mmorpgs là gì - Nghĩa của từ mmorpgs

mmorpgs có nghĩa là

A treadmill that makes you fatter.


Everquest, Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft[soon!!]

mmorpgs có nghĩa là

A Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.

An online game that is very similar to windows 95 with ICQ and a fantasy background.

Double-click everywhere to kill an endless stream of monsters in a fantasy world and gain new powers. Do this for hours on end while chatting with someone named "Drizzt23" or "MikethePike" about where in Korea or France or Alabama you live and what was on TV last night.

Contrary to the name, these games do not feature role-playing, so don't worry. Perfect for people who are too slow for Counter-Strike, and with no friends or imagination for role-playing.


A: "Caleb played 34 hours of Lineage 2 this weekend!"
B: "Wow, how many levels did he gain?"
A: "That was amazing, he gained 4 levels!! Unfortunately, he got a cramp in his mouse-finger and had to quit."
B: "Awesome, he's a true role-player!"

mmorpgs có nghĩa là

Many Men Online Role-Playing Girls.


Ceciliantas: /em starts to go deeper and harder, fast as he can as he spreads her legs a bit more and slaps her butt, keeping his other hand pressed onto her clit, he kisses her sweetly her breasts rubbing nicely against his chest.

mmorpgs có nghĩa là

An acronym for "Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game". Players play the video game competing against and cooperating with other players connected to an online network. Most require players to purchase the software and pay a subscription fee to participate.

Some eaxamples are EverQuest, World of Warcraft, Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxies among others. These games have spawned a sub-culture of gamers with many of their own words and phrases unique to the experience.


1. MMORPG's rule, but I haven't had a date since I started playing. :[
2. I'm a l337 lvl 60 in WoW. I pwn!

mmorpgs có nghĩa là

Mindless Meaningless Overrated Repetitive Pointless Game.

A game you play for no reason other than the fact that you are addicted or you're just trying it out. You play it and play it as your mind goes into a passive state as you click away and bash on your macros. The only "real" point of the game is to level up and strengthen your character as much as possible, and when you finally get it to the maximum level, hopefully you realize that you have just wasted several months or quite possibly even years of your life. It never gives you a sense of accomplishment because anyone can do it, you need no skill, no self-discipline, just a large amount of time on your hands and a couple Mountain Dews to pull some all-nighters. For some real gaming, play a console or PC game, which develops reaction time, perseverance, and maybe even a little hand-eye coordination. Even when MMORPGs get updates, it doesn't matter because the main point of the game is still just to kill more stuff and become more powerful so you can kill stronger stuff and become more powerful so you can kill even stronger stuff and become more powerful and so on. Maybe it's fun to play with friends because you can joke around as you play. They're fun at first with all the cool, big worlds and fun, flashy attacks, but after that, it's just the power-up/kill stuff cycle. So please, do yourself a favor and at least realize what you're doing as you click away while in that raid. MMORPGs become more than just a hobby when you really get into them. They start consuming many aspects of your life. Get a healthy hobby like console games, or a PC game that requires skill like Counter-Strike or Starcraft. They have more of a point to them, like getting a however high score or something. Also, you can keep balance in your life with a console, it will work around your schedule instead of you having to work around its. You can still go outside and hang with friends and stuff while still playing video games. Consoles won't consume your life [well maybe just for short periods if you find really good games]. It will be hard to quit at first because your mind will still be addicted to that MMORPG, but you'll soon realize how much better off you are.


Person 1: Hey, I just got a Wii.

Person 2: That's cool, I got World of Warcraft, it looks like such an awesome MMORPG!

[Six months later]

Person 1: Hey man how's it goi- Whoa! Dude, what happened to your skin? You look like a freaking vampire!

Person 2: Yeah, well I've been inside for the past 6 months staring at my computer screen. My character is getting really strong.

1: That looks unhealthy, man you should stop.

2: Never!

mmorpgs có nghĩa là

1. A mans mistress
2. Relationship killer.


1.If it wasnt for that g damn MMORPG
he'd get some pussy.
2. She's a MMORPG widow.

mmorpgs có nghĩa là

1] A Massive Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game.
2]Played by children for 3 months to a year until they are discouragd enough to quit.
3] A world away from our own that connects the unconnected through simulated reality.Originated from Chat Dungeons which allowed players to run around poorly rendered dungeons to simply speak to eachother. Soon after items and quests were added then games like World of Warcraft, Anarchy Online Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot Etc were created.

These games help young adults and adults to take some time away from their working or repititous lives and live in a harmless world for a little bit of their daily life.


"Wheeler:Dood iukm so fiiucking bord.
James:I reccomend you play a MMORPH Wheeler!"

"I cant hunny I have a guild raid with the guys tonight.. you know its just like real people i cant just stand them up!
Wife: *blank stare* I'm going to the gym.
Husband: Bye sweety! see you tomorrow sorry!

mmorpgs có nghĩa là

A system where you spend a good portion of your time at a computer, perform repetitive tasks to be promoted a level, fight with fellow players, and occasionally deal with boss creatures. Its just like work, only difference is you pay a monthly fee instead of BEING PAID a monthly fee.


Dan: Dude, I spent all of last week goldfarming on 'GalacticMedievalQuest' and I'm now a Level 34 Space-Elf Druid.

Bill: Thats nothing. I spent most of last week playing office politics & delegating responsibility at Initech Corp and I'm now promoted to Middle Manager. Plus they're paying me $10,000/mo.

Dan: FuXX0r! What new MMORPG is that?!

mmorpgs có nghĩa là

Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. The rather long acronym for the most popular types of games in the world. The key features that separate these from other games are:
1] monthly payments
2] constantly changing game
3] seasonal events
4] the ability to talk to, trade with, fight and team up with other players
5] non-linear gameplay
6] an illogical stereotype about people getting addicted to them, being fat and unhealthy. Although it is true that they are slightly to fairly addictive in some cases, due to the natural human urge to better yourself, it is only a minority of people that this actually affects, and they have to be weak minded enough to convince themselves that games are more important than social lives. However, contrary to popular opinion, in moderation, they are much better than watching TV as most critics of them tend to do in their spare time as they improve reaction times, memory, reasoning and tactical thinking.


Bob: "You're such a nerd for playing an MMORPG Phil. You should really quit". Phil: "Quit? And sit there watching American Idol and shouting at the TV? No thanks".

mmorpgs có nghĩa là

MMORPG MMORPG requires time and money
MMORPG = Time × Money and time is money
Time = Money
MMORPG = Money^2 Money is root of all evil
Money = sqrt[Evil]
MMORPG = sqrt[Evil] × sqrt[Evil]
MMORPG = [sqrt[Evil]]^2 Therefore, MMORPG is evil


Bob: Play this MMORPG!
John: MMORPG is evil! like girls!

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