HCs, also the 'eye blast
ending of Rising Uppercut and Rapid Punch.
-Dan Hibiki: Gadou Ken, Shinkuu Gadou Ken.
-Dhalsim: Yoga Fire, Yoga Flame, Yoga Blast, Yoga Inferno.
-Dr. Doom: Plasma Beam, Photon Shot, Photon Array, Electric Chage.
-Felicia: Sand Splash, Hyper Sand Splash.
-Gambit: Kinetic Card, Trick Card, both of his HCs.
-W. Guile: Sonic Boom, Sonic Hurricane
-Hayato: Engetsu.
-Hulk: Gamma Slam, all HCs [except the hand hit of the Gamma Quake].
-Iceman: Ice Beam.
-Iron Man: Unibeam, Repulsor Blast, Proton Cannon [except for the
physical hit with the cannon barrel].
-Jin S.: Saotome Dynamite, Blodia Vulcan.
-Juggernaut: Earthquake Punch [except for hand hit part].
-Ken M.: Hadoken.
-Magneto: E-M Disruptor, Magnetic Blast, both of his HCs.
-Marrow: Bone-merang, both HCs.
-M.Bison [Vega]: Psycho Shot, Psycho Field, Psycho Explosion.
-Megaman [Rockman]: Hyper Rockman.
-Morrigan: Soul Fist, Soul Eraser, Silhouette Blade.
-Psylocke: Psi-Thrust, Kochou Gakure.
-Roll: Hyper Roll.
-Ruby Heart: Fant"me, Supremacion, Milles Fant"mes, Pare-tonn?re,
Tour de Magie.
-Ryu H.: Hadoken, Shinkuu Hadoken.
-Sabretooth: Armed Birdie, Hyper Armed Birdie.
-Sakura K.: Hadou Ken, Shinkuu Hadou Ken [either form].
-Sentinel: Plasma Storm.
-Servebot [Kobun]: Kobun Fire.
-ShumaGorath: Mystic Stare.
-S. Samurai: Raimei Ken, Hyouga Ken, Homura Ken.
-Sonson: All her HCs.
-Spider-Man: Web Ball.
-Storm: Lightning Sphere.
-Strider H.: Formation B [If Ducked].
-Thanos: Death Sphere, all his HCs.
-Venom: Venom Rush, Death Bite. -
War Machine: Repulsor Blast.
-Wolverine: Fatal Claw.
-Zangief: Banishing Flat, Vodka Fire [in Mecha Zangief form].

*Originally posted by ironflip *
**this is gonna sound really cheap but hey. i would play iceman/cable/cyce. i think u might need an ati air because he can get rush the f down man. and when he gets hit he takes them hard. well i would just keep them away and they would probably make a mistake once they start noticing that the ice beams are draining their lives away. when playing cable make sure you wait beacause you dont want to get ahvb. then ice man is dead just play keep away. if u get bored just dash like like u said his dash is full screen. and bait out thier assist by wave dashing bask and fourth and then do that super. its an ok assist killer. just dont do it on cable **

iceman/cable/cyke is not a bad team. But I would reccomend that you use iceman/sent/aa, or another assist that would do damge to assist in the lack of damage iceman can do bye himself.

I want to stress that you must abuse his down fp in the air xx the big ice ball. [dont remember the motion at this time] It is good to control the air, and will take sentinels out of the sky. If anyone could locate them, Rattana from team seattle used iceman at a SHGL tourney a long time ago and did really well. Iceman is underrated and must be looked at in a different way.

Read the wavedashing xx throw tactics posted by dasrik. It will help him alot. Btw, ice man has a different imput to wavedash, I dont remember the imput. It was posted by clockwork a while back.

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