Java List == null add

For beginners + This article has a lot of personal opinions.

When I'm doing code reviews, I sometimes see

List list =Some process / method [List is returned]; //NULL and empty check if [list == null || list.size[] == 0] { }

It is a code that performs NULL / empty check of List.

There is no problem in operation. However, I don't like it so much, so I may ask you to fix it. There are mainly ** two ** reasons.

First of all, I would like you to check if the list variable may be set to NULL in "Some process / method".

If you can make it NULL, you should fix the process there.


This is to reduce the possibility of a NullPointerException. You can also eliminate the caller's null check.

If "some process / method" is common, all callers must check for NULL. If the caller does not check for NULL, there is a risk of getting a NullPointerException.

If it never returns NULL, the method caller does not have to assume that it will return NULL. The caller implementation will be a little easier.

Remove all the elements in the list using remove []` `` or removeAll []` ``, etc.

Collections.emptyList[]Let's return an empty list with something like that.

It is also a good idea to add final to the List declaration. * I told you in the comments. # Second: I want you to use isEmpty [] instead of size == 0 Is this a personal hobby? opinion? is. #### **`list.size ==List instead of 0.isEmpty[]I want you to.`**


I think there is an opinion that "the contents ofʻis Empty []`` is size == 0 `` !!!". That's right at all. Nothing changes as the processing content.

But isn't list.isEmpty []` `` easier to understand than` `list.size == 0 ...? Perhaps `list.isEmpty []` is easier for non-Java programmers to understand, "I'm checking if it's empty!".

I want you to stop the NULL check and only check the empty of isEmpty [] `` `. To avoid the need for NULL checking, never return NULL in "some process / method", even if it returns an empty list.size[] == 0Than,isempty[]Is more readable**I personally think**Soisempty[]```to use.

List list =Some process / method [List is returned]; //Empty check only if [list.isEmpty[]] { }

Occasionally, there is a code that judges with ``` &&` `` as shown below, but be careful because it will be a NullPointerException if NULL comes.

if[list == null && list.size[] == 0]{}

Apparently in the training for new employees[list == null || list.size[] == 0]It seems that he was taught. I'm not wrong, but ... I was sick of it, so I wrote an article. [What do you mean?

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