latvian là gì - Nghĩa của từ latvian

latvian có nghĩa là

a person from Latvia

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Man, Vitauts is such a latvian.

latvian có nghĩa là

A tall gazelle-like person who drinks beer and jumps over things.

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Man, Vitauts is such a latvian.

latvian có nghĩa là

A tall gazelle-like person who drinks beer and jumps over things.

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Man, Vitauts is such a latvian.

latvian có nghĩa là

A tall gazelle-like person who drinks beer and jumps over things.

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Man, Vitauts is such a latvian. A tall gazelle-like person who drinks beer and jumps over things.

latvian có nghĩa là

Hey look, it's Ed the Latvian!

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Jelly [usually lime flavoured] made by one sexual partner inside the anus of the other. Once set, the jelly is excreted and consumed by one or both parties I made some Latvian jelly last night and it took ages to set

latvian có nghĩa là

an awesome person; totally chill; party hard drinker; comes from eastern europe; best partier; pleasures guys; knows how to have a good time; beautiful girls; sexy guys person 1: wow, who is that she's awesome!
person 2: oh, that's a latvian;

Ví dụ

Where one sexual partner makes a jelly mixture up and pours it over the partner when it is cool but not set. They let it set on their partner's skin and later lick it off and eat it off the skin including all orifices. Lemon flavour or lime flavour tastes best * Hey bitch, what's for dinner tonight?
* Don't know about you, but I'm having Latvian jelly

latvian có nghĩa là

Playing Russian roulette with a semi-automatic pistol.

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A semi-automatic pistol, unlike a revolver, automatically inserts a cartridge into the firing chamber when the gun is cocked, removing the chance of living.

latvian có nghĩa là

In Latvian roulette, player always lose, suffering end.

Ví dụ

Do not call a Latvian person 'Russian', unless you wish to loose some teeth.

latvian có nghĩa là

Such is life in Latvia.

Ví dụ

Latvian girls are mental bitches I mean psycho level. Don’t mess with Latvian girls as they will most likely chop you’re cock off

latvian có nghĩa là

Person 1 “jheez that girls pshcho”

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Person2 “yeah she’s latvian

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