jocks là gì - Nghĩa của từ jocks

jocks có nghĩa là

To clear things up, there is a major difference between a jock and athletes. Jocks tend to abuse their popularity, while the athletes don't really mind who they talk to or hang out with.


Signs of a jock: Rude, arrogant, stupid, beats up people, dates only cheerleaders and hangs around other jocks

Signs of a true athlete: Love their sport, try to stay down-to-earth [a little arrogance is expected], hang out with whoever they want, date whoever they want, might beat people up but that doesn't mean it was uncalled for.

jocks có nghĩa là

ass holes, who think they are the hottest most ardorable people in the world, when they have small dicks and cant preform good in bed because they think too much of themselves. Thats why cheerleaders dont go out with the same jock twice, cuz they all have to small a dick, or sometimes they do go out with the same jock cuz they think it grew bitches


Matt: Hey babe could u give me more head?
Betsey: OMG No, ur such a jock!

jocks có nghĩa là

Arguably the most hated, yet loved typical High-School & College-related clique ever. Jocks, to make a long story short, are athletes who are convinced that their athletic skill will help them exceed in life, where in the real world, they end up bagging groceries, or working at a used Car Dealership.

Jocks only listen to Rap music, because everything Rock is "Emo" to them.


Guy 1: "Remember that Jock in Sophomore year that almost beat your ass?"

Guy 2: "Yeah, whatever happened to him?"

Guy 1: "He pumped my fucking Gas yesterday!"

*Laughter Ensues*

jocks có nghĩa là

Plural of jock. US slang for the thick-but-amiable athletic types that always do well socially.


Why do cheerleaders always date jocks?

jocks có nghĩa là

A jock is a young male whose entire life revolves around proving that he is superior to everone else, hence, the involvement in competitive sports. Jocks are trained to trample on other people without feeling any remorse. Some females can be jocks, too. The important thing is NOT that they are actually good at sports, but that they ernestly believe that they are superior and that they act that way. They, of course, have their circle of friends [as many as possible, so as to show everyone how "friendly" they are and to make themselves feel good] who they do acknowledge as nearly their equals. But anybody else is dirt beneath their feet and not worthy to even speak to them.


You see them everywhere. Some stop being jocks after high school, when they find out they really weren't that great after all, even in their chosen sport. Others remain jocks throughout college, or welding school, or whatever. Some remain jocks into their thirties and beyond. By then, it has nothing to do with sports. It's all in the attitude as, of course, it always was.

jocks có nghĩa là

Opposite of nerd. Nerds can't be jocks and vice versa, since jocks usually have little or no interest in books and nerds have little or no interest in gyms.


-Dude, have you ever saw Erik Everhard face ?
Nah. Who's that ?
He's a male pornstar and he looks like one of them jocks, who are spending years in a gym and not caring about anything except for sex with slutty girls. He probably read only one book in his entire life and that was the one dedicated to proper masturbation techniques. Oh, and maybe the one called "Lowering Your IQ To Zero"

jocks có nghĩa là

people who will mess with you in a crowd but wont do shit. just embarrass them once and they'll leave you alone for good. The true pussies of society, really stupid a lot of the time so there easy victims when it comes to crime, need to enjoy high school because life's going to butt fuck them soon enough.


jock 1. dude i am going to fuck with that dude with long hair and the slayer shirt over [aka metal head].
jock 2. yeah do it he seems like a easy target.
jock 1. hey pussy give me your wallet.
metal head. pulls out razor hidden in sleeve at cuts jock 1.
metal head. what did you just learn? give me your wallet pussy and never fucking let me see your face or i cut you up so bad your own mom wont recognize you.
jock 1. Shits pants drops wallet and runs
jock 2. also Shits self and runs.
jocks are all dick suckers

jocks có nghĩa là

guys underwear. my maths techer's nickname. [jock].


Get yer hand outta me jocks

jocks có nghĩa là

A big athlete with a small ass brain. Usually an arrogant asshole, making everyone feel like nothing. Likes to bone cheerleaders, as well as fellow teammates. Seemingly popular in high school, but goes nowhere after graduation. Ends up either working fast food and/or drunk for a living. The epitome of loser.


Regular: Look at Jim, hes got an STD and failed his senior year. What a dumbass jock.

jocks có nghĩa là

jocks, waste their time thinking that they will someday be a professional footballer without actually bothering to try in games or anywhere off the school team. they are big headed, arrogant and often chavy. they only hang around with other jocks and chavs. they pick on the younger years in school [such as year sevens and year eights]. they tend to be year 10s or 11s and think they rule high school [middle school for USA] [wake up call they don't]! they walk around getting in peoples way and ignoring them, making it very difficult to get through the hall ways! they are often late for form as they have been hanging around on the school field not necessarily playing sport. they only date cheerleaders or plastics. they wear chavy clothes or school colors and can be like the chavs violent.
music wise they tend to like pop music and rap and cannot imagine a time past 2005 producing any good music and therefor banishing good bands from there play lists from as early as the year 2000 jocks tend not to aspire to anything after high school and tend to work in a department store or more likely in the local corner shop because the small amount a physical talent they had was wasted with not enough practise and they were relying on that talent to get a good job so have not bothered with their school work so it would be better to just stay away from them!


teacher: who wants to aspire to anything in later life *most put their hands up* teacher: OK then, who does not know what aspire means *jocks put their hands up and then go back to texting*

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