Is desktop good for programming?

Table of Contents

  • Which is Good? Desktop VS Laptop Programming
    • Large Screen Size
    • Portability
    • Processor
    • Cost
    • Power Usage
  • Conclusion [ Desktop VS Laptop Programming ]

Desktop VS Laptop Programming? Every newbie stuck here when wants to start code. Ill also share my research and opinion here on this topic. Im also a programmer thats why I know the advantages and disadvantages of Desktop vs Laptop programming.

Both Desktop and Laptop have their own pros. Ill discuss all possibilities for better understanding. You can share your opinion and experiences in the comments.

Also Read: Best Laptops in 2021

Which is Good? Desktop VS Laptop Programming

Let me share some factors for Laptop Programming and Desktop Programming. You can find out which is best for you. If you have found solutions for any of them then share in comments.

Large Screen Size

When you want to code, screen resolution and size both play a significant role. You should have a minimum Full-HD Display. Also, Desktop computers have mostly large screens, and you can get a large screen whenever you want. But In Laptops, you cant upgrade screen size.

So, I like to code on Desktop computers more than on Laptops. But, it doesnt mean you cant code on Laptops. Because new laptops are coming with different versions along with different screen sizes.


If you are a moody guy, and codes whenever your mood allows, then choose laptops. Because sometimes, I code outside my house and then I need a laptop. Also, you need a laptop for coding with your friends or working on an assignment.


Everyone knows Desktop Computers are much powerful than Laptops. Also, a new model of processor always comes with a desktop first. So, in terms of power, reliability, Desktops are in the first place.


If you can easily spend your earned money then a laptop is a great choice for you. Laptops are more costly than Desktop Computers and in some countries its cost could be double because of its parts and upgrades.

However, you can have a much powerful and good desktop computer at less price than a laptop. You can get a good PC by spending a few hundred dollars and if you invest a thousand dollars then the game is yours. Your Desktop computer would be a great computer.

Power Usage

Laptops need very little power and they are able to store power in their battery. However, if you have a desktop computer then they require a large amount of power because they consume power every time your computer is on.

Also, there could be a problem if you are doing something very important on your computer and electricity breakdown happens. Also, you dont have any power backup so your work couldnt be done on time. A breakdown could take time to recover. So here, your laptop is very efficient. This is one of the biggest factors in Desktop VS Laptop Programming.

Conclusion [ Desktop VS Laptop Programming ]

So, I have shared basically some problems which you can face. Now, its your work to choose the best for you. If you are a newbie then I would tell you to start with Desktop. After some time, when you are comfortable with coding then upgrade to Laptops.

Due to less supply and manufacturing, Laptops are becoming so expensive. So, if you can hold then wait for everything under control. When everything would be okay, and companies will start working again then I hope prices will be less.

Only the Power problem is there with Desktop computers. However, desktop computers are best for Programming. Also, if you have a backup of power in your house then its great.

Hope you find Desktop VS Laptop Programming explanation helpful, THANK YOU!

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