jordaneer là gì - Nghĩa của từ jordaneer

jordaneer có nghĩa là

Jordan is a beatiful boy usally with dark brown or black hair and brown eyes. When you first meet a Jordan he will seem vary standoffish. But once you get to know him you will see he is a kind and loving person who is very funny and just wants to be loved him self. Once you see a Jordan you can't help but smile. Jordan's are also very attractive and stylish


Wow who's that guy over their? Ohh that a Jordan

jordaneer có nghĩa là

A Jordan is absolutely fantastic. She never is boring and is constantly interesting. She is sweet but has an amazing sexy side to her. A Jordan is usually beautiful. Her beauty is indescribable and it should never be described as using "hot." A Jordan is so kind and loving she deserves just as much respect. A Jordan needs the attention and affection that she deserves. Also, she doesn't take things too fast, so don't go too far with her or else you will regret it. A Jordan also usually has an amazing smile. The smile is so cute it's almost serial. And what is there to say about the eyes and hair!? A Jordan's eyes are so attractive and cute. A person could stare into them and just get lost. A Jordan's hair isn't any less amazing. It flows out so naturally, it is so stunning. No matter how she has it; curly, straight etc., she looks beautiful. You could stay with her for the longest time and do nothing and you would never be bored because just being in her presence and being with a Jordan is good enough. But it's not all about looks. A Jordan usually has a great personality. Her laugh is different but so sweet and cute. She is talented in so many ways and she is probably very smart. You couldn't ask for a more perfect girl.


Dude she's hot!
No man, she's a Jordan, she's beautiful.

jordaneer có nghĩa là

A boy unlike any other. One you can truly see yourself being with for the rest of your life. He is the boy you'd die for. You look at him, and your heart will just.. melt. Everything you thought you knew about 'love' changes into something you never could have imagined because of this boy. Once you were broken, and now you are fixed. You can almost feel the emotion in his texts, you can HEAR the truth in his words, you can listen to the rhythmic sounds of love in every single one of his heart beats. You'll want to marry this boy. I promise you. His smile could make the strongest of hearts melt. His laugh could give you so many butterflies that they'll fill your entire stomach and send them flying out of your toes. You'll instantly fall in love with him. Nothing else matters but him. Your head is filled with thoughts of him. Everything reminds you of him. A minute feels like a lifetime with him not around. The memories with a Jordan could pierce the soul. You could never bring yourself to leave him. Never. No matter what he did, when you know that you're all his.. it doesn't ever matter. You spend days with him, and when he leaves, it feels as though it's been 5 minutes. You feel like, in order to feel whole, you need to be around him. To see those amazing eyes and have him hold you in his arms. You love him. You love him always.. Having a Jordan in your life is not always a privilege, but the one i have is surely #1, and i never want to lose my Jordan.


Me: Having Jordan Kresen in my life is an absolute blessing!
The rest of the world: totes.

jordaneer có nghĩa là

[Female] A Jordan is humorous, bubbly, cute and sweet- she can always make you feel better. She would hate to think that she has hurt anyone. She is very empathic and often feels very deeply for others. A Jordan is usually very intelligent and mature, yet very outgoing and possibly loud. A Jordan is incredibly creative. Jordans are never happy with themselves and are always wanting to be like others. A Jordan is very original and unique. She is very sensitive but can be controlling, slightly moody and aggresive. A Jordan usually has a lot of anxiety and worries a lot. A Jordan would never be mean on purpose because it breaks her heart to see others hurt. A Jordan is very bittersweet and can be selfish without knowing it. She is very confusing and indecisive. A Jordan see's things differently from everyone else. A Jordan is slightly shy but comes across very confident. Jordans are noticed to be quite different from everyone else. Almost everyone loves Jordans unless they are jealous or oppisites. She is a very good liar but doesn't usually lie. Everyone can trust a Jordan and they always confind in her. She is an amazing advice giver. A Jordan is very good at makeup and hairstyling also. A Jordan can make anything into her own. A Jordan can not be put into words.


Jordan, you always cheer me up!
Jordan, your so nice!
Jordan, your actually so funny!
Jordan, you always cheer me up!
Jordan, I can trust you!
Jordan, I love you!

jordaneer có nghĩa là

In a female case: a jordan is someone who is sensitive and caring, she likes to have fun but is not trashy. Tries to be nice to others but can be a real bitch if you get on her bad side. Never mess with one of a jordan's friends, because she will rip your head off in a second. Is a good and loyal girlfriend, a little boy crazy, flirty, and respects herself. She is outgoing and is probably more than likely more than glad to be your friend if you be hers.


You: Wow, that girl seems great.
Me: Yeah, she looks like a Jordan to me.

jordaneer có nghĩa là

Jordan is an amazing guy. He is funny, understanding, aggressive, honest, unforgettable. loyal, etc. Jordan might seem a little standoffish, but once you get to know him you will see he is a kind and loving person who is very funny and just wants to be there for you.He's had a rough past, lost loved ones, and gone through things a teenage boy should never have to experience. His fidelity might be swayed at times, but he knows when he's done wrong, and he'll make it right.


"Jordan you are my best friend and ily"

jordaneer có nghĩa là

Jordan is a gamer e boy. He games all night and games all day, and he's really good at it. Jordan lives by the sword and the red bull can. Jordan is a friendly and humorous guy. Jordan likes to show of his gamer moves in the bed that's why he's called the EA payoff, meaning extra ass. Jordan is a tall fellow meaning he can reach places that no one else can [if u know what I mean]. In conclusion Jordan is a Slay queen sipping red bull watching the basketball and Faze vs Liquid CSGO match at the same time


Tejas: Jordan's such a gamer
Corey: Wait till to feel his feet
Tejas: Can't wait until that moment

jordaneer có nghĩa là

Being a true JORDANEER means no matter what you do or where you go,you support jordan in everything he decides, being a true fan till the end!


'I'm a Jordaneer'
whats a jordaneer?
'Oh, heard of Jordan Jansen? I'm one of his fans, his family.'
'So, im a true Jordaneer.'

jordaneer có nghĩa là

The name for the facial hair style adopted by retired American professional basketball player Michael Jordan that is reminiscent of the mustache worn by legendary silent film actor Charlie Chaplin.


I decided to be daring and go with the Jordan after No Shave November ended.

jordaneer có nghĩa là

A shout out to Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player ever. It refers to a person who is the best in his/her chosen field.


Can you believe that birdie he made on the 18th hole to win?? He's totally The Jordan of Golf.

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