lunas là gì - Nghĩa của từ lunas

lunas có nghĩa là

Luna is a badass she will fight for anyone who can’t fight for themselves. She cares about the underdogs. She has a lot of friends and comes off as mean or intimidating but she’s actually really nice and sweet. Luna is the definition of drop dead beautiful.She has such a big heart. She is also extremely funny and can make anyone smile.Her smile can lighten up a room. But don’t let that smile fool you she is really good at hiding her emotions. She is so selfless and cares about others before herself. She’s usually tall with dark hair and eyes. If you ever meet a Luna be nice and she’ll do the same. Don’t loose this one because she’s a great friend and girlfriend.Falling for her is easy but her falling for someone is a little harder she has probably been heart broken or just plays hard to get so give her time and she’ll come through


Wow she was really nice and beautiful she’s probably a Luna.

lunas có nghĩa là

Luna is the most beautiful girl you've ever seen. She is a girl with a great personality, she is awesome in every single way. A girl who's funny, classy, gentle, loyal, silly... She can always cheer people up. For me she's bae and she will always be.


Guy 1: i really need a beautiful girlfriend who's funny af, simply an amazing girl who can make me always happy. Guy 2: oh, you really need to search you a Luna!

lunas có nghĩa là

a person with a great personality and is hot as fuck.


wow, she is such a luna

lunas có nghĩa là

She is a great person with a beautiful smile and personality. She is a great human and will stand by your side every step of the way. She can’t be crazy or mean. She is one of the nicest people you will ever see and know. As soon as you get to know her you will figure out that her conditioner smells like strawberry. She is can be really fun but doesn’t like to play sports. She will catch your eye as soon as you see her you that will tempt you to ask her out.


Luna means that she will go to the moon and back for her loved ones and crushes.

lunas có nghĩa là

Luna is an amazing friend! She might seem very shy at first but once you get close with her she is weird in a good way and very funny! You’ll laugh with a Luna until the sunsets. You’ll always get chest pain from laughing with her.


Girl: Oh I wanna be friends with her she seems like a Luna

lunas có nghĩa là

A girl with a beautiful smile and looks like a good girl but when you get to know her she’ll unleash her comfortable/ crazy side or maybe another side you never expected of her. She’s really pretty and sexually attractive, she can turn into a seductive gorgeous girl in a snap. She has a sexy body and usually Latina, she’s a very good friend and very loyal, but if you cheat or get rude she’s not afraid to leave or say what’s on her mind, she’s not afraid to fight but she fights for reasons that really piss her off. She’s also smart and quiet most of the time but don’t let the pretty cover fool you, she’s a mixture of great personalities! If you have a Luna, consider yourself lucky, she can hook you up with mostly everything or make you the most happiest guy/ girl in the world.


Boy1: damn I really need a girl. Boy2: get yourself a Luna, they’re beautiful and good in bed Girl1: I have a friend named luna and she does not fail to cheer me up, I can hook you up with her? Boy1: REALLY?? thanks a lot, I need a girl who I can prioritize and fall in love with quickly! Boy2: don’t use her as a rebound tho, you’ll look like an idiot if you lose her. Damn and she’s Latina *smiles* hot! Girl1: you boys are disgusting...*facepalms*

lunas có nghĩa là

A Luna is one of the nicest persons you will ever meet. You have to see beyond Luna's eyes to see the moon in her. She is known for helping others, and always puts others first rather than herself. Luna means "moon". The moon and its magic, open all the windows of your up to a powerful healing and transformation. It is the gift that with her magic, the full moon brings to you. If you know a Luna don't ever let her go she is one of a kind and is worth more then gold.


Look at the starts Luna, look how they shine for you The moon was so beautiful, that the ocean had to held up a mirror

lunas có nghĩa là

This is a very difficult name to define because it is a very special person behind this name. First of all, this name mean she in Spanish and Italian "Moon." Luna is the moongod. She is a person who will always stand up for her opinions, she has her own head!
She is very smart a lot of people don't notice that because she hides it the most time. She is a very loyal person she would do anything for someone she truly loves.
Always there for you and a extremely good talkpartner. A huge heart, sweet, kind, funny, hot af and sexy. She is also a very strong but also at the same time s very sensitive and vulnerable person. But the most conspicuous thing of her is how extremely beautiful she is. The most people say that she is the most beautiful women they have ever seen. When she walks into a room are all eyes on her, she shines extremely. Most of the females are envious of her,
because the way she looks is very different..special.


Wow she shines like an angel that god gave us, she is such a luna.

lunas có nghĩa là

she is this girl with sweet face and a heart full of kindness. she is free spirit, she rather stay home listing to music then going out with bunch of friends. she enjoy being alone with her thoughts. luna loves day dreaming and playing video games.


hey dude, this girl always in her mind thinking, whats with her?
nah! she just love being alone with her thoughts, luna is unique girl.

lunas có nghĩa là

The name Lunae refers to the reflection of the moon onto a tranquil body of water. Fun-loving, creative, athletic and smart are these rare and angelic creatures. Identified by their deep intrests in key subjects, they make the perfect match for their choosen field. Despite never finding their oh-so-sweet name on any Gift shop memorabilia, they tend to be determined, passionate and truly intelligent types. Often described as wise beyond their years they are fantastic to take to bookstores and cafes. A strict diet of love and care from themselves and others is necessary to see them truly flourish. They are kind, altruistic and driven placing them in the minority of the population. Like them, their fashion sense is far above the ordinary; easily identified by unique clothing peices and tasteful shoes. They are capable of great things but like the moon, are ever changing.


Lunae edged forward, the moon glinting in her eyes and the stars constructing an universe of an iris.