Add item multi column listbox VBA

I'm doing a search like this;
Set rngFind = .Find[strValueToPick, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole] strFirstAddress = rngFind.Address Set rngPicked = rngFind
From this I want to populate the listBox using 3 columns.

I can get the first 2 columns, but how do I get the 3rd column; that on the right to show the month derived from the address.

This is the relavant code with the notes etc..

a = Split[rngFind.Address, "$"]

loc = [a[2]]
e = Cells[loc, 1] 'Gives the Company Name in Col A
Col = rngFind.Column

' MsgBox Col but as a number

'MsgBox e 'Gives the Company Name in Col A
'MsgBox loc 'Gives the Row Number

How do I get this part to show that 3rd column

With ListBox1 .AddItem rngFind.Address ' Cell Address .List[.ListCount - 1, 1] = [Cells[loc, 1]]
The above shows 2 columns

I tried

.List[.ListCount 0, 1] = [Cells[1, loc]] .List[.ListCount-1, 2] = [Cells[1, loc]]
Amoung other things

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